Truckers map by.goba6372.r36 final
По приобретению карты, если вам 20+, обращаться в скайп goba6372 Будьте внимательны, в скайпе есть фейки гобы. Сайт автора карты goba6372.ru.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Goba r43 Off Road-Map v1.21 + G27
Fala galera, hoje gravamos no mapa goba.r43 versão 1.21, primeiro vídeo já no mapa e dessa vez enfrentamos algumas dificuldades que o mapa goba nos oferece, lembrando que o ETS2 tem que estar na 1.21 para rodar o mapa off road GOBA.r43. Não se esqueça de avaliar, deixar o joinha e favoritar para ajudar na divulgação!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p
ETS2 Рейс по карте GOBA R43 1.21
Установка карты Goba r43 на ETS2 1.21.1
Установка карты Goba r43 на ETS2 1.21.1
ссылка на карту http://mods.in.ua/euro-truck-simulator-2/karty/180-karta-ot-goba-versiya-r43-dlya-ets2-1-21
ETS 2 tsm by goba R 28 Крутые спуски пос Горный ч 2
02.12.12 "ВДП" Поездка на шиномонтаж.goba6372
"ВДП" - Виртуальные Дорожные Путешествия Маршрут:База - ул Монтажников(шиномонтаж) Видео по рейсу; http://youtu.be/MIjtiPGPdBc.
Euro Truck Simulator 2--изучаем карту goba r43 дорога смертника.
извиняюсь за качевство ребят...
Дорожные случаи.goba truckers
Трейлер к ролику оригинал на новом канале http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC281R6c4X6dhtW3x4RNgWYA?feature=masthead-dropdown.
GOBA 2016 Route Announcement
GOBA 2016 Route Announcement
ETS2 Киев Белая Церковь на Камазе l goba r43 l
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Играем на карте goba r43 Груз из Киева в Белую церковь на КАМАЗЕ в 400 сил!Разгон Камаза до 140км/ч!!!
ссылка на канал https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCpyYHaZmWm1QHDyKXz-bw
ссылка VK http://vk.com/id336386597
Minecraft Champion : Best vs Goba
ก่อนที่เราจะไปพบกับหนัง 'Minecraft Stranded Story' เรามาพบกับการแข่งขัน 'Minecraft Champion' อันนี้ตอนที่ 001 อาจจะยังไม่สมบูรณ์เพราะว่าฉากหรือกิจกรรมยังไม่พ...
Goba Gospel - Fagerås gospelfestival 2015
Tredje konserten
Mats Heder - Klaviatur
Stefan Deland - Bas
Bengt Davidsson - Gitarr
Ulf Emilsson - Trummor
00.00 Now let us sing
03.40 Vi är ett folk
07.55 Swing low
12.35 Put your hand in the hand
16.00 High and mighty
20.50 You´re the inspiration
25.30 Joyful joyful
31.05 Get together
35.10 My god can do anything
39.30 Let me be there
Power of 90's.
Truckers Map by Goba V26 - Part II - ETS2
Can't find the link for the download anymore. Must have been removed.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ( Карта Goba ) Стрим!
Группа ВК Karabash74:https://vk.com/karabash_74
Группа ВК Сообщество Мододелов: https://vk.com/spintires_community
Канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtUgG_87n40EitaljTZ1Xg
Ginástica Rítmica Sesi-Goba
Mapa Goba r43 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 + G27
Mapa Goba r43 - Euro Truck Simulator 2
Primeira viagem no mapa Goba r43, de primeira já encaro a dificuldade de subir uma ladeira íngreme com um caminhão despreparado.
Não se esqueça de avaliar, deixar o joinha e favoritar para ajudar na divulgação!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimeGameplays
Canal: https:/
Ginástica Ritmica 2 sesi- Goba
Umjikjelwa goba msenge
Amangcukmane ezikamjikjelwa lezi ichalaha likashafuza
Truckers map by.goba6372.r36 final
По приобретению карты, если вам 20+, обращаться в скайп goba6372 Будьте внимательны, в скайпе есть фейки гобы. Сайт автора карты goba6372.ru....
По приобретению карты, если вам 20+, обращаться в скайп goba6372 Будьте внимательны, в скайпе есть фейки гобы. Сайт автора карты goba6372.ru.
wn.com/Truckers Map By.Goba6372.R36 Final
По приобретению карты, если вам 20+, обращаться в скайп goba6372 Будьте внимательны, в скайпе есть фейки гобы. Сайт автора карты goba6372.ru.
- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 496328
author: goba6372
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Goba r43 Off Road-Map v1.21 + G27
Fala galera, hoje gravamos no mapa goba.r43 versão 1.21, primeiro vídeo já no mapa e dessa vez enfrentamos algumas dificuldades que o mapa goba nos oferece, lem...
Fala galera, hoje gravamos no mapa goba.r43 versão 1.21, primeiro vídeo já no mapa e dessa vez enfrentamos algumas dificuldades que o mapa goba nos oferece, lembrando que o ETS2 tem que estar na 1.21 para rodar o mapa off road GOBA.r43. Não se esqueça de avaliar, deixar o joinha e favoritar para ajudar na divulgação!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimeGameplays
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/PrimeGamepllays
Playlist ETS2: https://goo.gl/c3mpDx
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Offroad Fun Extrem: https://youtu.be/MhBOfsenl6g
Download MAPA GOBAr43 v1.21
Off Road - https://youtu.be/WF7bANZYDBY?t=12m47s
Download de qualquer MOD que você ver no canal baixe aqui: http://primegamesoficial.blogspot.com.br
Prime Games, Primegamepllays, PrimegamesOFICIAL, Prime
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Off Road goba.r43
Hey guys, today recorded on the map goba.r43, second vídeo already on the map and this time faced some difficulties.
Do not forget to evaluate, leaving joinha and favoritar to help spread!
wn.com/Euro Truck Simulator 2 Goba R43 Off Road Map V1.21 G27
Fala galera, hoje gravamos no mapa goba.r43 versão 1.21, primeiro vídeo já no mapa e dessa vez enfrentamos algumas dificuldades que o mapa goba nos oferece, lembrando que o ETS2 tem que estar na 1.21 para rodar o mapa off road GOBA.r43. Não se esqueça de avaliar, deixar o joinha e favoritar para ajudar na divulgação!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimeGameplays
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/PrimeGamepllays
Playlist ETS2: https://goo.gl/c3mpDx
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Offroad Fun Extrem: https://youtu.be/MhBOfsenl6g
Download MAPA GOBAr43 v1.21
Off Road - https://youtu.be/WF7bANZYDBY?t=12m47s
Download de qualquer MOD que você ver no canal baixe aqui: http://primegamesoficial.blogspot.com.br
Prime Games, Primegamepllays, PrimegamesOFICIAL, Prime
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Off Road goba.r43
Hey guys, today recorded on the map goba.r43, second vídeo already on the map and this time faced some difficulties.
