- published: 18 Sep 2016
- views: 2935
Tebing Tinggi Deli or more commonly simply Tebing Tinggi is a chartered city (kota) near the eastern coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia. It has an area of 31 km² and a population at the 2010 National Census of 145,180. It is surrounded by Serdang Bedagai Regency, which has a kecamatan (district) bordering the city named Tebing Tinggi as well.
According to the Agency for Information and Communication Data North Sumatra, Tebing Tinggi is one of the municipality of 33 districts / municipalities in North Sumatra which is located around 80 km from Medan (capital of North Sumatra Province) and it is located on the across of Trans-Sumatran Highway, which connects East Coast Highway; Tanjung Balai, Rantau Prapat and Central Sumatra Highway; Pematangsiantar, Parapat, and Balige.
The city is divided administratively into five districts (kecamatan), tabulated below with their 2010 Census population:
Majority of the residents of Tebing Tinggi is occupied by Malays (70%), Batak (11%) and Chinese (8%) meanwhile Javanese, Mandailing, Indian and other ethnics are known as ethnic minorities. The City's religion predominantly are Islam, followed by Christian and Buddhist and other religion.
English may refer to:
North Sumatra (Indonesian: Sumatera Utara) is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the island of Sumatra, and its capital is Medan. North Sumatra is fourth most populous province in Indonesia after West Java, East Java and Central Java and the most populous Indonesian province outside Java, with over 13,5 million inhabitants in 2014.
The province of North Sumatra stretches across the island of Sumatra between the Indian Ocean and the Strait Malacca. It borders Aceh province on the northwest and Riau and West Sumatra provinces in the southeast. It has an area of 72,981 km². The province contains a broad, low plain along the Strait of Malacca on which the provincial capital, Medan, is located. In the south and west, the land rises to the mountain range that runs the length of Sumatra; the mountains here are dominated by Lake Toba, formed from the caldera of an ancient volcano. Several large islands in the Indian Ocean off the west coast of Sumatra are currently part of North Sumatra, most notably Nias Island and the Batu Islands.
A secondary school is a school which provides secondary education, between the ages of 11 and 16 or 11 and 19, after primary school and before higher education.
In Nigeria, secondary school is for children from ages 10 to 15. Secondary education is divided into two parts: the junior and senior secondary education. The junior secondary education which takes in ages 10-12 is pre-vocational and academic in scope. Most courses are compulsory, except religious and language courses (electives). For students to continue into senior secondary school, they have to make passing grades in the Junior Secondary School Certificate Examinations. In senior secondary school which now consists of ages 13-15, students are allowed to choose which areas to concentrate on, be it science, arts, commerce, or technical studies. All students have to sit for a Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE), of which there are two: the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and the National Examination Council SSCE. Students must pass this before being admitted into any university.
Trenggalek is a regency (kabupaten) in East Java, Indonesia. The central government is located in Trenggalek Kota, which literally means "Trenggalek City".
This regency has an area of 1,261.40 km2 an has a population of 674,521 residents as of 2010. It is located on the southern shore of East Java and is surrounded by three regencies: Ponorogo to the northwest; Pacitan to the southwest; and Tulungagung to the east.
Trenggalek is a regency that is located on the southern shore of Java island and has the following geographical boundaries:
Trenggalek has countless of beautiful tourism objects, even some of them are still virgin. They consists of beaches (pantai), which is the most popular one, caves, and awe-inspiring mountain ranges.
