LONDON: Never to shy away from displaying his chummy relations with his Pakistani counterpart, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent flowers and wished a speedy recovery to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif following his successful open-heart surgery in a hospital in London, tweeted the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon was also quick to send a letter and convey his regards to the Pakistani head of state, MOFA’s tweeter feed acknowledged.

In fact, as confirmed in a tweet by the spokesperson for India's Ministry of External Affairs Vikas Swarup, PM Nawaz had phoned Modi before going into surgery to thank him for wishing him good health.

Other leaders from across the globe also sent their best wishes to the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as he went for surgery on Tuesday.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had also phoned PM Nawaz to wish him well before the surgery.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani also tweeted a message of support to his regional counterpart two days before the operation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' spokesperson also shared British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's best wishes for the PM.

Messages of support to Nawaz were also sent by the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin and the Tajik President Emomali Rahmon.

News of the successful completion of her father’s surgery was announced by Maryam Nawaz Sharif on her twitter on the same day of the operation.

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Comments (97)

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Desi Dimag
Jun 02, 2016 01:06pm

Humanity first. Get well soon sir, your nation is waiting for your services.

M. Saeed Awan
Jun 02, 2016 01:09pm

Certainly a good gesture by world leaders but best of them MODI. He knows that Nawaz Sharif is the only leader who sincerely willing to normalize ties with India. May he recover soon. Amin

Ashutosh Mishra
Jun 02, 2016 01:17pm

@Desi Dimag Yes, humanity first and also last!! His nation needs him most!!! Good wishes to him towards perfect recovery and adoption of helmsmanship of his country from an Indian well wisher.

Jun 02, 2016 01:25pm

Sure goes on to show how much respect and regard the world has for the democratically elected civilian head of government. Any PM really needs to juggle and keep on his toes to ensure longevity and balance hoping all the time that the experiment is not stopped yet again.

Jun 02, 2016 01:30pm

PM, now that you have recovered and been given a second chance, please sort out the hospitals in Pakistan so our loved ones could also get a second chance.

Jun 02, 2016 01:37pm

Personal relationships between head of states based on liking and disliking means nothing, it's the relationships between states which is long lasting and stable. Take the example of China-Pakistan or Pakistan-Turkey.

Jun 02, 2016 01:54pm

Dear Mr Sharif. We as a nation have remembered you when you were wheeled towards the operating theatre.We know that you reluctantly chose to be treated in UK as your Doctors reside there.We as a nation still pray for your complete recovery.Could you please make your priority to make Pakistan a safer place where our loved ones could be treated as we reside in Pakistan.Enough of roads and buildings and palaces. Sit besides the common people and leave a timeless legacy.May Almighty give you shifa .Aamin

R Yegya Narayanan
Jun 02, 2016 01:56pm

More than ever, the Pakistan PM needs the prayers and support of the people of not only Pakistan but the Indian subcontinent as well. My best wishes for his speedy recovery. With the PMs of both countries having a good understanding, it is the best opportunity for both countries to forge lasting friendship . It is best that once he fully recovers, Mr Sharif takes up the reins of Foreign office and and set the pace for normalization of relationship between India and Pakistan. He won't find a more willing and powerful ally than Mr Modi.

Rahim Kasmiri
Jun 02, 2016 02:28pm

That's the magic of Modi showing the affection towards its neighbours.India is is blessed having him the prime minister.

Jun 02, 2016 02:33pm

It is indeed promising that we as a nation are able to temporarily forget our differences and unite under the banner of "humanity first". Let us continue to demonstrate ethics and sound cultural values, even when the PM has returned. Despite all our differences and our grievances, he represents our country and therefore deserves the highest respect. He also represents the will of the majority of our people.

If we do not agree with his policies, we should use our right to vote. under no circumstances should we fall as low as to bring out people and our country shame by ridiculing their PM.

Jun 02, 2016 02:38pm

Nawaz is blessed to have Modi's wishes.Modi does not look for status of the leader nor size of the country.

nuzhat shireen
Jun 02, 2016 02:48pm

MODI is great leader because he is not corrupt. he has put economy of his country on speedy track. our prime minster should follow him.