Do not forget to evaluate, leaving joinha and favoritar to help spread!
- published: 02 Dec 2015
- views: 312
Установка карты Goba r43 на ETS2 1.21.1
Установка карты Goba r43 на ETS2 1.21.1
ссылка на карту http://mods.in.ua/euro-truck-simulator-2/karty/180-karta-ot-goba-versiya-r43-dlya-ets2-1-21...
Установка карты Goba r43 на ETS2 1.21.1
ссылка на карту http://mods.in.ua/euro-truck-simulator-2/karty/180-karta-ot-goba-versiya-r43-dlya-ets2-1-21
wn.com/Установка Карты Goba R43 На Ets2 1.21.1
Установка карты Goba r43 на ETS2 1.21.1
ссылка на карту http://mods.in.ua/euro-truck-simulator-2/karty/180-karta-ot-goba-versiya-r43-dlya-ets2-1-21
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 599
02.12.12 "ВДП" Поездка на шиномонтаж.goba6372
"ВДП" - Виртуальные Дорожные Путешествия Маршрут:База - ул Монтажников(шиномонтаж) Видео по рейсу; http://youtu.be/MIjtiPGPdBc....
"ВДП" - Виртуальные Дорожные Путешествия Маршрут:База - ул Монтажников(шиномонтаж) Видео по рейсу; http://youtu.be/MIjtiPGPdBc.
wn.com/02.12.12 Вдп Поездка На Шиномонтаж.Goba6372
"ВДП" - Виртуальные Дорожные Путешествия Маршрут:База - ул Монтажников(шиномонтаж) Видео по рейсу; http://youtu.be/MIjtiPGPdBc.
Дорожные случаи.goba truckers
Трейлер к ролику оригинал на новом канале http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC281R6c4X6dhtW3x4RNgWYA?feature=masthead-dropdown....
Трейлер к ролику оригинал на новом канале http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC281R6c4X6dhtW3x4RNgWYA?feature=masthead-dropdown.
wn.com/Дорожные Случаи.Goba Truckers
Трейлер к ролику оригинал на новом канале http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC281R6c4X6dhtW3x4RNgWYA?feature=masthead-dropdown.
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 3900
author: goba6372
GOBA 2016 Route Announcement
GOBA 2016 Route Announcement...
GOBA 2016 Route Announcement
wn.com/Goba 2016 Route Announcement
GOBA 2016 Route Announcement
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 41
ETS2 Киев Белая Церковь на Камазе l goba r43 l
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Играем на карте goba r43 Груз из Киева в Белую церковь на КАМАЗЕ в 400 сил!Разгон Камаза до 140км/ч!!!
ссылка на канал https://www.youtu...
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Играем на карте goba r43 Груз из Киева в Белую церковь на КАМАЗЕ в 400 сил!Разгон Камаза до 140км/ч!!!
ссылка на канал https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCpyYHaZmWm1QHDyKXz-bw
ссылка VK http://vk.com/id336386597
wn.com/Ets2 Киев Белая Церковь На Камазе L Goba R43 L
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Играем на карте goba r43 Груз из Киева в Белую церковь на КАМАЗЕ в 400 сил!Разгон Камаза до 140км/ч!!!
ссылка на канал https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCpyYHaZmWm1QHDyKXz-bw
ссылка VK http://vk.com/id336386597
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 41
wn.com/Sanete School Bale Goba Ethiopia
Minecraft Champion : Best vs Goba
ก่อนที่เราจะไปพบกับหนัง 'Minecraft Stranded Story' เรามาพบกับการแข่งขัน 'Minecraft Champion' อันนี้ตอนที่ 001 อาจจะยังไม่สมบูรณ์เพราะว่าฉากหรือกิจกรรมยังไม่พ......
ก่อนที่เราจะไปพบกับหนัง 'Minecraft Stranded Story' เรามาพบกับการแข่งขัน 'Minecraft Champion' อันนี้ตอนที่ 001 อาจจะยังไม่สมบูรณ์เพราะว่าฉากหรือกิจกรรมยังไม่พ...
wn.com/Minecraft Champion Best Vs Goba
ก่อนที่เราจะไปพบกับหนัง 'Minecraft Stranded Story' เรามาพบกับการแข่งขัน 'Minecraft Champion' อันนี้ตอนที่ 001 อาจจะยังไม่สมบูรณ์เพราะว่าฉากหรือกิจกรรมยังไม่พ...
Goba Gospel - Fagerås gospelfestival 2015
Tredje konserten
Mats Heder - Klaviatur
Stefan Deland - Bas
Bengt Davidsson - Gitarr
Ulf Emilsson - Trummor
00.00 Now let us sing
03.40 Vi är ett folk
Tredje konserten
Mats Heder - Klaviatur
Stefan Deland - Bas
Bengt Davidsson - Gitarr
Ulf Emilsson - Trummor
00.00 Now let us sing
03.40 Vi är ett folk
07.55 Swing low
12.35 Put your hand in the hand
16.00 High and mighty
20.50 You´re the inspiration
25.30 Joyful joyful
31.05 Get together
35.10 My god can do anything
39.30 Let me be there
wn.com/Goba Gospel Fagerås Gospelfestival 2015
Tredje konserten
Mats Heder - Klaviatur
Stefan Deland - Bas
Bengt Davidsson - Gitarr
Ulf Emilsson - Trummor
00.00 Now let us sing
03.40 Vi är ett folk
07.55 Swing low
12.35 Put your hand in the hand
16.00 High and mighty
20.50 You´re the inspiration
25.30 Joyful joyful
31.05 Get together
35.10 My god can do anything
39.30 Let me be there
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 116
Truckers Map by Goba V26 - Part II - ETS2
Can't find the link for the download anymore. Must have been removed....
Can't find the link for the download anymore. Must have been removed.
wn.com/Truckers Map By Goba V26 Part Ii Ets2
Can't find the link for the download anymore. Must have been removed.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ( Карта Goba ) Стрим!
Группа ВК Karabash74:https://vk.com/karabash_74
Группа ВК Сообщество Мододелов: https://vk.com/spintires_community
Канал: https://www.youtube...
Группа ВК Karabash74:https://vk.com/karabash_74
Группа ВК Сообщество Мододелов: https://vk.com/spintires_community
Канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtUgG_87n40EitaljTZ1Xg
wn.com/Euro Truck Simulator 2 ( Карта Goba ) Стрим
Группа ВК Karabash74:https://vk.com/karabash_74
Группа ВК Сообщество Мододелов: https://vk.com/spintires_community
Канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtUgG_87n40EitaljTZ1Xg
- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 491
Mapa Goba r43 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 + G27
Mapa Goba r43 - Euro Truck Simulator 2
Primeira viagem no mapa Goba r43, de primeira já encaro a dificuldade de subir uma ladeira íngreme com um caminhão despr...
Mapa Goba r43 - Euro Truck Simulator 2
Primeira viagem no mapa Goba r43, de primeira já encaro a dificuldade de subir uma ladeira íngreme com um caminhão despreparado.
Não se esqueça de avaliar, deixar o joinha e favoritar para ajudar na divulgação!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimeGameplays
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/PrimeGamepllays
Último vídeo: http://youtu.be/i0ar4wV1tzU
Download Aqui: http://primegamesoficial.blogspot.com.br
Nosso Blog já se encontra ativo e aos poucos vou colocando os mods para ser baixado por lá.
wn.com/Mapa Goba R43 Euro Truck Simulator 2 G27
Mapa Goba r43 - Euro Truck Simulator 2
Primeira viagem no mapa Goba r43, de primeira já encaro a dificuldade de subir uma ladeira íngreme com um caminhão despreparado.
Não se esqueça de avaliar, deixar o joinha e favoritar para ajudar na divulgação!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimeGameplays
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/PrimeGamepllays
Último vídeo: http://youtu.be/i0ar4wV1tzU
Download Aqui: http://primegamesoficial.blogspot.com.br
Nosso Blog já se encontra ativo e aos poucos vou colocando os mods para ser baixado por lá.
- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 296
Umjikjelwa goba msenge
Amangcukmane ezikamjikjelwa lezi ichalaha likashafuza...
Amangcukmane ezikamjikjelwa lezi ichalaha likashafuza
wn.com/Umjikjelwa Goba Msenge
Amangcukmane ezikamjikjelwa lezi ichalaha likashafuza
- published: 02 Sep 2014
- views: 37
GOBA in Athens
GOBA - the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure.
Airstream factory tour during Goba 2013
This is how airstream dose a factory pressure test on there new campers they would not allow any photos or video on the tour except when they got to this part of the tour they allowed us to take pics and video
325 Glen Road Toronto, ON M4W 2X4
Gary Goba
Sales Representative
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage
Video Contact:
George Elliott & Lindsay Marek
Stellar Empires
(416) 570-0145
Flames, Singing, Dancing in Addis Ababa: Orthodox Meskel Festival
Hundreds of choir members gather in the streets of Addis Ababa, singing and dancing. They are here to celebrate to the annual Meskel festival, held every year in September.
Meskel, which means cross in the ancient language Ge'ez, commemorates the ancient discovery of a cross -- believed to be the one which Jesus was crucified.
In Ethiopia, it's believed a part of the cross was brought from Jerus
Day 21: Tour of Timeless Travel Trailers (Alumafandango 2012)
http://malimish.com/day-21-tour-of-timeless-travel-trailers/ http://facebook.com/malimish http://twitter.com/malimish Royalty-free music provided by: Kevin M...
Bhavnath Mahadev Temple
The Bhavnath Mahadev Mandir located in Bhavnagar - Rajkot highway, near village of Rangola opposite to Bhavnath Hotel.
I'm stay just 5 minutes because i have traveling to bhavnagar city so i shoot this videos of bhavnath mandir in outside view only, no time to visit this temple.
Please like and follow Gujarat Tourist Guide in Social media and get update:-
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/
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Maputo Railway Station, Mozambique, posing as a fictitious Sierra Leone hotel in Leonardo DiCaprio movie Blood Diamond: a Estação Caminhos Ferro Maputo, Moça...
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AIRSTREAM Travel Trailer Being Tested for Water Leaks at Airstream Factory
Cris and I had our Airstream serviced yesterday at the Airstream Factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. We took advantage of the opportunity to take the factory tour that is offered every day. We both gained a new appreciation for Airstream. Seeing the folks handcrafting each unit, we were blown away. These trailers really are each a work of art. Above is a interesting video we took inside the factory.
Things to Do in Chicago | 3/1/11 | Concierge Picks | Chicago Travel
This week's edition of a weekly video series about things to do in Chicago entitled "Concierge Preferred Picks," features Concierge Correspondent Kaitlyn Law...
2001 Airstream Limited Series M30 Travel Trailer in Tuscon, AZ
2001 Airstream Limited Series M30 Travel Trailer This 2001 Special Edition 31 ft. Airstream Trailer with one dinette slide out is in excellent condition. Ori...
India Leh Wari-La Guest House India Hotels India Travel Ecotourism Travel To Care
Visit us at http://www.traveltocare.com A presentation of Travel To Care for Hotel Wari-La Guest House in Leh India Hotels India Travel Ecotourism.
Kinshasa Synphony
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Top 10 Cities of Ethiopia
Thanks for watching................... 1) Addis Ababa 2) Ameya 3) Bako 4) Dire Dawa 5) Goba 6) Gode 7) Gog 8) Gondar 9) Harar 10) Lalibela Ethiopia (/ˌiːθiˈo...
Ethiopian Tourist Attraction At the Western Part;-Wollega Museum at Kumsa Moroda Palace
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (http://www.youtube.com/upload)
Scenic Stops: Airstream Factory S2
The Airstream Factory was featured in season two of Scenic Stops, an original program on WBGU-TV in Bowling Green, Ohio. The factory has been in Jackson Cent...
Andrea Soler - Daydreamer Tour - Amsterdam
Welcome to episode three of our six part adventure on tour throughout Europe. This clip takes us to Amsterdam in Holland. We spent a week here, and enjoyed e...
Catalunya. C-35, C-63. AP-7 - Lloret de Mar
Каталония. Трассы C-35, C-63. Выход с AP-7 - Lloret de Mar. Август 2012. *noaudio HD. Трек: http://dalnoboivideo.ru/videos.php?what=view&vid;=353.
Gol Gappa snack at India gate, New Delhi, India
Golgappa balls are an Indian snack food. Here our guide, Padmaja Bharti ("Daisy"), samples some at the India Gate memorial in New Delhi, India. Since this wa...
ETS2 Speed Run - Yahtzee! - Episode 32
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Speed Run - Visiting Every City in Europe!
Watch in Playlist Mode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyj9o-jOVyzR9_Ko7z0xQUyne07fGZyeI
Purchase Euro Truck Simulator 2 Here: http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/
Or Purchase it on Steam Here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/227300/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Wiki: http://euro-truck-simulator-2.wikia.com/wiki/Euro_Truck_Simula
Goa Tour Video: Calangute Beach Video: Candolim Beach Video
This Goa tour video is first In the video series for the beaches and other tourist attractions of Goa, description ia available at www.magicofgoa.com Though beach lovers might get disapointment as this video covers just two beaches, Calangute Beach and Candolim Beach of north Goa but surely the nature lovers will love to watch this video as Vaibhavwadi Gaganbawada Ghat, Amboli Ghat road and Amboli
Offizielle TSM Map 4.6.1 Update (Test Play 165 - Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Test Play 165 - Offizielle TSM Map 4.6.1 Update
Die TSM Map 4.6 ist da, auch gibt es schon ein Update auf 4.6.1
Die TSM Map 4.6.x ist nur unter ETS2 lauffähig.
Video Index
00.00 Tour auf der TSM 4.6.1
16.10 Abschluss
TSM Forum und TSM Map Support
Mod Liste Version 10.x (Für Patch/Update
GOBA in Athens
GOBA - the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure....
GOBA - the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure.
wn.com/Goba In Athens
GOBA - the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure.
Airstream factory tour during Goba 2013
This is how airstream dose a factory pressure test on there new campers they would not allow any photos or video on the tour except when they got to this part o...
This is how airstream dose a factory pressure test on there new campers they would not allow any photos or video on the tour except when they got to this part of the tour they allowed us to take pics and video
wn.com/Airstream Factory Tour During Goba 2013
This is how airstream dose a factory pressure test on there new campers they would not allow any photos or video on the tour except when they got to this part of the tour they allowed us to take pics and video
- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 3
325 Glen Road Toronto, ON M4W 2X4
Gary Goba
Sales Representative
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage
Video Contact:
George Elliott & Lindsay Marek
Stellar Empire...
Gary Goba
Sales Representative
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage
Video Contact:
George Elliott & Lindsay Marek
Stellar Empires
(416) 570-0145
wn.com/325 Glen Road Toronto, On M4W 2X4
Gary Goba
Sales Representative
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage
Video Contact:
George Elliott & Lindsay Marek
Stellar Empires
(416) 570-0145
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 257
Flames, Singing, Dancing in Addis Ababa: Orthodox Meskel Festival
Hundreds of choir members gather in the streets of Addis Ababa, singing and dancing. They are here to celebrate to the annual Meskel festival, held every year i...
Hundreds of choir members gather in the streets of Addis Ababa, singing and dancing. They are here to celebrate to the annual Meskel festival, held every year in September.
Meskel, which means cross in the ancient language Ge'ez, commemorates the ancient discovery of a cross -- believed to be the one which Jesus was crucified.
In Ethiopia, it's believed a part of the cross was brought from Jerusalem to Ethiopia via Egypt, giving the event a special significance in the country.
This year, tourists from across the world thronged to the festival to join in the festivities.
With its rich and ancient Orthodox Christian tradition, Kibrom Tesfay, a tourist guide believes festivals like Meskel should be promoted as one of Ethiopia's main tourist attractions.
One of Africa's fastest growing economies, the Ethiopian government is planning to develop the tourism industry as part of its growth agenda.
"The importance of the Meskel Festival is not only for Ethiopian Christians. For example, I have eighteen tourists and they use many services starting from the Ethiopian Airlines, Hotels, Car Rentals, Tourist Guides and the destinations. So, the economical benefit are for all Ethiopians. It also give the country a good image. So, I think we need to do more in order to promote and earn more income from Meskel," said Tesfay.
Legend has it that the 'true cross' on which Jesus was killed was found by Queen Helena, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I, in the fourth century.
"In order to find the cross that had been buried for a long time, Constantine's mother, Queen Helena travelled from Rome to Jerusalem and made a bonfire. The smoke from the bonfire lit up the sky showing where the cross was hidden. So the Queen started digging at that place and this what we commemorate in September," explained Memihir Menkir Haile, a religious teacher in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
The Meskel celebration includes a bonfire known as Demera, which acts as a symbol of the vision that showed Queen Helena the location of the cross.
The fire, built several stories high is lit by priests carrying effigies of Christ and crosses on sticks. Its flames send sparks high into the night sky as the crowd sing and dance to the sound of traditional drums below.
Emebet Hadgu came to Addis Ababa for the festival after living abroad for eight years. She says the festival holds a special place for many Orthodox Christians.
"I grew up in church singing in the choir therefore I have a deep love for this ceremony and I
came from abroad at this time mainly to attend this event and I can't tell you how happy I feel. The ceremony is just amazing, said Hadgu.
Apart from its symbolism, Orthodox Ethiopians believe Meskel is a time of great sacrifice and the celebration of the cross brings enlightenment and hope.
euronews discover is a window into the diversity of life around the globe, bringing you reports about nature, animals, travel and amazing events - every video is a destination.
Where next? Subscribe to get our latest videos: http://bit.ly/R8LUvB
Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
wn.com/Flames, Singing, Dancing In Addis Ababa Orthodox Meskel Festival
Hundreds of choir members gather in the streets of Addis Ababa, singing and dancing. They are here to celebrate to the annual Meskel festival, held every year in September.
Meskel, which means cross in the ancient language Ge'ez, commemorates the ancient discovery of a cross -- believed to be the one which Jesus was crucified.
In Ethiopia, it's believed a part of the cross was brought from Jerusalem to Ethiopia via Egypt, giving the event a special significance in the country.
This year, tourists from across the world thronged to the festival to join in the festivities.
With its rich and ancient Orthodox Christian tradition, Kibrom Tesfay, a tourist guide believes festivals like Meskel should be promoted as one of Ethiopia's main tourist attractions.
One of Africa's fastest growing economies, the Ethiopian government is planning to develop the tourism industry as part of its growth agenda.
