What links Leaf, Soul, Zoe, Twizy, Kangoo? The Weekend quiz

Edit The Guardian 28 May 2016
From an arch to a whistleblower to a slave, test your knowledge with the Weekend quiz. The questions. 1 Which rulers wore Monomakh’s Cap?. 2 What 1900 uprising was defeated by the Eight-Nation Alliance?. 3 What arch was controversially demolished in 1961? ... 13 Alan Napier; Michael Gough; Michael Caine; Jeremy Irons? ... Twitter ... ....

Yvonne Craig, Batgirl and infamous Orion slave girl, dies at 78

Edit The Examiner 19 Aug 2015
Yvonne Craig was a ballet dancer who was able to move into the movies and television and take on some geek-worthy roles. Batgirl in the "Batman" TV series and the infamous Orion slave girl Marta. Craig was 78 ... Although she worked with Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward), only Batman/Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred (Alan Napier) knew her true identity ... Garth attempts to trick Kirk and Spock ... Axanar." ... ....

Councillor Robin Todd MBE (Durham County Council)

Edit noodls 26 May 2015
(Source. Durham County Council) Page location. Published May 26, 2015 4.18pm. It is with great sadness that the council advises that Cllr Robin Todd MBE, vice-chairman of Durham County Council, passed away in hospital on Saturday, 23 May 2015. Cllr Todd, 74, was a local councillor for 51 years ... Cllr Alan Napier, Deputy Leader of Durham County Council, who led District of Easington Council together with Cllr Todd, said ... (noodl. 28410780) ....

How to get a perfect edge between your flower garden and the lawn

Edit Syracuse 20 May 2015
This week, Central New York gardening columnist Carol T. Bradford responds to a reader question. Dear Carol ... Dear S.M.. When I wrote recently about the garden jobs this month, I omitted edging. Edging! Nothing makes a garden look well maintained more than meticulous edging. The weediest lawn will look fine if mowed and edged ... They will have to be reseeded ... Questions may be directed to cnyreadsbooks@gmail.com or to Alan NaPier at 673-9203 ... ....

24th April Vandalism at Sixmile Leisure Centre (Newtownabbey Borough Council)

Edit noodls 24 Apr 2015
(Source. Newtownabbey Borough Council). 24 April 2015 Alan Napier, Duty manager at Six Mile Leisure Centre, Deputy Mayor, Councillor John Blair and Councillor John Blair inspect the vandalised window in the Gym at Sixmile Leisure Centre ... Speaking about the incident, Councillor Blair said; ... Anyone with information should Tel. 028 9065 0222....

Manatee County couple get jail, prison sentences for animal cruelty

Edit Tampa Bay Online 29 Mar 2015
The Herald-Tribune reports that Alan and Sheree Napier were convicted in February of fraud and numerous animal cruelty charges ... Judge Peter Dubensky sentenced Alan Napier to 36 months in prison followed ......

Manatee couple sentenced to jail for animal cruelty of more than 300 animals

Edit The Examiner 29 Mar 2015
After an eight-day trial in Bradenton, Florida, in February Alan Napier was found guilty of eight counts of aggravated animal abuse, one count of scheming to defraud and one count of unlawful solicitation ... Judge Peter Dubensky sentenced Alan Napier to 36 months in prison and four years probation. Sheree Napier was sentenced to 270 days in county jail followed by three years of probation....

Napiers to serve time for abuse

Edit Herald Tribune 28 Mar 2015
BRADENTON - Both Alan and Sheree Napier will spend time behind bars for their roles in the suffering of animals at their east Manatee County shelter ... On Friday, Circuit Judge Peter Dubensky sentenced Alan Napier to 36 months in prison followed by four years on probation ... Alan Napier was also found guilty of unlawful solicitation of funds ... "Everything we did was with good intentions," Alan Napier said....

Napiers will both do time for animal cruelty

Edit Herald Tribune 27 Mar 2015
Both Alan and Sheree Napier will spend time behind bars for their roles in the suffering of animals at their east Manatee shelter. Dubensky sentenced Alan Napier to 36 months in prison followed by four years on probation ... Alan and Sheree Napier were convicted in February of fraud and numerous animal cruelty counts ... Jason Reid requested that Alan Napier be allowed to serve jail time and have his adjudication withheld....

Napiers acquitted of one cruelty count

Edit Herald Tribune 27 Feb 2015
MANATEE COUNTY - Alan and Sheree Napier were acquitted Thursday of one animal cruelty count involving a horse ... Alan Napier also was convicted of unlawful solicitation of funds ... Until then, Alan Napier remains at the Manatee County jail while his wife, Sheree, remains out on bond....

Napiers acquitted of 1 animal cruelty charge

Edit Herald Tribune 26 Feb 2015
Alan and Sheree Napier were acquitted Thursday of one animal cruelty count involving a horse ... 4 found Alan and Sheree Napier guilty of scheme to defraud and eight counts of aggravated animal cruelty....

Napiers acquitted of one animal cruelty charge

Edit Herald Tribune 26 Feb 2015
Alan and Sheree Napier were acquitted Thursday of one animal cruelty count involving a horse ... 4 found Alan and Sheree Napier guilty of scheme to defraud and eight counts of aggravated animal cruelty....

Florida couple found guilty of disgusting animal cruelty at their shelter

Edit The Examiner 05 Feb 2015
4, Alan and Sheree Napier were found guilty of animal abuse and other charges. Alan Napier was found guilty of scheming to defraud, unlawful solicitation of funds and eight counts of animal cruelty ... His wife, Sheree Napier, was found guilty of scheming to defraud, and eight counts of animal cruelty ... The Napiers were originally charged with 15 counts of aggravated animal cruelty, and Alan Napier was also charged with one count of fraud....