Woody Allen Blue Jasmine Interview BBC Newsnight 2013
Woody Allen chats to Stephen Smith about Blue Jasmine on Newsnight September 2013...
published: 05 Sep 2013
Woody Allen Blue Jasmine Interview BBC Newsnight 2013
Woody Allen Blue Jasmine Interview BBC Newsnight 2013
Woody Allen chats to Stephen Smith about Blue Jasmine on Newsnight September 2013- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 76241
Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 Movie - Woody Allen Film - Official [HD]
Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 Movie - Official film trailer in HD - starring Alec Baldwin, Cat...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: CieonMovies
Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 Movie - Woody Allen Film - Official [HD]
Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 Movie - Woody Allen Film - Official [HD]
Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 Movie - Official film trailer in HD - starring Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Peter Sarsgaard - directed by Woody Allen - story of t...- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 24553
- author: CieonMovies
Blue Jasmine Official Trailer 2013 + Trailer Review - Cate Blanchett, Woody Allen : HD PLUS
Blue Jasmine debuts its first official trailer for 2013, and you can see it here today plu...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: BeyondTheTrailer
Blue Jasmine Official Trailer 2013 + Trailer Review - Cate Blanchett, Woody Allen : HD PLUS
Blue Jasmine Official Trailer 2013 + Trailer Review - Cate Blanchett, Woody Allen : HD PLUS
Blue Jasmine debuts its first official trailer for 2013, and you can see it here today plus get a trailer review! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph give...- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 9058
- author: BeyondTheTrailer
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD Woody Allen returns to the U.S with this comedy set in New York and San Francisco. Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Andrew Dice Clay, and Sally Hawkins head up the ensemble cast. movieclips "movie clips" movieclipstrailers "new trailers" "trailers HD" hd trailers movieclipsDOTcom trailer 2013 official HD zefr "woody allen" "alec baldwin" "blue jasmine" "blue jasmine trailer" "Cate Blanchett" "Alden Ehrenreich" "louis c.k." "Peter Sarsgaard" zedison "andrew dice clay" "sally hawkins" "san francisco" "new york" comedy marriage life adultery advice clip scene kids drunk- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 87
Blue Jasmine Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen and staring Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett The comedy d...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: filmisnow
Blue Jasmine Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen and staring Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett The comedy drama tells the story of both the final stages of an acute crisis an...- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 14668
- author: filmisnow
BLUE JASMINE Offizieller Trailer Deutsch German | 2013 Woody Allen Film [HD]
Offizieller Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 (German / Deutsch) | Woody Allen Movie Trailer in HD...
published: 02 Sep 2013
BLUE JASMINE Offizieller Trailer Deutsch German | 2013 Woody Allen Film [HD]
BLUE JASMINE Offizieller Trailer Deutsch German | 2013 Woody Allen Film [HD]