"The importance of the Meskel Festival is not only for Ethiopian Christians. For example, I have eighteen tourists and they use many services starting from the Ethiopian Airlines, Hotels, Car Rentals, Tourist Guides and the destinations. So, the economical benefit are for all Ethiopians. It also give the country a good image. So, I think we need to do more in order to promote and earn more income from Meskel," said Tesfay.
Legend has it that the 'true cross' on which Jesus was killed was found by Queen Helena, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I, in the fourth century.
"In order to find the cross that had been buried for a long time, Constantine's mother, Queen Helena travelled from Rome to Jerusalem and made a bonfire. The smoke from the bonfire lit up the sky showing where the cross was hidden. So the Queen started digging at that place and this what we commemorate in September," explained Memihir Menkir Haile, a religious teacher in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
The Meskel celebration includes a bonfire known as Demera, which acts as a symbol of the vision that showed Queen Helena the location of the cross.
The fire, built several stories high is lit by priests carrying effigies of Christ and crosses on sticks. Its flames send sparks high into the night sky as the crowd sing and dance to the sound of traditional drums below.
Emebet Hadgu came to Addis Ababa for the festival after living abroad for eight years. She says the festival holds a special place for many Orthodox Christians.
"I grew up in church singing in the choir therefore I have a deep love for this ceremony and I
came from abroad at this time mainly to attend this event and I can't tell you how happy I feel. The ceremony is just amazing, said Hadgu.
Apart from its symbolism, Orthodox Ethiopians believe Meskel is a time of great sacrifice and the celebration of the cross brings enlightenment and hope.
euronews discover is a window into the diversity of life around the globe, bringing you reports about nature, animals, travel and amazing events - every video is a destination.
Where next? Subscribe to get our latest videos: http://bit.ly/R8LUvB
Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 23
Day 21: Tour of Timeless Travel Trailers (Alumafandango 2012)
http://malimish.com/day-21-tour-of-timeless-travel-trailers/ http://facebook.com/malimish http://twitter.com/malimish Royalty-free music provided by: Kevin M......
http://malimish.com/day-21-tour-of-timeless-travel-trailers/ http://facebook.com/malimish http://twitter.com/malimish Royalty-free music provided by: Kevin M...
wn.com/Day 21 Tour Of Timeless Travel Trailers (Alumafandango 2012)
http://malimish.com/day-21-tour-of-timeless-travel-trailers/ http://facebook.com/malimish http://twitter.com/malimish Royalty-free music provided by: Kevin M...
Bhavnath Mahadev Temple
The Bhavnath Mahadev Mandir located in Bhavnagar - Rajkot highway, near village of Rangola opposite to Bhavnath Hotel.
I'm stay just 5 minutes because i have t...
The Bhavnath Mahadev Mandir located in Bhavnagar - Rajkot highway, near village of Rangola opposite to Bhavnath Hotel.
I'm stay just 5 minutes because i have traveling to bhavnagar city so i shoot this videos of bhavnath mandir in outside view only, no time to visit this temple.
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Whereas you make a visit to Gujarat, a visit to the present Travel Guide is a must.
You have also Book Hotel, Tourist Guide and Cars in Gujarat, Just Call 09974335693 or visit www.Gujarattouristguide.blogspot.com
wn.com/Bhavnath Mahadev Temple
The Bhavnath Mahadev Mandir located in Bhavnagar - Rajkot highway, near village of Rangola opposite to Bhavnath Hotel.
I'm stay just 5 minutes because i have traveling to bhavnagar city so i shoot this videos of bhavnath mandir in outside view only, no time to visit this temple.
Please like and follow Gujarat Tourist Guide in Social media and get update:-
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GujarattouristGuide
Twitter Follow https://twitter.com/Kaushikgambhu
Whereas you make a visit to Gujarat, a visit to the present Travel Guide is a must.
You have also Book Hotel, Tourist Guide and Cars in Gujarat, Just Call 09974335693 or visit www.Gujarattouristguide.blogspot.com
- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 6
How to do things you don't want to do! Works every-time!
Outsource: http://fiverr.com/rgking/submit-your-article-or-post-on-my-high-alexa-rank-blog-and-ping-it--2
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This is how one can travel the world and still run his business while on vacation. Without worries I know that there are people who will work for me for just a couple of bucks.
That's the power of outsourcing!
Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to Subscrbe!
Peace! Remember: Outsourcing Rulzz.
song: bruno mars- lazy song
wn.com/How To Do Things You Don't Want To Do Works Every Time
Outsource: http://fiverr.com/rgking/submit-your-article-or-post-on-my-high-alexa-rank-blog-and-ping-it--2
Visit: http://www.badassbutton.com/milliondollarpizzaboy
Why outsourcing is powerful? Because it basically allows you to have more free time. That's it. You don't have to spend time on figuring out things other people already know, you basically just pay them to do stuff for you. Outsourcing is like hiring an employee, he/she will do the task for you and you will pay him/her for doing that.
This is how one can travel the world and still run his business while on vacation. Without worries I know that there are people who will work for me for just a couple of bucks.
That's the power of outsourcing!
Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to Subscrbe!
Peace! Remember: Outsourcing Rulzz.
song: bruno mars- lazy song
- published: 18 Aug 2013
- views: 16
Blood Diamond in Mozambique • Moçambique
Maputo Railway Station, Mozambique, posing as a fictitious Sierra Leone hotel in Leonardo DiCaprio movie Blood Diamond: a Estação Caminhos Ferro Maputo, Moça......
Maputo Railway Station, Mozambique, posing as a fictitious Sierra Leone hotel in Leonardo DiCaprio movie Blood Diamond: a Estação Caminhos Ferro Maputo, Moça...
wn.com/Blood Diamond In Mozambique • Moçambique
Maputo Railway Station, Mozambique, posing as a fictitious Sierra Leone hotel in Leonardo DiCaprio movie Blood Diamond: a Estação Caminhos Ferro Maputo, Moça...
How to make a professional blog post in under 10minutes.
http://www.badassbutton.com/milliondollarpizzaboy Learn how bloggers make fortune online.
We all know that blogging can take lots of time. Thats is why I crea...
http://www.badassbutton.com/milliondollarpizzaboy Learn how bloggers make fortune online.
We all know that blogging can take lots of time. Thats is why I created this particular video to show you that it is really possible to blog fast, as I like to say "Make a fast lane blog".
