- published: 03 Apr 2015
- views: 21643
The T-62 is a Soviet main battle tank, a further development of the T-55. Its 115 mm gun was the first smoothbore tank gun in use.
The T-62 was produced between 1961 and 1975. It became a standard tank in the Soviet arsenal, partly replacing the T-55, although that tank continued to be manufactured in the Soviet Union and elsewhere after T-62 production was halted. The T-62 was later replaced in front-line service by the T-72.
By the late 1950s, Soviet commanders realized that the T-55's 100 mm gun was incapable of penetrating the frontal armor of newer Western tanks like the Centurion and M48 Patton with standard armor-piercing shells. While 100 mm HEAT ammo could have accomplished the task, they were considerably more expensive and required more training of tank crews for proper use. It was decided to up-gun the T-55 with a 115 mm smoothbore cannon, capable of firing APFSDS rounds. Experimental trials showed that the T-55 was inherently unsuited to mount the larger new cannon, and work therefore began on a new tank. The bigger gun required a bigger turret and turret ring to absorb the higher recoil. This in turn necessitated a larger hull, as the T-55 hull was simply too small to accept the new turret. The T-62 thus took shape, marking an evolutionary improvement upon the T-55. (Perrett 1987:38)
How to Fight: The T-62 Tank Capabilities and Countermeasures | Vintage US Army Video
View from the inside of a FSA T-62 Tank
World Of Tanks Blitz || T62-A - 7,000 Damage
You Can Beat the Soviet T-62 Tank
Armored Warfare - T-62 Gameplay
Blender Speed Modeling - T62
SYRIA WAR Street Fighting with MBT battle Tank and RPG's in HD
Steel Beasts Pro PE-Commanding from a T-62 Tank
T-62- First impressions on the range.
Steel Armor : Bad Weather, Good Flank [T-62 Obr.1967]
Boyue T62 vs Amazon Kindle VOYAGE e-Reader
敘利亞內戰:T 62坦克與T 72坦克對射 華人online
Music by: S. Galoyan & I. Shapovalov
Lyrics by: E. Kiper & V. Polienko
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
(I've lost my mind)
Menya polnost'yu net
Absolyutno vser'yoz
Situatsiya "help"
Situatsiya "SOS"
(I'm completely nothing
This is absolutely serious
Situation "Help"
Situation "SOS")
Ya sebya ne poimu
Ty okuda vzyalas'
Pochemu, pochumu
Na tebya povelas'
(I don't understand myself
Where did you come from
Why, why
Am I attracted to you)
Vyklyuchayetsya svet
Ya kuda-to lechu
Bez tebya menya net
Nichego ne hochu
(The lights switch off
I'm flying somewhere
Without you I don't exist
There is nothing I want)
Eto medlenniy yad
Eto svodit c uma
A oni govoryat - vinovata sama
A oni govoryat - vinovata sama
(It's a slow poison
It's driving me mad
And they say - It's my fault
And they say - It's my fault)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
(I've lost my mind
Bez tebya ya ne ya
Bez tebya menya net
A oni govoryat
Govoryat eto bred
(Without you I'm not me
Without you I don't exist
And they say
They say it's delirium)
Eto solnechniy yad
Zolotiye luchi
A oni govoryat
Nado srochno lechit'
(It's sunlight poison
Golden rays
But they say
I need to be cured immediately)
Ya hotela zabyt'
Do upora I vniz
Ya schitala stolby
I rasteryannih ptits
(I wanted to forget how
I hit the wall and slid down
and I counted the poles
and confused birds)
Bez tebya menya net
Otpusti. otpusti
Do ugla po stenye
Mama-papa prosti
(Without you I don't exist
Let me go. let me go
I'm cornered
Mom and Dad forgive me)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
Raz, dva posle pyati
Mama papa prosti
Ya soshla s uma
Raz, dva posle pyati
Mama papa prosti
Ya soshla s uma
(One, two after five
Mom and dad forgive me
I've lost my mind
One, two after five
Mom and dad forgive me
I've lost my mind)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma...
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind