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Our duty is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable | Jun 2 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | Mainstream media acts more and more like corporations than a vital part of democracy. That's why rabble was founded. To recover some of what mainstream media has abandoned.
karl nerenberg's picture
Liberal retreat gives NDP balance of power on electoral reform -- and points to possible solution | Jun 2 2016 | Karl Nerenberg | In a remarkable willingness to compromise, the Liberals have backed the NDP electoral reform committee. Now it's on to finding a voting system more than one party will support. No easy task.
djclimenhaga's picture
On the War of the WRP, Saskatchewan's Great Wall and the mysterious appeal of AHS | Jun 2 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Has it occurred to anyone that the real fluke on May 5, 2015, was the election of the Wildrose Party, instead of the PCs, as the Opposition?
Sarah Miller's picture
B.C. Liberals' one-time $25 million funding increase for education isn't new money, it's a cut reduction | Jun 2 2016 | Sarah Miller | After 14 years of devastating cuts to our public education funding in B.C., it will take a lot more then a one-time reduction in cuts to fix our public education system.
Jun 2 2016
Girls (or young women) and sex. It's a huge, complex and controversial topic. Author Peggy Orenstein gets to the heart of the issue: what messages are girls receiving and what are they actually doing?
May 26 2016
The ongoing corporatization of Canadian universities has become the subject of a burgeoning field of anti-Corporate U lit. This book applies the principles of the Slow Food movement to education.
May 19 2016
Teva Harrison's debut graphic memoir offers an intimate look at the vibrant life of a cancer patient.

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Jun 2 2016 - 6:00pm
Jun 2 2016 - 6:30pm
Jun 2 2016 (All day)
Jun 3 2016 - 8:00pm

Current rabble poll

Do you think the new electoral reform committee will create change?

The Liberals have backed the NDP's idea for the electoral reform committee and in doing so given up majority control. Democracy in action folks!

Now, the committee will be composed of five Liberals, three Conservatives, two New Democrats, one member of the Bloc Québécois and Green MP Elizabeth May -- all with full voting rights.

It seems now that three parties -- Liberals, NDP and Green -- are in favour of electoral reform, though differ in the choice of system, while two parties -- Conservatives and Bloc Québécois -- oppose reform.

Do you think the new electoral reform committee will create change?

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