My Complicated Sexual Politics as a Christian Woman

Edit Medium 30 May 2016
My sexual identity is layered with abstinence, abuse, depression, and distrust ... Or the two sexual assaults that occurred before I turned 18 and then again in 2014 by a lovely Christian man I thought I would one day marry ... I cannot disassociate anything remotely sexual, spontaneous PDA included, from abuse or abandonment ... Yes, I want to learn what a less awkward Christian sexual ethic looks like....

Newly appointed SVOTS Professor to offer on-line courses (OCA - Orthodox Church in America)

Edit Public Technologies 19 May 2016
Philip LeMasters, a scholar of Christian ethics, has been appointed to the faculty of St ... 'His work in the field of ethics-including bioethics, sexual ethics, and political ethics-is of utmost importance to our students, who will wrestle with ethical issues as clergy and lay theologians.' ... 'Ministry in a Multi-Faith Context' in the fall, and 'The Ethics of Marriage, Family, and Sexuality' in the spring....

Sex-ed website for migrants under criticism in Germany

Edit Topix 19 May 2016
A German effort to introduce a growing migrant population to European sexual ethics is receiving pushback. The German government recently launched a controversial website with graphic illustrations and diagrams aimed at educating its mostly Muslim migrant population about everything from sexual hygiene to prostitution ... ....

Defying church ban, dozens of Methodist clergy come out as gay and lesbian

Edit CNN 10 May 2016
In a public letter posted online, 111 pastors, deacons, elders and candidates for ministry said church rules require "that we not bring our full selves to ministry, that we hide from view our sexual orientations and gender identities." ... Bush and Hillary Clinton are members -- Methodists in Africa tend towards conservative views on sexual ethics, arguing that Scripture prohibits same-sex relationships....

The ethics of sex

Edit Mail Guardian South Africa 09 May 2016
French philosopher Michel Foucault suggests that, to be sexually ethical, we must be mindful of not only our own desires but also the effect of those desires on our partners, through a constant renegotiation with ourselves and others. Discussions of sexual ethics and the ethics of pleasure have gained traction over the past decade....

Casualties of the Culture War … and how healing begins (The Family Leader)

Edit Public Technologies 04 May 2016
(Source. The Family Leader). by Greg Baker. In the early years of World War I, when evening fell upon the battlefield, soldiers from both sides walked across the blood-stained soil, seeking the wounded among the dead, hoping to heal those who could still be saved ... The sexual ethic of our day sounds compassionate, yet is so incompatible with God, these well-intentioned people have turned to humanism to justify it ... This is possible ... (noodl....

Silence! (The Family Foundation of Virginia)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Apr 2016
Most are complicit in supporting or are downright afraid to stand in the way of anything that promotes lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender sexuality ... The cries of 'bigotry' and 'discrimination' at the mere mention of the possibility that there are sexual ethics that don't condone LGBT behavior has silenced teachers, college professors, business owners, politicians and, yes, clergy....

Theologians: Catholics Have “Civil Rights Imperative” to Seek LGBT Protections (New Ways Ministry)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Apr 2016
'To present official Catholic teaching on sexual ethical issues as if it were the only morally legitimate perspective, to use that teaching to claim violation of religious liberty if and when legislation conflicts with it, and to discount those Catholic perspectives that disagree with official teaching as manifestations of relativism discount also the rich diversity of the Catholic tradition and the contemporary sensus fidelium.'....

THIS MONTH IN CATHOLIC LGBT HISTORY: Archbishop Instrumental in Passing Gay Rights Law (New Ways Ministry)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
The Church clearly teaches that homosexual men and women should not suffer from prejudice on the basis of their sexual orientation ... sexual ethics was seen as primary, with human dignity mentioned often seemingly as an afterthought. Pope Francis, who also upholds the church's sexual ethics teaching about lesbian and gay relationships, does seem to be returning, however, to Whealon's set of priorities....

4 ways to tell if someone is highly religious

Edit The Oklahoman 18 Apr 2016
A 2015 Public Religion Research Institute survey on millennials and sexual health decisions showed that young adults ... Faith leaders must do a better job offering compassionate wisdom, rather than "rule-oriented responses," said Kate Ott, an assistant professor of sexual ethics at Drew University Theological School, to the Deseret News at the time....

Pope Francis Calling on African Bishops to Oppose LGBT Discrimination, Says Theologian (New Ways Ministry)

Edit Public Technologies 18 Apr 2016
(Source. New Ways Ministry). Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator ... Fr ... Orobator added that the document showed there was 'long way to go before we actually make the bold steps that are long overdue' when it comes to sexual ethics and gender justice ... ... Massimo Faggioli. Massimo Faggioli of the University of St ... Fr ... Fr ... How this document will be used to shape theology and pastoral practice around issues of sexual and gender identity remains uncertain....

Ecumenical 'prayerful support' for Anglican Consultative Council

Edit Topix 16 Apr 2016
Leaders and other representatives of Anglican churches throughout the world have gathered from 8 -19 April 2016 for the 16th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council in Lusaka, Zambia. Participants are celebrating good news of faithful ministries within the communion, while exploring tensions among its provinces, especially over issues of sexual ethics on which Christians disagree ... ....
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick
A member of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender) community has her face painted during the Rainbow Carnival in Kolkata on December 9, 2012. The day long carnival was organised to show solidarity for the cause and to raise voices for equal rights and against social discrimination

LGBT faith community voices disappointment over ‘Joy of Love’

Edit Atlanta Journal 15 Apr 2016
“We’ve given this a good go for a long time, and it doesn’t seem to have penetrated into the mind of the Vatican on how sexuality and sexual ethics have changed,” said Mary E. Hunt, co-founder and co-director of the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) ... relating to the sexual revolution and will soften some of the stridency....