Jun 02, 2016 02:49pm

Get well soon nawaz saab

Pedro Sam
Jun 02, 2016 03:01pm

Positive act generates positive result. It is time the people of Pakistan should support their PM to regularise relation with India. Majority of Indians want to see a prosperous Pakistan. If and when the relation becomes normal, Pakistan will emerge as a prosperous and moderate nation recognised by the entire world.

Pedro Sam
Jun 02, 2016 03:02pm

There are some vested people in both the nations which is putting lots of hurdles for the peace. Please ignore priests and mullahs. Both PMs should go ahead and normalise the relations.

Jun 02, 2016 03:05pm

Wishing PM Sharif a speedy recovery.

Arpit Modi
Jun 02, 2016 03:42pm

Pre and post operative wishes came from Modi who heads an "enemy" state, however, I couldn't find a single line for any wishes from China's president or even their office staff ...In this case, it should have been a full page advertisement from China. After all, China is the only state with Pakistan.

Jun 02, 2016 03:43pm

No end to cold war between the 2 countries until there is any give and take over Kashmir and direct route to Afghanistan via Wahga border.

Jun 02, 2016 03:50pm

Pakistan is a nuclear country. Who is at this moment in charge of nuclear button in case of a n emergency? Prime minister who is supposed to press the button is lying incapacitated in a foreign country in ICU.

Jun 02, 2016 03:53pm

Best of luck Dear Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan! Common people of the world desire to have same sort of advance medical care and facilities for them selves also, and that too in their own country.

Jun 02, 2016 03:55pm

Thanks God and God gives good health to our leader. we thanks to Mr .Modi he is also a great leader and he is keen to have good relation between both country- There is no need of fighting or war, we need both country togather- let us not forget one important thing that if these both country come to gather then they are the supper power.

Dr.Cajetan Coelho
Jun 02, 2016 04:00pm

Wishing Sharif bhai a speedy recovery and good health. God bless.

aslam shaikh
Jun 02, 2016 04:12pm

Very good Business partners.

Jun 02, 2016 04:27pm

NS should work to give the same medical facilities to his people when he comes back.

Sudhakar USA
Jun 02, 2016 04:29pm

"Never to shy away from displaying his chummy relations with his Pakistani counterpart" Perhaps a leading newspaper can use better choice of words? Are the rest of the world leaders displaying their "chummy relations" as well when they sent him wishes??

Jun 02, 2016 04:36pm

Good time for Modi to announce date for UN kashmir plebiscite.

Jun 02, 2016 04:37pm

Country is more important than the individuals.

Jun 02, 2016 04:49pm

@Desi Dimag ... like what... name one service or you are being sarcastic

Jun 02, 2016 04:52pm

@M. Saeed Awan ...It is only because of fame and being the prime minister and nothing else...Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.

Jun 02, 2016 04:56pm

@Ashutosh Mishra ... our beleaguered people need more well wishes than he does... he got plenty already cos he got money money and money...

Sanjoy Sankar Guha
Jun 02, 2016 04:58pm

All of us from India pray for a speedy and complete recovery of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. May your gentlemanly presence be around to preside over a lasting solution to the troubled Indo Pak relationship !

Jun 02, 2016 05:00pm

@Adil ...God gave me a second chance. I am so very glad with what was going on with my health, but I want to be a success in my relationship with my fellow countrymen and that is the real spirit.

Jun 02, 2016 05:02pm

@Zak Better even just turn it over to Pakistan as a gift?

Jun 02, 2016 05:04pm

@Prasannajit Nawaz Sharif is a kind heart persons and accepts good wishes without looking into someone's past or one's norms.

Jun 02, 2016 05:04pm

Why China is not sending any good will message ?

Jun 02, 2016 05:06pm

So many good wishes from many prominent leaders around the world. Good. I think Nawaz Sharif has just taken everyone for a big ride with this surgery story.