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Strategy number 2 is more for people who can afford to pay someone to do the stuff for them. That is called outsourcing. When you have money you can simply pay someone who already has a skill and knowledge to do the stuff that you don't want to do yourself. This is how "BIG" names grow their business and travel the world. They literally outsource 95% of all their tasks and fast blogging is one of them.
Feel free to subscribe to my channel as well as like my Facebook Fan page for more tips and tricks and updates: https://www.facebook.com/magicralfsgoba
Thanks for watching and see you in the next video.
How to blog,
Fast blog,
Fast blogging,
Fast blogging wordpress,
Blog to make money,
learn to blog,
wn.com/How To Make A Professional Blog Post In Under 10Minutes.
http://www.badassbutton.com/milliondollarpizzaboy Learn how bloggers make fortune online.
We all know that blogging can take lots of time. Thats is why I created this particular video to show you that it is really possible to blog fast, as I like to say "Make a fast lane blog".
The first strategy was simply on working with yourself and learning the skill. Learn to blog fast by doing it every single day, don't worry if you missed or didn't do something, doesn't matter. Right now we focus on developing skills and in next couple of weeks you will be able to blog like a pro. As more you will do it your blog will start to get a specific design, the "thing" that is unique only to your particular way of blogging. I would encorage to learn how to blog fast, that skill will pay off in longterm and as all we know- time is priceless.
Strategy number 2 is more for people who can afford to pay someone to do the stuff for them. That is called outsourcing. When you have money you can simply pay someone who already has a skill and knowledge to do the stuff that you don't want to do yourself. This is how "BIG" names grow their business and travel the world. They literally outsource 95% of all their tasks and fast blogging is one of them.
Feel free to subscribe to my channel as well as like my Facebook Fan page for more tips and tricks and updates: https://www.facebook.com/magicralfsgoba
Thanks for watching and see you in the next video.
How to blog,
Fast blog,
Fast blogging,
Fast blogging wordpress,
Blog to make money,
learn to blog,
- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 163
AIRSTREAM Travel Trailer Being Tested for Water Leaks at Airstream Factory
Cris and I had our Airstream serviced yesterday at the Airstream Factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. We took advantage of the opportunity to take the factory tour ...
Cris and I had our Airstream serviced yesterday at the Airstream Factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. We took advantage of the opportunity to take the factory tour that is offered every day. We both gained a new appreciation for Airstream. Seeing the folks handcrafting each unit, we were blown away. These trailers really are each a work of art. Above is a interesting video we took inside the factory. Each unit is put through this process to test for leaks.
wn.com/Airstream Travel Trailer Being Tested For Water Leaks At Airstream Factory
Cris and I had our Airstream serviced yesterday at the Airstream Factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. We took advantage of the opportunity to take the factory tour that is offered every day. We both gained a new appreciation for Airstream. Seeing the folks handcrafting each unit, we were blown away. These trailers really are each a work of art. Above is a interesting video we took inside the factory. Each unit is put through this process to test for leaks.
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 6
Things to Do in Chicago | 3/1/11 | Concierge Picks | Chicago Travel
This week's edition of a weekly video series about things to do in Chicago entitled "Concierge Preferred Picks," features Concierge Correspondent Kaitlyn Law......
This week's edition of a weekly video series about things to do in Chicago entitled "Concierge Preferred Picks," features Concierge Correspondent Kaitlyn Law...
wn.com/Things To Do In Chicago | 3 1 11 | Concierge Picks | Chicago Travel
This week's edition of a weekly video series about things to do in Chicago entitled "Concierge Preferred Picks," features Concierge Correspondent Kaitlyn Law...
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- views: 236
author: cpchgo
2001 Airstream Limited Series M30 Travel Trailer in Tuscon, AZ
2001 Airstream Limited Series M30 Travel Trailer This 2001 Special Edition 31 ft. Airstream Trailer with one dinette slide out is in excellent condition. Ori......
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wn.com/India Leh Wari La Guest House India Hotels India Travel Ecotourism Travel To Care
Visit us at http://www.traveltocare.com A presentation of Travel To Care for Hotel Wari-La Guest House in Leh India Hotels India Travel Ecotourism.
Kinshasa Synphony
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Kinshasa Synphony
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Top 10 Cities of Ethiopia
Thanks for watching................... 1) Addis Ababa 2) Ameya 3) Bako 4) Dire Dawa 5) Goba 6) Gode 7) Gog 8) Gondar 9) Harar 10) Lalibela Ethiopia (/ˌiːθiˈo......
Thanks for watching................... 1) Addis Ababa 2) Ameya 3) Bako 4) Dire Dawa 5) Goba 6) Gode 7) Gog 8) Gondar 9) Harar 10) Lalibela Ethiopia (/ˌiːθiˈo...
wn.com/Top 10 Cities Of Ethiopia
Thanks for watching................... 1) Addis Ababa 2) Ameya 3) Bako 4) Dire Dawa 5) Goba 6) Gode 7) Gog 8) Gondar 9) Harar 10) Lalibela Ethiopia (/ˌiːθiˈo...
Ethiopian Tourist Attraction At the Western Part;-Wollega Museum at Kumsa Moroda Palace
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (http://www.youtube.com/upload)...
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (http://www.youtube.com/upload)
wn.com/Ethiopian Tourist Attraction At The Western Part Wollega Museum At Kumsa Moroda Palace
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (http://www.youtube.com/upload)
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 3
Scenic Stops: Airstream Factory S2
The Airstream Factory was featured in season two of Scenic Stops, an original program on WBGU-TV in Bowling Green, Ohio. The factory has been in Jackson Cent......
The Airstream Factory was featured in season two of Scenic Stops, an original program on WBGU-TV in Bowling Green, Ohio. The factory has been in Jackson Cent...
wn.com/Scenic Stops Airstream Factory S2
The Airstream Factory was featured in season two of Scenic Stops, an original program on WBGU-TV in Bowling Green, Ohio. The factory has been in Jackson Cent...
- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 398
author: WBGUTV
Andrea Soler - Daydreamer Tour - Amsterdam
Welcome to episode three of our six part adventure on tour throughout Europe. This clip takes us to Amsterdam in Holland. We spent a week here, and enjoyed e......
Welcome to episode three of our six part adventure on tour throughout Europe. This clip takes us to Amsterdam in Holland. We spent a week here, and enjoyed e...
wn.com/Andrea Soler Daydreamer Tour Amsterdam
Welcome to episode three of our six part adventure on tour throughout Europe. This clip takes us to Amsterdam in Holland. We spent a week here, and enjoyed e...
