Theatre: the nation’s debating chamber

Edit The Guardian 06 Mar 2015
Rhetoric, the act of persuasive speech, was the great Athenian skill and the route to political power ... At the annual Athenian festival, the Great Dionysia, three tragedians presented work (a trilogy each plus a rumbustious “satyr play”), as did five comic authors (a play apiece). This was not some archaic version of the Edinburgh festival or Latitude....

Getty Villa Will Stage a Marathon of Every Major Greek Tragedy This Weekend

Edit LA Weekly 07 Nov 2014
Because in addition to telling the stories, Graney says he also wanted to get to something more ineffably radical about the original experience of seeing Greek tragedies, which he points out were written to be part of the Dionysia, the daylong Athenian festivals of eating, drinking and theatrical performances held each year in honor of the god Dionysus....