Jun 02, 2016 05:12pm

@Zak Modi after wishing Sharif is thinking of meeting UN chief for Balochistan referendum.

Raja Ragu Raman
Jun 02, 2016 05:14pm

@Zak Forget it

Jun 02, 2016 05:18pm

Get well soon Nawaj & let well us in education, health & foreign aid.

Another regular
Jun 02, 2016 05:27pm

@Adil: Is building world class health care hospitals part of CPEC?

Basit Ali
Jun 02, 2016 05:38pm

@Saeed The finger on the button belongs to a hand of the one how can not be named, only whispered :)

Basit Ali
Jun 02, 2016 05:40pm

@Zak The date has already been set, only deciding the year to be done

Jun 02, 2016 05:43pm

@Saeed sahib, please press the button for progress in Pakistan rather than nuclear disaster.

Jun 02, 2016 05:45pm

@Alam nice reply brother.

Jun 02, 2016 05:58pm

@Zak No Plebiscite for At least 1000 years .

Such ka samna
Jun 02, 2016 06:03pm

Wait I remember NS is treated at secret location. How come modi knows the place to send him flowers.

Jun 02, 2016 06:14pm

No hospital name, no doctors reactions, no Govt spokes person seemed doctored open heart surgery on Pm Nawaz.

Jun 02, 2016 06:21pm

@Guest no, we don't want gifts on the blood of others. We want to respect other nations sentiment and we want others to respect them as well.

Jun 02, 2016 06:22pm

@Mushtaki speak if you are a kashmiri, otherwise belt it.

Jun 02, 2016 06:25pm

@Basit Ali that's good, so concept agreed then, year and modalities UN can decide.

Jun 02, 2016 06:27pm

@Raja Ragu Raman I may forget it, but the kashmiris won't let India forget it as shown in the past. It's for kashmiris to decide not a gujarati national sitting 1000 miles away.

Jun 02, 2016 06:39pm

@visionary The only legacy this guy will be leaving is real estate in Mayfair London and Saudi Arabia for his family. Judging from his waist line, the amount he eats might be the reason for his operation. The fact the media wing covered up what was going on suggests he is not in a fit position to rule but of course he is in the process of getting the next leader from his party ready for the position.

Jun 02, 2016 06:41pm

@Zak kashmiris have already decided they wanted to be part of stable,poweful & develop India.

Jun 02, 2016 06:49pm

@Zak Are you ready to follow the UN resolution, which says you have to vacate the occupy part of Kashmir and the part you have given to China?

Aid > Trade
Jun 02, 2016 06:50pm

@Zak Ordinary kashmiris can't afford to go to London for medical checkup & open heart surgery.

Ratnam Raj Prakash
Jun 02, 2016 07:17pm

@SK you may be right but when two individuals are like-minded then don't you think the people of both the countries benefit ?

Jun 02, 2016 07:20pm

@Prasannajit I have never seen more poverty than I have in India. Unfortunately, because of the caste system, huge swathes of Indias population will never be allowed to progress. Yes India is indeed a democratic country, and the middle class has flourished there. However in Pakistan the middle class continues to leave the country en masse, doctores, engineers, for greener pastures. What you have left in Pakistan is then the lower labour class and the elite ruling class, or you can also call them the royal family. Similar to what has happened in Sri Lanka.

Jun 02, 2016 07:24pm

@SKG yes Pakistan is ready for implementation of un resolution. India should tell UN about its intentions thrn UN will ask Pakistan to do the needful. Pakistan will implement when India agreed for plebicite.

Jun 02, 2016 07:31pm

@Prasannajit ..sure...Baluchistan will come after pending matter is solved. Then East Punjab Nagaland Manipur and many more pressing cases in India.

Jun 02, 2016 07:38pm

@Zak - Why wait for Modi? Mr Sharif can declare plebiscite on his part of Kashmir and the chinese part that was gifted away. Modi will certainly follow suit.

syed wasim haider
Jun 02, 2016 07:44pm

Good gesture from Mr. Modi.

Jun 02, 2016 07:45pm

@Alam Don't worry India will take care, first let's talk about Baluchistan. Are you ready? Coz it will soon slip from your hand.