Catalunya. C-35, C-63. AP-7 - Lloret de Mar
Каталония. Трассы C-35, C-63. Выход с AP-7 - Lloret de Mar. Август 2012. *noaudio HD. Трек: http://dalnoboivideo.ru/videos.php?what=view&vid;=353....
Каталония. Трассы C-35, C-63. Выход с AP-7 - Lloret de Mar. Август 2012. *noaudio HD. Трек: http://dalnoboivideo.ru/videos.php?what=view&vid;=353.
wn.com/Catalunya. C 35, C 63. Ap 7 Lloret De Mar
Каталония. Трассы C-35, C-63. Выход с AP-7 - Lloret de Mar. Август 2012. *noaudio HD. Трек: http://dalnoboivideo.ru/videos.php?what=view&vid;=353.
Gol Gappa snack at India gate, New Delhi, India
Golgappa balls are an Indian snack food. Here our guide, Padmaja Bharti ("Daisy"), samples some at the India Gate memorial in New Delhi, India. Since this wa......
Golgappa balls are an Indian snack food. Here our guide, Padmaja Bharti ("Daisy"), samples some at the India Gate memorial in New Delhi, India. Since this wa...
wn.com/Gol Gappa Snack At India Gate, New Delhi, India
Golgappa balls are an Indian snack food. Here our guide, Padmaja Bharti ("Daisy"), samples some at the India Gate memorial in New Delhi, India. Since this wa...
- published: 08 Dec 2008
- views: 91269
author: zeekzilch
ETS2 Speed Run - Yahtzee! - Episode 32
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Speed Run - Visiting Every City in Europe!
Watch in Playlist Mode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyj9o-jOVyzR9_Ko7z0xQUyne07fGZy...
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Speed Run - Visiting Every City in Europe!
Watch in Playlist Mode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyj9o-jOVyzR9_Ko7z0xQUyne07fGZyeI
Purchase Euro Truck Simulator 2 Here: http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/
Or Purchase it on Steam Here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/227300/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Wiki: http://euro-truck-simulator-2.wikia.com/wiki/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2_Wiki
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/EuroTruck2/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Reviews: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/euro-truck-simulator-2
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Blog: http://blog.scssoft.com/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/SCSsoftware
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eurotrucksimulator2
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Developer Website: http://www.scssoft.com/
Unsure? Download the free trial here from the official website: http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/download.php
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a game where you drive a truck around Europe delivering all kinds of goods from one place to another. As you make money, you can buy bigger, better trucks and also hire other drivers and start your own trucking empire.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW0z6s_GRBCLO2C9A9vbUTw?sub_confirmation=1
Email Us!: jalindo@goodcleangaming.com
Facebook: facebook.goodcleangaming.com
Twitter: twitter.goodcleangaming.com
Blogger: blog.goodcleangaming.com
Tumblr: tumblr.goodcleangaming.com
Pinterest: pinterest.goodcleangaming.com
VK: vk.goodcleangaming.com
Developer Description:
"Travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. If you’ve got what it takes to be part of an elite trucking force, get behind the wheel and prove it!
Transport a vast variety of cargo across more than 60 European cities. Build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits. Customize your vehicles with optional lights, bars, horns, beacons, smoke exhausts, and more.
Key Features:
Transport a vast variety of cargo across more than 60 European cities.
Run your own business which continues to grow even as you complete your freight deliveries.
Build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits.
A varied amount of truck tuning that range from performance to cosmetic changes.
Customize your vehicles with optional lights, bars, horns, beacons, smoke exhausts, and more.
Thousands of miles of real road networks with hundreds of famous landmarks and structures.
World of Trucks
Take advantage of additional features of Euro Truck Simulator 2 by joining our online community on World of Trucks, our center for virtual truckers all around the world interested in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and future SCS Software's truck simulators.
Use in-game Photo Mode to capture the best moments and share them with thousands of people who love trucks.
Favorite the images you like the most and return to them anytime in the future.
Discuss the screenshots with everyone using World of Trucks.
See the best images hand-picked by the game creators in Editor's Pick updated almost every day. Try to get your own screenshot on this list!
Upload and use your custom avatar and license plate in the game.
More features coming soon!
To join World of Trucks, simply sign up with your Steam account on the join page.
World of Trucks is an optional service, registration on World of Trucks isn't required to play the game."
This series includes Going East! addon-on
Developer Description:
"Going East! add-on expands the original Euro Truck Simulator 2 map with new destinations for cargo delivery across Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.
Additional 20+ hours of driving to explore all the new areas in the game world.
13 new cities including Warsaw, Krakow, Ostrava, Budapest, Kosice and more."
Good Clean Gaming focuses on family-friendly PC let's play series and tutorials that all ages can enjoy, alone or together. During gameplay, we will guide you and walkthrough how to play the game well. We usually start each series with a brief tutorial.
Good Clean Gaming is not affiliated with the developers of this video game. Good Clean Gaming obtains written permission from the developers before uploading any lets plays.
wn.com/Ets2 Speed Run Yahtzee Episode 32
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Speed Run - Visiting Every City in Europe!
Watch in Playlist Mode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyj9o-jOVyzR9_Ko7z0xQUyne07fGZyeI
Purchase Euro Truck Simulator 2 Here: http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/
Or Purchase it on Steam Here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/227300/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Wiki: http://euro-truck-simulator-2.wikia.com/wiki/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2_Wiki
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/EuroTruck2/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Reviews: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/euro-truck-simulator-2
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Blog: http://blog.scssoft.com/
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/SCSsoftware
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eurotrucksimulator2
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Developer Website: http://www.scssoft.com/
Unsure? Download the free trial here from the official website: http://www.eurotrucksimulator2.com/download.php
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a game where you drive a truck around Europe delivering all kinds of goods from one place to another. As you make money, you can buy bigger, better trucks and also hire other drivers and start your own trucking empire.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW0z6s_GRBCLO2C9A9vbUTw?sub_confirmation=1
Email Us!: jalindo@goodcleangaming.com
Facebook: facebook.goodcleangaming.com
Twitter: twitter.goodcleangaming.com
Blogger: blog.goodcleangaming.com
Tumblr: tumblr.goodcleangaming.com
Pinterest: pinterest.goodcleangaming.com
VK: vk.goodcleangaming.com
Developer Description:
"Travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. If you’ve got what it takes to be part of an elite trucking force, get behind the wheel and prove it!
