- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 6271
Logical positivism and logical empiricism, which together formed neopositivism, was a movement in Western philosophy that embraced verificationism, an approach that sought to legitimize philosophical discourse on a basis shared with the best examples of empirical sciences. In this theory of knowledge, only statements verifiable either logically or empirically would be cognitively meaningful. Efforts to convert philosophy to this new scientific philosophy were intended to prevent confusion rooted in unclear language and unverifiable claims. The Berlin Circle and the Vienna Circle propounded logical positivism starting in the late 1920s.
Interpreting Ludwig Wittgenstein's early philosophy of language, logical positivists identified a verifiability principle or criterion of cognitive meaningfulness. From Bertrand Russell's logicism they sought reduction of mathematics to logic as well as Russell's logical atomism, Ernst Mach's phenomenalism—whereby the mind knows only actual or potential sensory experience, which is the content of all sciences, whether physics or psychology—and Percy Bridgman's musings that others proclaimed as operationalism. Thereby, only the verifiable was scientific and cognitively meaningful, whereas the unverifiable was unscientific, cognitively meaningless "pseudostatements"—metaphysic, emotive, or such—not candidate to further review by philosophers, newly tasked to organize knowledge, not develop new knowledge.
Logical positivism ran with Hume's analytic/synthetic distinction...turns out running with forks is a bad idea. -Links for the Curious- Hume's "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding," where he posited the analytic/synthetic distinction - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/9662/9662-h/9662-h.htm AJ Ayer's "Language, Truth, & Logic," one of the most popular logical positivist works published - http://s-f-walker.org.uk/pubsebooks/pdfs/ayerLTL.pdf Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" - http://www.ditext.com/quine/quine.html Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus," one of the inspirational texts for the Vienna Circle - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/5740/5740-pdf.pdf A fantastic interview with AJ Ayer regarding the formation/development logical positivism, its collapse, & its wi...
The first section of the fourth part of my series on the philosophy of science. In this video I cover the basics of the 'classical empiricism' of Locke and Hume, in preparation for discussing Logical Positivism.
Dr. Lane G. Tipton, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, describes logical positivism, a type of analytic philosophy incorporating mathematical and logico-linguistic constructs and deductions of epistemology. http://reformedforum.org/pft18
Bryan Magee host A.J. Ayer to discuss the philosophical movement of the 20th century known as, Logical Positivism. Section 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMlXmLbGKJY Section 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQS9fFg0cGY Section 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip6p6Y7IUrE Section 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cnRJGs08hE
In this program with world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee, A. J. Ayer, who played a major role in introducing logical positivism to England, explains the movement, its purpose, and its effect on current philosophical trends. Ayer also discusses its founders—members of the Vienna Circle of the 1920s—who based their theories on logic and science.
A History of Philosophy | 76 Logical Positivism Connect with Wheaton: http://www.wheaton.edu http://www.facebook.com/wheatoncollege.il http://www.twitter.com/wheatoncollege http://www.instagram.com/wheatoncollegeil
The second section (of three) of the fourth part of my series on the philosophy of science. In this video I cover the rise of logical positivism. I describe the basic concepts and ideas that constitute logical positivism. Up next: the fall of logical positivism. My History and Philosophy of Science playlist (so far): http://www.youtube.com/user/SisyphusRedeemed#grid/user/67E2553770A6E39E
The third and final section of the fourth part of my series on the philosophy of science. In this video I cover the downfall of logical positivism. I describe some of the major problems which has lead positivism to be rejected by nearly all philosophers of science today. Quine's paper: http://faculty.unlv.edu/jwood/wm/Quine.pdf My History and Philosophy of Science playlist (so far): http://www.youtube.com/user/SisyphusRedeemed#grid/user/67E2553770A6E39E
"In Our Time" is a BBC-4 radio program on the history of ideas. In this clip, British broadcaster Melvyn Bragg discusses the core ideas of logical positivism with Barry Smith who is Professor of Philosophy at the University of London. The original broadcast was Thursday, July 2nd, 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_positivism The complete discussion can be found here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourtime/inourtime.shtml
This clip briefly describes the rise of the Vienna Circle and the ideas of logical positivism. The Vienna Circle had various members, however, this clip only mentions Moritz Schlick, Rudolph Carnap, Otto Neurath, and Kurt Gödel. It then briefly discusses the relationship between logical positivism and Ludwig Wittgenstein's early work (exemplified in his "Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus"). The main thought behind logical positivism was the notion that all worthwhile knowledge is scientific knowledge. This can be best expressed in their "Verificationist Criterion of Meaning." Simply put, there exist only two types of genuine knowledge: analytic truths that are true by definition (i.e. mathematics and logic), and synthetic truths that are true by repeatable empirical observations (i.e. phy...