Jun 02, 2016 07:56pm


common dont deceive yourselg the world knows who runs the pakistan

Jun 02, 2016 08:00pm


kashmir india nuclear weapons nothing beyond ??

india will keep moving ahead & pakistan cant think beyond kashmir pakistan keeps spending on arms to match india again it benefits india

Uday Kulkarni
Jun 02, 2016 08:03pm

Best wishes to PM Nawaz Sharif for speedy recovery . Also noted that lot of Indians have wished speedy recovery along with huge Pakistani readers. Happy to see that the people wish good for each other on both sides of the border. People to people contact should be increased as common man in Pakistan can visit metro cities of India such as Delhi , Mumbai or Bangalore, Chennai ... for open heart surgeries where treatment of heart ailment in India is world class and would come at reasonable prices for Pakistani common man not undermining the efforts to build similar facilities in Lahore or Karachi. If I am not mistaken; Apollo group of hospitals in India tried for a tie up to build similar facilities in Pakistan but were not successful though Apollo hospitals are private and expensive for a common man.

Jun 02, 2016 08:04pm

@Alam Why afer & not before dear, If Pakistan is so sure on Balochistan? What fear stopping Pakistan? Why don't you set an example infront of Un?

Jun 02, 2016 08:03pm


does pakistan deserve it ??

why should hindus of jammu & buddist of ladakh want to be part of pakistan where minorities populations keeps going down ??

Jun 02, 2016 08:04pm

@Raja Ragu Raman

right word is keeping dreaming & continue spending on arms

Jun 02, 2016 08:09pm


how many decades back did you visit india now dont tell me there is no poverty in pakistan ? atleast india is making all attempts to bring its people out of poverty while pak is busy buying arms & adding more nuclear weapons even though they face power shortages

The End is Near
Jun 02, 2016 08:12pm

PM must also think about the lack of medical facilities for poor people in Pakistan. He himself goes abroad for first class medical treatment even for the minor health issues. But the poor children in Thar have no value to survive. Each year estimated 20000 pregnant women in Pakistan die because of the poor maternal health services and lack of health facilities in Pakistan. The sad thing is, that even the basic health facilities are not within the reach of a poor man.

R.S. Menon.
Jun 02, 2016 08:23pm


In 1982, the poverty level figures for India and Pak were 45% and 17% respectively. The latest figure is 23% for India and 33% for Pak. I know you do not want to believe it. Once in while Google it.

R.S. Menon, Bangalore

Sudhir Neyalasinger
Jun 02, 2016 08:43pm

@noman Very well said

Jun 02, 2016 08:45pm

It is not wise for India PM to send flowers to patient in the hospital, as it brings pollen and may impact someone who has allergies, including remote forces.

Sudhir Neyalasinger
Jun 02, 2016 08:52pm

@Saeed I hear that pakistan has given its tactical nukes to the military commanders.

Jun 02, 2016 09:04pm

This is good , hope all remains so,can only hope as the populatio has gotten confused but good gestures should be taken in right sense till somthing bad happens as always is the case .hoping and hoping for the best . So hopeful till next incident happens .

Girish Madang
Jun 02, 2016 09:08pm

@R Yegya Narayanan - But the powerful army has a different plan.

Girish Madang
Jun 02, 2016 09:13pm

@nuzhat shireen - Not only he is not corrupt but also very hard working, 15 to 16 hours a day. I wish Pakistani army understands this allow the democratic institution to deal with India so that all differences can be amicably sort out to put both India and Pakistan to speedy economic path, at least for the sake of their respective citizenry !!!

Jun 02, 2016 09:31pm

The only problem we have here is that not only the PM of Pakistan is out of commission but the foreign minister and all other ministries Nawaz Sharif holds are out of commission as well. Why do all these politicians thinks that Pakistan is their inheritance and they can treat it as they please?

The End is Near
Jun 02, 2016 10:02pm

Modi is a personality type who will stab you in the back the first chance he gets. Our 3-times PM needs to learn from the history.