Jalan jalan sore keliling tebing tinggi - CB150R New - #AlbertMotoVlog
Drag race/bike bracket 9 detik tebing tinggi 21 mei 2017
Pembangunan Jalan Tol Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi Seksi 5 - Minggu Ke-79 (11 Juni 2017)
tol Medan _tebing tinggi
Rx king vs Rx king ( tebing tinggi )
Kuliner Tebing Tinggi - Mie Ramen [ Part 1 ]
Start Event Xtrim Tebing Tinggi 20 Nov 2016
#1 Perkenalan + Sunmori Keliling Tebing tinggi - AlbertMotoVlog
Penangkapan Wanita Bandar SHABU di Tebing Tinggi Sumut
polisi preman - Simpang Beo Tebing Tinggi Sumut
hehehe kaca spion pecah 1 di sebelah kanan karna jatoh kemaren. nah jadi ini mash belum make external mic makanya gk ada suaranya huhuhu... jdi kurang seru kan, tpi gk papa yang penting suasana tebing tinggi itu agak lumayan keliatan kan ? ____________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING ____________________________ Follow: ig: @albertomatthew T: @A_AlbertoKarlos Like, Share, And Subscribe my channel Ada saran atau kritikan bisa sharing kesini ya albertomatthew1604@gmail.com
Persiapan fungsional arus mudik & arus balik Idul Fitri 1438 Hijriyah. Jalan tol baru akan difungsikan oleh Dishub dan Polres Serdang Bedagai pada H-7 s.d. H+7 Idul Fitri.
Kp lalang (takari) tebing tinggi
Hallo hay hay... di hari minggu 13 november ini saya berjalan jalan skalian memperkenalkan diri hehe.. senang rasa nya nge riding di minggu pagi bersama CB150R New, maaf nih penjelasan audio nya gk live di atas motor tapi tambahan lagi ke video nya tpi gk pada sih gk penting itu mah, yang penting kedengeran trus tau maksud saya itu apa kan hehe :D jangan lupa like, share, and subscribe ya :) IG: @albertomatthew T: @A_AlbertoMatthew Trimakasih banyak udah nonton :D
Penangkapan Wanita Bandar SHABU di Tebing Tinggi Sumut
Empat Lawang is one of regency in South Sumatra that its capital located at Tebing Tinggi district. The regency has 9 districts and 153 villages. Empat Lawang regency has many Rumah Panggung (stage houses) made of either teak or timber wood (original Sumatra wood). The society reasons of make this stage house because of natural factors (forest area) and there are still many wild animals such as tigers or leopards. Empat Lawang has many tourism object that providing beauty and challenge. The tourism object are Tujuh Tingkat (Seven Level) waterfall, located in Tanjung Alam village, Lintang Kanan district; Hot spring water located in Pasemah Air Keruh (PAK) district; Air Bayau beach located in Muara Pinang and Air Musi beach located in Terusan Baru village, Tebing Tinggi district. The rive...
Duta wisata tebing tinggi 2016 best Talent muslim purba
Taiwan. Ramai yang mengenali Taiwan hanya dengan pelbagai produk komputer terutama Asus. Atau mungkin skuter SYM dan Kymco. Namun hakikatnya Taiwan menyimpan lokasi ekopelancongan yang jarang terdapat di negara lain. Kami sekumpulan wartawan dari Asia Tenggara, Asia Selatan dan New Zealand berkesempatan untuk melawat salah satu daripada 13 wilayah Taiwan yang terletak di timur republik itu iaitu, Hualien. Antara program pelancongan menarik di Hualien ialah pakej melihat ikan lumba-lumba liar Lautan Pasifik yang hanya terdapat di Teluk Hualien. Menariknya di sini, dalam 20 spesies lumba-lumba yang ada di dunia, lima daripadanya mudah dilihat oleh pengunjung yang mengikuti program melihat lumba-lumba oleh Turumoan. Taiwan merupakan sebuah pulau di Asia yang dikelilingi oleh pelbagai lau...
Tebing Tinggi Timbun Rumah, Warga Munjungan Evakuasi Tanpa Bantuan BPBD Trenggalek - bioz tv - Bencana longsor kembali terjadi di desa bangun kecamatan munjungan Kabupaten Trenggalek, Akibat longsor ini satu rumah mengalami kerusakan berupa tembok jebol di terjang material longsor. Bangunan rumah yang rusak akibat longsor ini adalah milik Suradi warga Desa Bangun, Munjungan. Rumah tersebut rusak berat akibat tergerus material tanah dan batu di sertai pepohonan yang ikut hanyut terbawa longsor tersebut. Akibat kejadian ini kerugian di taksir hingga puluhan juta rupiah Aksi TNI & POLRI Hadir Lebih Awal Bantu Evakuasi Bencana Munjungan Trenggalek - bioz.tv : https://youtu.be/GbO2DCqGX1Q Tebing Tinggi Timbun Rumah, Warga Munjungan Evakuasi Tanpa Bantuan BPBD Trenggalek ? - bioz tv : http...
