Jun 30 2016

BuzzFeed’s Obama Coverage Is 99 Percent Uncritical–and Borderline Creepy

While BuzzFeed has certainly done important work of late, on issues ranging from sexual harassment to AIDS in Africa, when it comes to the most powerful person on earth, however—the president of the United States—its coverage is almost uniformly uncritical and often sycophantic.

Jun 29 2016

Lewandowski Hire Makes Journalists Choose Between Defending Their Profession and Embracing Its Demise

Faced with the destruction of journalistic values by the corrupting effects of the profit motive, journalists can either stand up for the principles that brought many of them into the career in the first place—or else identify with the corruption, telling themselves that they’re siding with the smart money even as it destroys the institutions that form the basis for their profession.

Jun 28 2016

Scalia’s Lurch to the Left–and Other New York Times Pipe Dreams

“The Supreme Court Drifts to the Left.” That’s the message of a chart that takes up a good chunk of some of the most valuable journalistic real estate in the world, the top half of the front page of the New York Times. Only—that’s not what this chart shows at all.

Jun 27 2016

‘It’s Amazing How Little These Issues of Unequal Access Come Up’

CounterSpin interview with Jamila Michener on expanding voting rights

“When legislation passes, there’s this sense that this is now the law of the land and we should accept it, but thinking about the process that produced that law and whose voice mattered, right, it really affects how we view the legitimacy of policies and of laws. “

Jun 27 2016

‘Minority Communities Bear the Brunt of Police Abuses’

CounterSpin interview with Nirej Sekhon on Supreme Court ruling on illegal searches

“Justice Sotomayor takes issue not just with the result in the Strief opinion, but with the results in a range of Fourth Amendment opinions…. The Fourth Amendment hasn’t been interpreted in a manner that allows for courts to respond to the realities of policing in minority communities.”

Jun 27 2016

On Brexit, Experts Leave Much to Be Desired

A New York Times column by Phillippe Legrain denounced the supporters of Brexit by noting their contempt for economic expertise. It then went on to demonstrate good reasons for such contempt.

Sep 27 2012

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