- published: 18 Mar 2008
- views: 103255
Sir Alfred Jules "Freddie" Ayer (/ɛər/; 29 October 1910 – 27 June 1989) was a British philosopher known for his promotion of logical positivism, particularly in his books Language, Truth, and Logic (1936) and The Problem of Knowledge (1956).
He was educated at Eton College and Oxford University, after which he studied the philosophy of Logical Positivism at the University of Vienna. From 1933 to 1940 he lectured on philosophy at Christ Church, Oxford.
During the Second World War Ayer was a Special Operations Executive and MI6 agent.
He was Grote Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic at University College London from 1946 until 1959, after which he returned to Oxford to become Wykeham Professor of Logic. He was president of the Aristotelian Society from 1951 to 1952 and knighted in 1970.
Ayer was born in St John's Wood, in north west London, to a wealthy family from continental Europe. His mother, Reine Citroën, was from the Dutch Jewish family who founded the Citroën car company in France. His father, Jules Ayer, was a Swiss Calvinist financier who worked for the Rothschild family.
Ayer may refer to:
Ayer on Logical Positivism: Section 1
2 Minute Philosophy - AJ AYER
Alfred Jules Ayer | Philosophize |
A History of Philosophy | 77 A.J. Ayer — Language, Truth and Logic
Ayer on Frege and Russell: Section 1
Total Philosophy: A.J Ayer's Emotivism
1/6 Appearance and Reality
Emotivismo - Alfred Ayer
Philosophy: Freedom and Necessity: A.J. Ayer Part I
Unbeantwortbare Fragen (A.J.Ayer) - Philosophie Projekt
Bryan Magee host A.J. Ayer to discuss the philosophical movement of the 20th century known as, Logical Positivism. Section 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMlXmLbGKJY Section 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQS9fFg0cGY Section 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip6p6Y7IUrE Section 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cnRJGs08hE
Otro vídeo más de nuestro canal de Filosofía,si no sabías nada sobre Ayer, aquí aprenderás lo más importante de él, así que dale ''Me Gusta''. suscríbete y comenta este vídeo.
A History of Philosophy | 77 A.J. Ayer — Language, Truth and Logic Connect with Wheaton: http://www.wheaton.edu http://www.facebook.com/wheatoncollege.il http://www.twitter.com/wheatoncollege http://www.instagram.com/wheatoncollegeil
Bryan Magee talks to A.J. Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact Bryan Magee talks to A.J. Ayer about Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell; specifically about their published works and their impact on philosophy itself. Section 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WnkGaLHhy0 Section 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw1tzsMKdYQ Section 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw-k_pLM_fQ Section 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIW4JO_f6Vc Section 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4cX9HT9TV8
In this video we explain the philosophical position know as Emotivism. Feedback is much appreciated. Remember that you can be kept updated via following us on twitter @totalphilosophy. Music - Somewhere Sunny (Ver 2), Kevin Macleod -Evil demon removed, hurrah!
Professor Sir Alfred Ayer and Professor Bernard Williams discuss philosophy and science. Part of Logic Lane (1972), by Michael Chanan.
La teoría emotivista de los enunciados morales sostiene que los juicios de valor no describen nada sino que expresan sentimientos de aprobación y desaprobación. Explicación de Nicolás Zavadivker
Da wir zur Zeit im Philosophieunterricht das Projekt "Sinn des Lebens" durchführen, bei dem alle, jeweils in Gruppen aufgeteilt, sich mit Texten über eben dieses Thema beschäftigen, hat sich unsere Gruppe gedacht, dass wir doch auch den Text "verfilmen" könnten. Unser Text war "Unbeantwortbare Fragen" von Alfred Jules Ayer. Da unser Film gut angekommen ist und auch von der Lehrerin hoch angesehen wurde, dachten wir uns, ihn bei YouTube hochzuladen und hier ist er jetzt auch ;) Wir sind zwar keine guten Schauspieler,geschweige denn bin ich gut mit einem Video-Schnittprogramm, dennoch glauben wir, dass der Sinn des Texts rüber kommt und das Video zum denken anregt. Unser Team/unsere Gruppe: Laura W. (spielt "A.J.Ayer") Patrick H. (Drehbuch/ spielt "einen Geistlichen") Bernhard F. (B...
Bryan Magee host A.J. Ayer to discuss the philosophical movement of the 20th century known as, Logical Positivism. Section 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMlXmLbGKJY Section 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQS9fFg0cGY Section 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip6p6Y7IUrE Section 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cnRJGs08hE
Logic Lane 1978 "Once you're persuaded of the idea of it corresponding to a transcendental world is nonsense, then surely what you do is stop engaging in the practice" Do you agree with Williams? Is the point of religious practice and language to correspond to a transcendental world? If it isn't, should we give it up?
Bryan Magee and A.J. Ayer discuss the 20th century philosophical movement of logical positivism (also called logical empiricism). Professor Ayer helped to introduce logical positivism to the Anglophone world with his work "Language, Truth, and Logic". In this interview, Ayer discusses the movement, including its members, its philosophical approach, the verification principle, and the influence of the movement in and outside of philosophy. This interview was part of a BBC program from 1978.
A fraction of a recently discovered rare interview by Arthur Mullard from a never transmitted radio pilot called "Murder at Broadcasting House". Here, Arthur interviews the world renowned philosopher Sir A J Ayer.
Bryan Magee interviews A.J.Ayer on the Philosophy of Frege and Bertrand Russell.
Logical positivism ran with Hume's analytic/synthetic distinction...turns out running with forks is a bad idea. -Links for the Curious- Hume's "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding," where he posited the analytic/synthetic distinction - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/9662/9662-h/9662-h.htm AJ Ayer's "Language, Truth, & Logic," one of the most popular logical positivist works published - http://s-f-walker.org.uk/pubsebooks/pdfs/ayerLTL.pdf Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" - http://www.ditext.com/quine/quine.html Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus," one of the inspirational texts for the Vienna Circle - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/5740/5740-pdf.pdf A fantastic interview with AJ Ayer regarding the formation/development logical positivism, its collapse, & its wi...
link to Atheist A. J. Ayers paper "What I Saw When I Was Dead " http://www.commonsenseatheism.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Ayer-What-I-Saw-When-I-Was-Dead.pdf Here is another article about Atheist A.J.Ayers near death experience with more details. http://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/roundtable/an-atheist-meets-the-masters-of-the-universe.php Here is a 3 hour audio talk by Howard Storm on his NDE back from 1987 with lots of questions and conversation from the audience, all in 3 part MP3. http://nhne-pulse.org/one-of-the-first-public-talks-given-by-nder-howard-storm/ here is 72 minutes of the audio book "90 minutes in heaven" by Don Piper. http://acu.libsyn.com/show_90_minutes_in_heaven_a_true_story_of_death_and_life_audio_book_excerpt_audio_mp3_ Here is an amazon com p...