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: http://www.youtube.com/OfficialNetNews Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialNetNews Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Saksikan info berita ter-update di: NET 5 : pukul 5.00 - 6.00 WIB Indonesia Morning Show : pukul 6.00 - 7.30 WIB NET 10 (Senin-Jumat) : pukul 10.00 - 11.00 WIB NET 12 : pukul 12.00 - 13.00 WIB NET 16 : pukul 16.00 - 16.30 WIB NET 24 : pukul 24.00 - 00.30 WIB --- Syarat & Ketentuan: http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
Salah satu destinasi wisata yang ada di Sumatera Selatan dengan konsep agro wisata, terletak di kota Lubuk Linggau.
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: http://www.youtube.com/OfficialNetNews Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialNetNews Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Saksikan info berita ter-update di: NET 5 : pukul 5.00 - 6.00 WIB Indonesia Morning Show : pukul 6.00 - 9.00 WIB NET 10 (Senin-Jumat) : pukul 10.00 - 11.00 WIB NET 12 : pukul 12.00 - 13.00 WIB NET 17 : pukul 17.00 - 17.30 WIB NET 24 : pukul 24.00 - 01.00 WIB
By : Food Hunter's Revolution #1 Di dukung oleh : ROHIS Al-Uswah SMAN 2 T.Tinggi,Sumut.
Mie Sop Legiyem di Tebing Tinggi, Dari rasa saya yakin ini yang paling enak. Tidak percaya? coba saja. Rasa kuahnya nendang rasanya..
LEMAN BATOK TEBING TINGGI, SESEKALI ANDA PATUT MENCOBANYA. MUSIK: Assasins oleh Audionautix berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artis: http://audionautix.com/
Transportasi Taksi di Medan, Pematang Siantar, Parapat, Kisaran. Raja Trans. Facebook: https://goo.gl/qtXoen Raja Taksi Medan: 085270003100 | 081263102004 Siantar: 085270008100 | 081263102005 Music: I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/honor/ Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Tebing Tinggi 25-28 Juni 2017 Perguruan Budi Dharma Food Cort Budi Dharma Diselenggarakan oleh : Sekber PMVBI (Pemuda Buddhayana) Sumatera Utara PMV Avalokitesvara Tebing Tinggi PMV Mahadana Tebing Tinggi PMV Virya Varja Ganda Tebing Tinggi PMC Ekayana Tebing Tinggi
http://www.facebook.com/pancakedimsumdistributor/ WA : 085262711345 BBM : D38B9136 Jual Dimsum Medan, resep kulit dimsum di Tebing tinggi,kulit dimsum di Tebing tinggi ,makanan dimsum di Tebing tinggi, dimsum udang, Jual Dimsum Medan, resep kulit dimsum di Tebing tinggi,kulit dimsum di Tebing tinggi,makanan dimsum di Tebing tinggi, dimsum udang di Tebing tinggi, Cara Membuat Dimsum di Tebing tinggi, Dimsum Siomay Medan,, Harga Dimsum di Tebing tinggi, Harga Dimsum Aceh, Harga Dimsum Medan, Harga Dimsum Rantau Prapat, Harga Dimsum Jual siomay di Bekasi, Harga Dimsum Surabaya, Harga Dimsum Bandung, Harga Dimsum di Medan,Jual Dimsum di Asahan, Jual Dimsum di Kisaran, Jual Dimsum di Batubara, Jual Dimsum di Limapuluh, Jual Dimsum di Dairi, Jual Dimsum di Sidikalang, Jual Dimsum di Deli Serdang...
