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The statue is one of 10 that a local resident gave to the town of Sugar Land, Texas.Video provided by Newsy Newslook


Venus figurines from the Paleolithic Period. King Tut’s mask, sculpted by the ancient Egyptians. Michelangelo's David during the peak of the Renaissance. Even Mount Rushmore in the 1900s.

These are all key points along the evolutionary timeline of sculpture, and are viewed as quintessential representations of the art form during their eras. (Yes, I took art history in college. Don't judge me.)

A bronze statue recently erected in Sugar Land, Texas, may have captured the next benchmark in the annals of art history.

Sugar Land, a suburb of Houston, unveiled a “selfie statue” in Town Square Plaza, outside City Hall.

The statue shows two girls posing for a selfie, and it has pretty much everything you could expect from two girls posing for their next Instagram post.

To run through the checklist:

• Infinity scarf. Check.
• Rain boots. Check.
• Slightly-above-eye-level phone positioning for optimal downward angle. Check.
• The quasi-squat, because standing normally just doesn’t cut it. Check.

The statue is part of a 10-piece collection donated by Sandy Levin, a Sugar Land resident through the Sugar Lane Legacy Foundation, according to the city's website. The selfie statue was installed along with a statue of a man playing guitar, a project valued at $32,500.

Plans for the sculpture have been in the works since at least 2014, according to a city Parks and Recreation agenda from spring of that year asking the City Council to review the statue proposal.

The project was part of the City Council’s mission of “Building Community: Diverse Cultures, Leisure, Arts,” according to the document.

A public works agenda from September 2014 shows the measure passed through City Council — the recommended action became “accepting donation from Sugar Land Legacy Foundation.”

As one could expect, the city is facing some backlash on social media.

What can’t be denied, though, is that many a selfie will be taken with the new statue.

Follow Landon Haaf on Twitter: @LandonHaaf

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