Offizieller Blue Jasmine Trailer 2013 (German / Deutsch) | Woody Allen Movie Trailer in HD (OT: Blue Jasmine) Kinostart: 7 Nov 2013 |➤ Abonnieren http://YouTube.com/Filme?sub_confirmation=1 | Fan werden http://facebook.com/KinoCheck Als ihre Ehe mit dem reichen Geschäftsmann Hal (Alec Baldwin) zerbricht, steht die High-Society-Diva Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) vor dem Scherbenhaufen ihres Lebens. Um herauszufinden, wie es weitergehen könnte, zieht sie zu ihrer Schwester Ginger (Sally Hawkins), die in San Francisco ein bescheidenes Apartment bewohnt. Bei ihrer Ankunft in San Francisco ist Jasmine psychisch in denkbar schlechter Verfassung -- ihr schwirrt der Kopf von den vielen Antidepressiva, die sie geschluckt hat. Äußerlich hält sie die gewohnte aristokratische Fassade aufrecht, doch emotional steht Jasmine am Abgrund, zumal ihr die praktischen Fähigkeiten fehlen, für sich selbst zu sorgen. Naserümpfend bezeichnet sie Gingers Freund Chili (Bobby Cannavale) als einen Loser vom selben Kaliber wie Gingers Ex-Mann Augie (Andrew Dice Clay). Ginger spürt die psychologische Krise ihrer Schwester, begreift sie aber nicht in allen Einzelheiten. Sie schlägt Jasmine vor, sich als Innendekorateurin zu versuchen, weil sie richtig vermutet, dass Jasmine diesen Beruf als standesgemäß akzeptieren könnte. Doch zunächst jobbt Jasmine widerwillig als Sprechstundenhilfe beim Zahnarzt Dr. Flicker (Michael Stuhlbarg) und kann nicht verhindern, dass der ihr Avancen macht. Ginger glaubt allmählich selbst, dass sie sich -- wie Jasmine behauptet -- ständig die falschen Männer aussucht. Deshalb geht sie mit dem Tontechniker Al (Louis C.K.) aus, den sie gesellschaftlich eine Klasse höher als Chili einstuft. Auch Jasmine begegnet einem potenziellen Rettungsanker: Der Diplomat Dwight (Peter Sarsgaard) ist sofort fasziniert von ihrer Schönheit und ihrem eleganten Stil. Jasmines Problem besteht darin, dass ihr Selbstwertgefühl davon abhängt, wie andere sie wahrnehmen, während sie selbst ihre Umgebung völlig ignoriert. Durch die sensible Darstellung der majestätischen Cate Blanchett fühlen wir mit Jasmine, die sich unbewusst selbst in den Abgrund manövriert. Woody Allens Drama „Blue Jasmine" handelt von den verhängnisvollen Konsequenzen, die sich ergeben, wenn Menschen die Wahrheit massiv verdrängen. Tags | Blue / Jasmine / Blue Jasmine / Blue Jasmine Trailer / Alec Baldwin / Cate Blanchett / Louis C.K. / Blue Jasmine Trailer Deutsch / Blue Jasmine Trailer German / Deutsch / German / HD / 2013 Note | Blue Jasmine courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Germany a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH.- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 3693
BLUE JASMINE - clip: Advice
OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.hopscotchfilms.com.au...
published: 26 Aug 2013
BLUE JASMINE - clip: Advice
BLUE JASMINE - clip: Advice
AUSTRALIAN RELEASE DATE: 12 September 2013 OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.hopscotchfilms.com.au/films/coming-soon/bluejasmine-film/ After everything in her life falls to pieces, including her marriage to wealthy businessman Hal, elegant New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) moves into her sister Ginger's modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself back together again. Throughout his career, Woody Allen has created many indelible female characters portrayed by some of the world's greatest actresses. Certain to take her place in this gallery of multifaceted, complex, and richly observed women is Jasmine, the troubled heroine of Allen's new film Blue Jasmine, portrayed by the extraordinary Cate Blanchett. She stars alongside an incredible supporting cast including Alex Baldwin, Sally Hawkins, Bobby Cannavale, Peter Sarsgaard, Louis C.K. and Michael Stuhlbarg, in this emotionally powerful drama that is wise, tender and funny in equal measure.- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 300
Peter Sarsgaard Talks Woody Allen's 'Blue Jasmine'
IAR managing editor Jami Philbrick speaks exclusively with acclaimed actor Peter Sarsgaard...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: iamrogue
Peter Sarsgaard Talks Woody Allen's 'Blue Jasmine'
Peter Sarsgaard Talks Woody Allen's 'Blue Jasmine'
IAR managing editor Jami Philbrick speaks exclusively with acclaimed actor Peter Sarsgaard about his new film 'Blue Jasmine,' which was directed by legendary...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 689
- author: iamrogue
Woody Allen Interview - Blue Jasmine
http://bit.ly/flicks-movie-trailers - Subscribe for the latest movie trailers, previews, c...