What is LOGICAL POSITIVISM? What does LOGICAL POSITIVISM mean? LOGICAL POSITIVISM meaning. Logical positivism and logical empiricism, which together formed neopositivism, was a movement in Western philosophy that embraced verificationism, an approach that sought to legitimize philosophical discourse by placing it on a basis shared with empirical sciences' best examples, such as Einstein's general theory of relativity. In the verificationist theory of knowledge, only statements verifiable either by deductive logic or direct observation would be cognitively meaningful. Efforts to convert philosophy to this new scientific philosophy were intended to prevent confusion rooted in unclear language and unverifiable claims. The Berlin Circle and the Vienna Circle—groups of philosophers, scientists...
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In this university lecture you will learn: Introduction to Logical positivism; against metaphysics and a scientific conception of philosophy. Made by: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras. This video is part of the playlist "University Lectures". For further interesting topics you can look here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdId9dvaMGZPorXrqBHGYn788r1vjVkXl "Logical positivism and logical empiricism, which together formed neopositivism, was a movement in Western philosophy that embraced verificationism, an approach that sought to legitimize philosophical discourse by placing it on a basis shared with empirical sciences' best examples, such as Einstein's general theory of relativity." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_positivism This video was made by ano...
Something to Think About ! Peace-LOVE-Respect - F3thinker !
Bryan Magee and A.J. Ayer discuss the 20th century philosophical movement of logical positivism (also called logical empiricism). Professor Ayer helped to introduce logical positivism to the Anglophone world with his work "Language, Truth, and Logic". In this interview, Ayer discusses the movement, including its members, its philosophical approach, the verification principle, and the influence of the movement in and outside of philosophy. This interview was part of a BBC program from 1978.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Positivism audio: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lbsj3 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz3m_7ozhNo This is a video of a girl obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles combined with fragments of "In Our Time" podcast about Logical Positivism. The aim of this video is to turn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans towards philosophy, more precisely - Logical Positivism. Both the video and audio are subject to copyright, I claim no authority over this material. I have only combined them.
Subject : Philosophy Paper : Philosophy of Science
http://reasonablefaith.org - Epistemological Objection to God: Verificationism and Logical Positivism and Falsificationism. Is science the only way to know truth? Are the human five senses the only way to determine reality? If you answered "yes" to these questions you have been influenced by a school of thought known as verificationism. Many atheists and skeptics like Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, and Stephen Hawking (whether they know it or not) have been using logical positivism in their style of thinking. William Lane Craig shows how verificationism is too restrictive and self-contradictory. Related: Logical Positivism: http://youtu.be/URknwFd2n7g Verification Theory of Meaning: http://youtu.be/eNh75REMxMI Empirical Verication and God: http://youtu.be/tCXAiVx5FMw William Lane C...
A History of Philosophy | 79 Ethics Since Logical Positivism Connect with Wheaton: http://www.wheaton.edu http://www.facebook.com/wheatoncollege.il http://www.twitter.com/wheatoncollege http://www.instagram.com/wheatoncollegeil
Life deterministic/existentialistic obviously subjective Logical positivism Thoughts on Suffering parmalat chose to do something practical guaranteed success in life. vlog voice s daily logical personal thinking individual Psychology examination thinker reasoning ability subjective perspective living interest analyze routine Rationalism show skepticism and criticism voicecast singing songs speak talking discussion of debade evaluation talkin about random stuff speaking music Singer relax philosophy physics cantante