Patrick is a political economist based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Development Studies in Durban, where he directs the Centre for Civil Society ( He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, raised in Alabama, and educated in economics at Swarthmore College, finance at the University of Pennsylvania, and geography at Johns Hopkins University. He is active with social movements in South Africa, Zimbabwe and internationally. Recent books are Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society (co-edited with Rehana Dada and Graham Erion for Rozenberg Publishers and UKZN Press, 2008, 2007); A Pilhagem na Africa (Sururu Produções Culturais, Lisbon and South Links, Rio de Janeiro 2008); Enclavity in African Economies (edited for CCS, Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa and International Development Economics Associates, 2007); The Accumulation of Capital in Southern Africa (co-edited with Horman Chitonge and Arndt Hopfmann for CCS and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2007); Looting Africa (Zed Books and the University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2006); Talk Left, Walk Right (UKZN Press, 2006, 2004); Trouble in the Air (edited with Rehana Dada for CCS and TransNational Institute, 2005); Elite Transition (UKZN Press and Pluto Press, 2005, 2000); Fanon`s Warning (edited, Africa World Press and CCS, 2005, 2002); Against Global Apartheid (Zed Books and University of Cape Town Press, 2003); Zimbabwe`s Plunge (coauthored with Simba Manyanya, Merlin Press, Weaver Press, Africa World Press and UKZN Press, 2003); and Unsustainable South Africa (Merlin Press and UKZN Press, 2002).
Protests rise against World Economic Forum’s implausible ‘Africa Keeps Rising’ meme
Austerity Gathers Pace in Volatile South Africa
World Bank punches South Africa’s poor, by ignoring the rich
BRICS Faces External Capitalist Crisis, Growing Internal Strife
Dennis Vincent Brutus, 1924-2009
Cultivating African Anti-Capitalism
Zimbabwe Lurches Toward a Pauper’s Burial
World Soccer Corruption, Africa’s ‘Illicit Financial Flows’ and Elite Silences
South Africa’s Austerity Meets Opposition
Keep South Africa’s Lights on with Renewable Energy – or Irradiate a Darkened Nation?
The World Bank blinks at South African inequality and corporate subsidies
Mandela Led Fight Against Apartheid, But Not Against Extreme Inequality
Big Oil Gets Green Light to Explore Ecuadorian Amazon
Can Jim Yong Kim Make a Difference at the World Bank?
Global Migrants for Climate Action
Against Global Apartheid: South Africa Meets the World Bank, IMF and International Finance
Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal: Essays on South Africa`s New Urban Crisis
Commanding Heights and Community Control: New Economics for a New South Africa