Transport a vast variety of cargo across more than 60 European cities. Build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits. Customize your vehicles with optional lights, bars, horns, beacons, smoke exhausts, and more.
Key Features:
Transport a vast variety of cargo across more than 60 European cities.
Run your own business which continues to grow even as you complete your freight deliveries.
Build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits.
A varied amount of truck tuning that range from performance to cosmetic changes.
Customize your vehicles with optional lights, bars, horns, beacons, smoke exhausts, and more.
Thousands of miles of real road networks with hundreds of famous landmarks and structures.
World of Trucks
Take advantage of additional features of Euro Truck Simulator 2 by joining our online community on World of Trucks, our center for virtual truckers all around the world interested in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and future SCS Software's truck simulators.
Use in-game Photo Mode to capture the best moments and share them with thousands of people who love trucks.
Favorite the images you like the most and return to them anytime in the future.
Discuss the screenshots with everyone using World of Trucks.
See the best images hand-picked by the game creators in Editor's Pick updated almost every day. Try to get your own screenshot on this list!
Upload and use your custom avatar and license plate in the game.
More features coming soon!
To join World of Trucks, simply sign up with your Steam account on the join page.
World of Trucks is an optional service, registration on World of Trucks isn't required to play the game."
This series includes Going East! addon-on
Developer Description:
"Going East! add-on expands the original Euro Truck Simulator 2 map with new destinations for cargo delivery across Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.
Additional 20+ hours of driving to explore all the new areas in the game world.
13 new cities including Warsaw, Krakow, Ostrava, Budapest, Kosice and more."
Good Clean Gaming focuses on family-friendly PC let's play series and tutorials that all ages can enjoy, alone or together. During gameplay, we will guide you and walkthrough how to play the game well. We usually start each series with a brief tutorial.
Good Clean Gaming is not affiliated with the developers of this video game. Good Clean Gaming obtains written permission from the developers before uploading any lets plays.
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 10
Goa Tour Video: Calangute Beach Video: Candolim Beach Video
This Goa tour video is first In the video series for the beaches and other tourist attractions of Goa, description ia available at www.magicofgoa.com Though bea...
This Goa tour video is first In the video series for the beaches and other tourist attractions of Goa, description ia available at www.magicofgoa.com Though beach lovers might get disapointment as this video covers just two beaches, Calangute Beach and Candolim Beach of north Goa but surely the nature lovers will love to watch this video as Vaibhavwadi Gaganbawada Ghat, Amboli Ghat road and Amboli waterfall on the way of road journey to Panjim from Kolhapur are explored fully. Kolhapur (www.kolhapurworld.com) is the city of Goddess Mahalaxmi and Gateway to pictorious, nature rich Konkan area of Maharashtra and road journey to Goa. Goa video also exploring famous Mandovi river bridge and Panjim roads at night.
wn.com/Goa Tour Video Calangute Beach Video Candolim Beach Video
This Goa tour video is first In the video series for the beaches and other tourist attractions of Goa, description ia available at www.magicofgoa.com Though beach lovers might get disapointment as this video covers just two beaches, Calangute Beach and Candolim Beach of north Goa but surely the nature lovers will love to watch this video as Vaibhavwadi Gaganbawada Ghat, Amboli Ghat road and Amboli waterfall on the way of road journey to Panjim from Kolhapur are explored fully. Kolhapur (www.kolhapurworld.com) is the city of Goddess Mahalaxmi and Gateway to pictorious, nature rich Konkan area of Maharashtra and road journey to Goa. Goa video also exploring famous Mandovi river bridge and Panjim roads at night.
- published: 14 Dec 2010
- views: 77149
Offizielle TSM Map 4.6.1 Update (Test Play 165 - Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Test Play 165 - Offizielle TSM Map 4.6.1 Update
Die TSM Map 4.6 ist da, auch gibt es schon ein Update auf 4.6.1
Die TSM Map 4.6.x ist nur unter ETS2 lau...
Test Play 165 - Offizielle TSM Map 4.6.1 Update
Die TSM Map 4.6 ist da, auch gibt es schon ein Update auf 4.6.1
Die TSM Map 4.6.x ist nur unter ETS2 lauffähig.
Video Index
00.00 Tour auf der TSM 4.6.1
16.10 Abschluss
TSM Forum und TSM Map Support
Mod Liste Version 10.x (Für Patch/Update
Genre: Simulation
Publisher: Rondomedia
Link: (http://rondomedia.de)
Entwickler: SCS Software
Link: (http://www.scssoft.com)
Internetseite: http://eurotrucksimulator2.de
Hier bestellt ihr das Spiel preisgünstig: http://amzn.to/T6w9G6
(Harald Fränkel)
GEMA Freie Musik
Musik: www.gameaudio.net
01. Back in your Arms
02. Before the Storm
03. Ambient Travel
04. Tripping Through
05. Dark Side
06. Heart Attack
07. Speed Rush
08. Come follow me
09. Into Deep
10. Time
11. Andalusian Love
12. Little Africa
13. Sunset Feeling
14. Rave New World
*Dieser YouTube Kanal dient einer NICHT Kommerziellen Unterhaltung*
wn.com/Offizielle Tsm Map 4.6.1 Update (Test Play 165 Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Test Play 165 - Offizielle TSM Map 4.6.1 Update
Die TSM Map 4.6 ist da, auch gibt es schon ein Update auf 4.6.1
Die TSM Map 4.6.x ist nur unter ETS2 lauffähig.
Video Index
00.00 Tour auf der TSM 4.6.1
16.10 Abschluss
TSM Forum und TSM Map Support
Mod Liste Version 10.x (Für Patch/Update
Genre: Simulation
Publisher: Rondomedia
Link: (http://rondomedia.de)
Entwickler: SCS Software
Link: (http://www.scssoft.com)
Internetseite: http://eurotrucksimulator2.de
Hier bestellt ihr das Spiel preisgünstig: http://amzn.to/T6w9G6
(Harald Fränkel)
GEMA Freie Musik
Musik: www.gameaudio.net
01. Back in your Arms
02. Before the Storm
03. Ambient Travel
04. Tripping Through
05. Dark Side
06. Heart Attack
07. Speed Rush
08. Come follow me
09. Into Deep
10. Time
11. Andalusian Love
12. Little Africa
13. Sunset Feeling
14. Rave New World
*Dieser YouTube Kanal dient einer NICHT Kommerziellen Unterhaltung*
- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 467