- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 982
Golden Sounds, also known as Zangalewa, was a makossa group from Cameroon. It was created in 1984 by active members of Cameroon's presidential guard, Jean Paul Zé Bella, Dooh Belley, Luc Eyebe and Emile Kojidie. The men in the group provided comical musical entertainment, often dressing in military uniforms, wearing pith helmets and stuffing their clothes with pillows to appear like they had swollen bottoms from riding the train and fat stomachs from eating too much. The band is most famous for its song, "Zangalewa", which was a huge hit in Africa after its release in 1986. The song was also popular in Colombia where it was known as "The Military", and brought to the country by West African DJs. The song made their band so popular that they later changed the name of their group to Zangalewa, which means in Ewondo, a Cameroonian language, "Who Called You?" (Za'nga'lowa).
Two civilians, Robert Kero and the female singer Annie Anzouer and later joined the group. In 1993, Annie Anzouer was replaced in the lineup by Viviane Etienne. Etienne also left the group afterwards to pursue a solo career. The group also consists of several other supporting members.
2015/04/12山手エンジェルスクラブでの ハイパー・ゴールデン・サウンズの演奏です。 The Venturesのアルバム「The Ventures Play The Country Classics」の中から「San Antonio Rose」をカバーしました。
~太陽を探せ~ 1913.2.17 一関文化センター 「一人ベンチャーズ大会」でのゲスト演奏
2015/05/09 SSSベンチャーズナイトでのハイパー・ゴールデン・サウンズの動画です。 北欧系CDの中から、「テネシー ツイスト」「アンブレラ ツイスト」をカバーしました。 原曲は「テネシー ワルツ」「シェルブールの雨傘」です。
恋人よアロハ・・・第9回越谷ハワイアンの祭典~モアナハワイアンズ H.22/07/04(日)越谷コミュニティセンター大ホール