Brunch at Mofo Kitchen in Seminyak - Petitenget. Find out more on my blog, visit 👉🏻 bit.ly/mofokitchen ========================================================= If you like my Video, please support my Channel! 1) Share this video on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter 2) Add my channel to your featured channel box "AwesomeEats" 3) Embed this video on a blog It would mean the world to me if you help me and give me support! 😘 Visit: http://myfunfoodiary.com Mullie Marlina on Social Media (Myfunfoodiary): https://www.youtube.com/myfunfoodiary https://instagram.com/myfunfoodiary https://www.facebook.com/myfunfoodiary https://twitter.com/myfunfoodiary SNAPCHAT: Myfunfoodiary Andy Pau on Social Media (AndyPau): https://www.instagram.com/andypauhand... https://www.facebook.com/andy.pau1771 SNAPC...
In Mahadana Tebing Tinggi on 14-12-2012. Syuting for The Chinese Culture which evolve in Tebing Tinggi since long time ago.. PSMTI is the organisation especially for Chinese in Indonesia. Lotus Dancer was established by PSMTI Tebing Tinggi to develop Chinese culture in Tebing Tinggi..
batu licin plus air d tambah tebing curam yg bisa membuat adrenalin terpacu
KOMPAS.com — Mini dokumenter tentang pemanjatan tebing Gunung Batulaki di Kecamatan Padang Batung, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan. Pemanjatan dilakukan bersama Kelompok Pecinta Alam Meratus Hijau, Kandangan. Yang menarik dari tebing ini adalah letaknya di pinggir aliran Sungai Amandit. Salah satu jalur pemanjatan, di antaranya harus dimulai dari sungai menggunakan rakit bambu. Video lengkap klik http://foto.kompas.com/video/list Fotografi: Fikri Hidayat
Tebing Watu Tedeng merupakan salah satu tebing di Dataran Tinggi Dieng yang memiliki berbagai keunikan, salah satunya adalah lokasinya yang berada di ketinggian diatas 2000mdpl. Sehingga bisa dijadikan simulasi bagi para pemanjat tebing jika ingin memanjat tebing-tebing Eropa yang memiliki suhu yang hampir sama. Kisah selengkapnya akan dituturkan Big Mountain United dan Indonesia Climbing Expedition dalam video ini, selamat menyaksikan. Ekspedisi!!! Subscribe juga untuk video-video selanjutnya, makasih kakaaa~ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ CINEMACHROMIA Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/cinemachromia Email: cinemachromia@gmail.com Director & Editor: Prawira Bhaktinagara Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/bhaktinagara Additional Camera: "Chusei" Waryoto Instagram: http://w...
melakukan latihan untuk meningkatkan skill dan kemampuan dengan bolak balik mendaki tebing dengan motor cross
Sambutan Bapak Walikota Tebing Tinggi Becana yang terjadi di muka bumi ini, bukanlah kesalahan dari Tuhan atau dari alam semata tapi juga di akibatkan sebagian besar adalah andil dari tangan-tangan manusia. Tangan-tangan inilah yang memotong pohon-pohon, memotong tanaman, kemudian tidak melakukan penanaman atau reboisasi kembali sehingga menyebabkan mala petaka banjir. Ini juga tantangan untuk kita yang ada di Tebing Tinggi ini, bayangkan jika setiap orang, satu orangnya tinggal di satu rumah lama-lama lahan kita habis, maka kita harus cerdas. Jika sungai ini kering air minum kita pasti terganggu, mati lampu saja kita ribut, bayangkan jika tidak ada lagi air minum mungkin kita jauh lebih ribut lagi karena tidak ada yang di pakai untuk kehidupan kita lagi. maka hari ini saya kagum kepada ...
