Is Gone With the Wind's nostalgia for slavery acceptable?

Edit The Guardian 16 Jun 2016
Eighty years old this month, Margaret Mitchell’s novel continues to charm readers, but is it also seducing them into bigotry?. @rafiazakaria ... At the hospital, she hung on for a few days, her fans and family hoping and praying ... The book she wrote lives on ... Mitchell lived at a time when her beloved Georgia enforced discriminatory Jim Crow laws that mandated the separation of blacks and whites in schools, trains and most public places ... ....

NJ Weedman reflects on a year of struggle and success

Edit NJ dot com 16 Jun 2016
Ed "NJ Weedman" Forchion's eatery and "pot temple" opened exactly a year ago. Now he's looking back at everything that's happened since. TRENTON - In the sticky heat of his downtown restaurant, Ed "NJ Weedman" Forchion sat at a table and wiped the plastic cloth covering absentmindedly ... But even John had to take a financial hit ...   ... "(Marijuana laws) are the oldest lasting Jim Crow laws in America," he said.  ....

Orlando, racial unrest topics at Southern Baptist meeting

Edit Business Insider 15 Jun 2016
Members of the choir raise their arms as they worship during a meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention Tuesday, June 14, 2016, in St. Louis. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson). NASHVILLE, Tenn ... It is an assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.". The nation's largest Protestant denomination was founded in a split with northern Baptists over slavery, has a history of complicity with Jim Crow laws and is still 80-90 percent white ... ....

Southern Baptists oppose Confederate flag, talk racial unity

Edit The Miami Herald 15 Jun 2016
The Southern Baptist Convention on Tuesday urged Christians to stop displaying the Confederate battle flag, recognizing that it is perceived by many as a "symbol of hatred, bigotry and racism" that offends millions of people ... The nation's largest Protestant denomination was founded in a split with northern Baptists over slavery, has a history of complicity with Jim Crow laws and is still 80-90 percent white ... ....

Experts: Hillary Clinton´s Political Success the Culmination of Historic Efforts (Texas Tech University)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Jun 2016
Earning the right to vote was simply one step to full political equality - and keep in mind that the 19th Amendment did not enfranchise all women; black women in the South, for example, were effectively barred from voting due to Jim Crow laws until the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1964....

Anti-LGBT Laws Are Not the American Way

Edit The Examiner 13 Jun 2016
The Jim Crow laws that were designed to segregate blacks and white may have lasted for a pretty long time (1877 - 1954) but they were obviously repealed due to the civil rights movement ... to pass or anchorage anti-LGBT laws ... Kim Davis, the city clerk who refused to approved a gay couple’s marriage license was put in jail because she broke the law. States and businesses that want to also ignore this law should also be punished....

Cohen moved by trip to prison that held Mandela

Edit Commercial Appeal 12 Jun 2016
WASHINGTON — In a journey filled with poignant moments, the one that stood out most for U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen was a salute ... "There was a lot to absorb and think about," Cohen said. "It made a big impact on me." ... House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, the Maryland Democrat who led the delegation, invited Cohen because he had authored legislation that formally apologized for slavery and the Jim Crow laws that followed ... Robert F ... Rep ... ....

Louisville didn't always embrace Ali

Edit CBS News 11 Jun 2016
Jim Crow laws put Ali at odds with his hometown ... ....

An Ugly Legacy of Jim Crow Is With Us Today, Scholar Argues (Fordham University)

Edit Public Technologies 09 Jun 2016
By defining white identity in terms of a threat that black people supposedly presented, these lynchings paved the way for repressive Jim Crow laws and, ultimately, for many inequities that are still with us, said Smångs ... This stigma fomented the passage of Jim Crow laws that disenfranchised and segregated African Americans, as well as the laws' longer-term injustices that other scholars have documented, Smångs said....

How Ali found home in Nation of Islam, his start as Muslim

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 09 Jun 2016
What he found was the Nation of Islam, the controversial black Muslims who preached a doctrine of strict separation of the races and described white people as devils ... a willingness to defy the establishment and do what he believed was right ... Ali’s interest in the Nation of Islam began in his high school years in Louisville, when he lived under the yoke of Jim Crow laws, even after returning home with an Olympic gold medal in 1960 ... > ....

How Muhammad-Ali found home in Nation-of-Islam and why he embraced the religion

Edit Kashmir Observer 09 Jun 2016
As a young boxer, Muhammad Ali searched for a faith to guide him as he confronted the indignities of racial discrimination ... But Ali, who adopted a Muslim name, didn’t waver amid withering criticism ... He found comfort there ... So it worked both ways.” ... Ali’s interest in the Nation of Islam began in his high school years in Louisville, when he lived under the yoke of Jim Crow laws, even after returning home with an Olympic gold medal in 1960....

First active duty gold medal winner, Tuskegee Airman buried at Arlington

Edit Stars and Stripes 09 Jun 2016
His nickname was "Marvelous Mal." And those who gathered Wednesday at the National Cathedral to remember the 91-year-old Olympic track star, Air Force tail gunner and U.S. sports ambassador came from every chapter of his big-screen life ... 19 ... "Mal was a great man ... But Whitfield's success as a black athlete during a period of history rife with discrimination and Jim Crow laws makes his biography all the more stunning ... ... ....

First active duty gold medal winner and Tuskegee Airman buried at Arlington

Edit Stars and Stripes 09 Jun 2016
His nickname was "Marvelous Mal." And those who gathered Wednesday at the National Cathedral to remember the 91-year-old Olympic track star, Air Force tail gunner and U.S. sports ambassador came from every chapter of his big-screen life ... 19 ... "Mal was a great man ... But Whitfield's success as a black athlete during a period of history rife with discrimination and Jim Crow laws makes his biography all the more stunning ... ... ....