Jun 02, 2016 11:06pm

On behalf of all Indians, I wish speedy recovery for Mr. Sharif.

Jun 02, 2016 11:12pm

@Bipul UN says all kashmir plebiscite has to be at one time and under them. Educate yourself.

p k
Jun 02, 2016 11:39pm

We wish for a speedy recovery and good health. God give him strength to fight back terrorism .

Mohammed Sattar
Jun 02, 2016 11:45pm

While the prime minister gets treatment in London in an immaculate hospital, the Pakistani public will have to wait for the afterlife to get treatment like he is getting at our expence.

Jun 03, 2016 12:04am

@R.S. Menon. 30% of the total human being living below poverty lines lives in India. Refer google to check

Jun 03, 2016 12:10am

@Rahim Kasmiri ...what a big favour to Pakistan. Sending flowers to NS should be reciprocated by NS by accepting Indian occupancy of Kashmir.

Jun 03, 2016 12:17am

@Mushtaki "no plebcite for atleast 1000 years" good revenge for 1000 years muslim rule over India.

Jun 03, 2016 12:27am

@Prasannajit Kashmir case is already pending in UN files so need solve first. It was India who knocked UN doors for Kashmir settlement. India can take Baluchistan case to UN if it can. Baluchis are faithfull Pskistanis and CPEC will make Baluchistan the strongest part of Pakistan much to the displeasure of enemies of Pakistan.

Jun 03, 2016 02:02am

The leaders of Pakistan should understand that they to will never get respect from world leaders such as British PM as Pakistan is nothing economically. So the lesson for them is: Develop Pakistan sincerly ! Wouldn't the British PM visit his counterpart if it was someone like Obama in hospital?

Jun 03, 2016 03:26am

@Zak Not gonna happen in your lifetime.

Jun 03, 2016 03:54am

If only PM Modi can continue such channels of friendship when he is back in India. Politics is such a weird game. These two seem to get on great when they met in many world forums and in Lahore but back in India PM Modi seems to change his tone towards Pakistan.

Jun 03, 2016 04:35am

Prime Minister Modi sent flowers and wished Prime Minister Sharif speedy recovery. That showed kindness and friendship which is appreciated by the people of Pakistan. On the other hand, PM Modi continues to stab PM Sharif by sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan, as revealed by Indian Navy Commander Jadav? Why such duplicity and contradiction? PM Modi as a leader for peace should order end to RAW's terrorism, to bring real "peace and friendship" between the people of India and Pakistan.

Jun 03, 2016 06:26am

I wonder how of these wishes are actually sincere and not buttering up, after checking the pictures of the PM in the ICU with all those hairs, and one showing him wearing dress shirt and a nice one too.

Akbar Khan
Jun 03, 2016 07:28am

Pakistani is blessed with Nawaz and India with Narendra.

As per their initials N they both will rule for minimum Nine years and will leave the impact for next Nine-decades in history.

Jun 03, 2016 08:13am

@sana They haven't made money from that corridor yet!

Jun 03, 2016 08:54am

Great gesture but need to be viewed in the broader sense- real actions on the ground to mend the relationship in real sense. Mr. Nawaz Sharif is too, too much simple person in comparison with Mr. Modi. Flowers, smiles, abrupt visits are surely fake facades from South-East just to show the world and empower his agenda on international level, real actions are daggers from North, Afghanistan as well as Iran. These are extremely dangerous development for the security of Pakistan in this cold war that started after Mr. Modi took over. Mr sharif must not be swayed by simple punjabi emotions again and again but maintain dignity of the country.

Syed Dilawar M. Shah
Jun 03, 2016 11:36am

Our best wishes and speedy recovery for the prime Minister of Pakistan.

Madan Khanna
Jun 03, 2016 12:46pm

We wish Prime Minister Nawaz saheb a speedy recovery and a long healthy life. He is a good man who is such a lot for his countrymen. We would have been happy to have him in India for his surgery as we have world class surgeon who have operated upon Presidents and Prime Ministers of India. God bless him.