@Aldhey Ajah
Joget cesar style anak tebing tinggi :D
part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD8shzKx51c part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvz4X4goEyg Orang terhebat didunia yang menaklukan gedung pencakar langit https://www.instagram.com/olegcricket/ @olegcricket Olegcricket Business inquires escapismedia@gmail.com www.olegcricket.com
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Selamat Datang Di Chanel Anak Kampung . Disini kami memberikan berita terbaru dan tentunya bukan Hoax Dan Memprovokasi . Untuk mendapatkan berita terbaru silahkan Subscribe di https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZR02TNaVFHVLy2LTX-Yjiw Terima kasih Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/IyeelSembiring Twiter : https://twitter.com/IyelIyels Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/iyeelsembiring/ Google+ : https://plus.google.com/110662689305372385195 For booking and/or business inquiries : sembiring_iyel@yahoo.com
Selengkapnya.. . http://mediatama.co/ Subscribe Mediatama.co Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjv7FooQWA2qAuSIqeVBqHw Mediatama Official Page Homepage : http://www.mediatama.co Twitter : @mediatamadotco Facebook Fan Page: mediatamadotco ---------------------------------------------- Business : mediatama.co@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------- Mediatama.Co adalah portal berita dengan konsep digital media dimana Video News/Videograph menjadi sajian utamanya. Mediatama.Co juga memberikan ruang bagi masyarakat untuk ikut serta dalam Jurnalisme Warga (Citizen Journalism) , dengan mengirimkan videonya dari gadget atau kameranya tentang peristiwa/kejadian serta kondisi lingkungan di sekitar yang dilihat atau dialami. -------------------------------...
3-2 to Tebing FC.
One of the best performance 3-1 to Tebing F.C , we beat a strong, fast and skillful Malay team in their twenties. Team spirit of Tebing F.C began to drive! Tebing F.C played an extraordinary match today. We suppose to play a return match but heavy poured cancel the game. Sunny arranged another game and the opponent is young and fast Malay team in their 20s. Before the game, we were hoping not being whipped by those young boys. We have ONLY 13 players, everyone played extra careful and all are doing their part keeping this game matchable. Sunny replace our no.1 keeper Allen in the first quarter of the game due to slight knocked on Aleen's elbow. Tebing concede the first goal due to the mistake of the Goalkeeper ( Sunny ). He slipped the ball and the opponent just knock in . -Allen, Te...
By: DENGUE PATROL SMKDMPR2 Specialties : -Choral Speaking lyrics is 100% created by form 2 students -There is a usage of various languages such as : Malay Language English Tamil Language Arabian Siamese Mandarin -Rehearsals are done continously , students are accompanied by parents . List of Members: Muhammad Faris Fathi B Mohd Hanef Muhaimin B Mazlan Muhammad Adan Najmi B Mohd Nor Muhammad Fadil B Mohd Fauzi Muhammad Irfan Danial B Mohd Zailani Muhammad Nufaiel Aiman B Faiza Muneer B Mashadi Ain Syafika Bt Mat Husin Anis Afiqah Bt Abd Wahab Fatin Nazihah Bt Nizam Lidya Irdina Bt Anuar Nur Anis Dalilah Bt Marzuki Nor Ain Athirah Bt Mohammad Shukeri Nor Anis Suraya Bt Zuazira Norezlin Bt Syamsuri Norshahirah Aina Bt Mohd Suhaimi Nur Ain Bt Muhamed Sadura Nur A...
Tebing F.C vs Enjoy Aja F.C 12th May 2013 First Toa Payoh Secondary School Today's game is the one we all waiting for. We have almost full squad, and every player have their individual task. Rodney is injured and CK is not available. Kenneth is with family and the rest of our guys all played a part. A very special game that we arranged 3 months back and everyone is enjoying it!!! Thanks to our Ex Goalie Tommy for being our Photographer . Although Rodney and CK not available, but they put in effort coming to the pitch cheering for Tebing FC.....Thank you guys!!!! The final result is Tebing FC 1-1 Enjoy Aja FC
National badminton men's doubles player Goh V Shem and mixed doubles player Chan Peng Soon were mobbed by the pupils at their alma mater in Kuala Lumpur and Penang on Friday.
Once a year, all rock climbers are invited to gathering, this year on 2016, we climb together in Lembah Kera crags, one of the oldest place of Indonesian climbing history. See you next year.. Resiwatu is a community of rock climbing lovers in Indonesia, we are open to anyone who have dedication and interest on rock climbing. Music by : Our Place - Arrow & Olive
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: http://bit.ly/1FAg8hB When 13 year-old Logan LaPlante grows up, he wants to be happy and healthy. He discusses how hacking his education is helping him achieve this goal. About TEDx, x = independently organized event. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Hammocks are hitting it big on college campuses, with students forming clubs and finding new ways to hang out. Some schools have banned the slings because of fears about potential safety hazards, but others are embracing the trend. Photo: Kenton Rogg Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy Visit the WSJ channel for more video: https://www.youtube.com/wsjdigitalnet... More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://online.wsj.com/home-page Follow WSJ on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjlive Follow WSJ on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+wsj/posts Follow WSJ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJLive Follow WSJ on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsj Follow WSJ on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/wsj/ Follow WSJ on Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/wall-s...
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: http://www.youtube.com/OfficialNetNews Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialNetNews Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Saksikan info berita ter-update di: NET 5 : pukul 5.00 - 6.00 WIB Indonesia Morning Show : pukul 6.00 - 7.30 WIB NET 10 (Senin-Jumat) : pukul 10.00 - 11.00 WIB NET 12 : pukul 12.00 - 13.00 WIB NET 16 : pukul 16.00 - 16.30 WIB NET 24 : pukul 24.00 - 00.30 WIB --- Syarat & Ketentuan: http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
Rumah makan ini salah satu kiluner tempat makanan favorit rumah makan kota tebing tinggi. makannan nya enak dan terjangkau
Hi guys! Kali ini tentang KULINERAN di MEDAN! BIKIN NGILER dan DIJAMIN PENGEN KE MEDAN! Follow LDP on FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/LastDayProd and INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/LastDayProd EMAIL: For business enquiries please contact lastdayprod@gmail.com LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & BANTU SHARE YAAAA!!! :) 15 MAKANAN HARUS COBAIN di MEDAN Produced & Directed by: Leon Zhe Young (http://www.instagram.com/Elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://www.instagram.com/tya_magdalena) Director of Photography: Taro Jonathan (http://www.instagram.com/tarojonathan) Editor: Leon Zhe Young (http://www.instagram.com/Elziwai) Alvin Adrianto (http://www.instagram.com/alvinadrianto) CAST: Leon Zhe Young (http://instagram.com/elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://instagram.com/tya_magdalena) Andre Prawira (ht...
Lembah Harau terletak di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota, diapit dua bukit cadas terjal dengan ketinggian mencapai 150 meter berupa batu pasir yang terjal. Dari mulai saat memasuki Lembah Harau , kita akan menemukan banyak keindahan yang memukau sepanjang jalan . Sangatlah cocok kalau sebagian pemanjat yang telah mengunjungi tempat ini memberi julukan Yosemite nya Indonesia. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/klikpositif/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klikpositifdotcom/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/klikpositif
Tebing Tinggi di Pantai Melasti (Ungasan) Ini adalah satu pantai paling menawan di pesisir selatan Bali yang sangat tidak diacuhkan oleh para pelancong. Kebanyakan yang menemukan tempat ini adalah fotografer yang menjelajahi Melasti lalu terbawa ke formasi bebatuan yang indah dan tebing tinggi yang menakjubkan.
https://www.expedia.com/Auckland.d178233.Destination-Travel-Guides With 1.5 million lucky people calling Auckland home, this North Island gem is the most populous city in New Zealand. Auckland tourism is quite diverse, giving visitors a bounty of choices for how to spend their time. The city marries modern buildings and art with nature, and the surrounding region has plenty of its own attractions to offer. Auckland is called the City of Sails, boasting more boats per capita than anywhere else in the world. Nestled between two natural harbors, it’s no wonder residents and visitors alike enjoy spending time on the water. After a breakfast in Elliott Stables, take off on a boat cruise from downtown to explore the sights of Hauraki Gulf. With your feet back on solid ground, enjoy Auckland ...
Just three hours away from Darwin, Australia is Kakadu National Park. Located deep within the Northern Territory, this stunning portion of the Outback is open year-round, and is a popular place to visit during the dry season. Much of this remarkable sanctuary has been protected, allowing you to step back in time to a wilderness unspoiled by human occupation. Kakadu National Park tours aren’t something you can breeze through in just a few hours. The park has more than 25 trails, ranging from easy, daylong hikes to scenic routes that take several days to cover. Wander through gorges and woodlands, and stop at waterfalls and diving pools so pristine, they seem like something out of a fairy tale. Kakadu National Park sightseeing isn’t all about athleticism, though it certainly helps if you’r...