published: 26 Sep 2013
Woody Allen Interview - Blue Jasmine
Woody Allen Interview - Blue Jasmine
http://bit.ly/flicks-movie-trailers - Subscribe for the latest movie trailers, previews, clips & exclusives! http://bit.ly/movie-interviews-tv - Subscribe for movie interviews & shows! http://FlicksAndTheCity.com - Visit Flicks and the City! http://facebook.com/FlicksAndTheCity - Like Flicks and the City on Facebook! http://twitter.com/flickscity - Follow Flicks and the City on Twitter! Synopsis Jasmine arrives in San Francisco in a fragile mental state, her head reeling from the cocktail of anti-depressants she's on. While still able to project her aristocratic bearing, Jasmine is emotionally precarious and lacks any practical ability to support herself. She disapproves of Ginger's boyfriend Chili (Bobby Cannavale), who she considers another "loser" like Ginger's ex-husband Augie (Andrew Dice Clay). Ginger, recognizing but not fully understanding her sister's psychological instability, suggests that she pursue interior design, a career she correctly intuits that Jasmine won't feel is beneath her. In the meantime, Jasmine begrudgingly accepts work as the receptionist in a dentist's office, where she attracts the unwanted attentions of her boss, Dr. Flicker (Michael Stuhlbarg). Feeling that her sister might be right about her poor taste in men, Ginger starts seeing Al (Louis C.K.), a sound engineer whom she considers as a step up from Chili. Jasmine sees a potential lifeline when she meets Dwight (Peter Sarsgaard), a diplomat who is quickly smitten with her beauty, sophistication and style. Jasmine's flaw is that she derives her worth from the way she's perceived by others, while she herself is blind to what is going around her. Delicately portrayed by a regal Cate Blanchett, Jasmine earns our compassion because she is the unwitting instrument of her own downfall. Woody Allen's new drama BLUE JASMINE is about the dire consequences that can result when people avert their eyes from reality and the truth they don't want to see- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 1
Blue jasmine Trailer Italiano Ufficiale (2013) Woody Allen Movie HD
Trailer Italiano Ufficiale del film Blue jasmine nelle sale italiane dal 5 Dicembre 2013 c...
published: 03 Oct 2013
Blue jasmine Trailer Italiano Ufficiale (2013) Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue jasmine Trailer Italiano Ufficiale (2013) Woody Allen Movie HD
Trailer Italiano Ufficiale del film Blue jasmine nelle sale italiane dal 5 Dicembre 2013 con Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Peter Sarsgaard, Alden Ehrenreich, Michael Stuhlbarg. Di fronte al fallimento di tutta la sua vita, compreso il suo matrimonio con un ricco uomo d'affari Hal (Alec Baldwin), Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) una donna elegante e mondana newyorchese, decide di trasferirsi nel modesto appartamento della sorella Ginger (Sally Hawkins) a San Francisco, per cercare di dare un nuovo senso alla propria vita. Jasmine arriva a San Francisco in uno stato psicologico molto fragile, la sua mente è annebbiata dall'effetto dei cocktail di farmaci antidepressivi. Sebbene sia ancora in grado di mantenere il suo portamento prettamente aristocratico, in verità lo stato emotivo di Jasmine è precario e totalmente instabile, tanto da non poter neanche essere in grado di badare a sé stessa. Mal sopporta Chili (Bobby Cannavale), il fidanzato di Ginger che considera un "perdente", né il suo ex marito Augie (Andrew Dice Clay). Ginger, seppur riconoscendo, ma non comprendendo appieno l'instabilità psicologica della sorella, le suggerisce di intraprendere la carriera di arredatrice d'interni, un impiego che intuitivamente potrebbe essere alla sua altezza. Nel frattempo, Jasmine accetta malvolentieri un lavoro come receptionist in uno studio dentistico, dove attira le attenzioni indesiderate del suo capo, il dottor Flicker (Michael Stuhlbarg). Check our Website: http://www.filmisnow.com Italian Reviews: http://www.ultimenotizieflash.com/cinema/ Click to subscribe: http://bit.ly/GFunSg Qui troverete Recensioni, Trailer, Interviste, News su Cinema e Spettacolo e molto altro ancora! Check out our network: - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnow - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnoweu - http://www.youtube.com/user/worldcinemanews - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowhd - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowextra - http://www.youtube.com/user/sneakpeakandfake Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/filmisnow Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/UFZaEu Follow us on Google Plus: http://goo.gl/ffajd New movie trailers every day! "filmisnow2" filmisnow2trailers "film" "film completo" "film ita" "trailer film" "youtube" "film 2013" "film in italiano" "musica" "trailer" "hd" "video" "movie" "movies" "clip" "Cattivissimo Me 2" "Cattivissimo Me" "Cattivissimo Me 2 Featurette" "Cattivissimo Me 2 Featurette Le ragazze" "Cattivissimo Me 2 clip Italiana" "Cattivissimo Me 2 2013" "Steve Carell" "Despicable Me 2" "Le ragazze'"- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 188
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Tinted Windows (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen and starring Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin
After ever...
published: 25 Sep 2013
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Tinted Windows (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Tinted Windows (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen and starring Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin After everything in her life falls to pieces, including her marriage to wealthy businessman Hal, elegant New York socialite Jasmine moves into her sister Ginger's modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself back together again. Release Date: November 1st, 2013 Director: Woody Allen Cast: Cate Blanchett, Joy Carlin, Richard Conti, Glen Caspillo, Alec Baldwin Genre: Comedy, Drama Country: USA Check our Website: http://www.filmisnow.com Italian Reviews: http://www.ultimenotizieflash.com/cinema/ Click to subscribe: http://bit.ly/GDFpEk Here you'll find Movie Reviews, Movie Trailers, Celebrity Interviews, Movie and Entertainment News and much more! Check out our network: - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnow2 - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnoweu - http://www.youtube.com/user/worldcinemanews - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowhd - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowextra - http://www.youtube.com/user/sneakpeakandfake Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/filmisnow Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/UFZaEu Follow us on Google Plus: http://goo.gl/ffajd New movie trailers every day! "Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP Tinted Windows" "Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP" "Blue Jasmine Movie" "Blue Jasmine Trailer" "Blue Jasmine 2013" "Woody Allen"- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 4
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Chili Rips Phone From Wall (2013) - Cate Blanchett Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Chili Rips Phone From Wall (2013) - Cate Blanchett Movie HD
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Chili Rips Phone From Wall (2013) - Cate Blanchett Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Chili Rips Phone From Wall (2013) - Cate Blanchett Movie HD Woody Allen returns to the U.S with this comedy set in New York and San Francisco. Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Andrew Dice Clay, and Sally Hawkins head up the ensemble cast. movieclips "movie clips" movieclipstrailers "new trailers" "trailers HD" hd trailers movieclipsDOTcom trailer 2013 official HD zefr "woody allen" "alec baldwin" "blue jasmine" "blue jasmine trailer" "Cate Blanchett" "Alden Ehrenreich" "louis c.k." "Peter Sarsgaard" "andrew dice clay" "sally hawkins" "san francisco" "new york" comedy marriage life adultery advice clip scene kids drunk phone wall vchan- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 145
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen and staring Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett
The comedy ...
published: 21 Sep 2013
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP - Marriage Proposal (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen and staring Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett The comedy drama tells the story of both the final stages of an acute crisis and of a life of a fashionable New York housewife. Release Date: July 26th, 2013 Director: Woody Allen Cast: Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Michael Stuhlbarg, Peter Sarsgaard, Louis C.K., Bobby Cannavale, Alden Ehrenreich, Sally Hawkins Genre: Comedy, Drama Country: USA Check our Website: http://www.ultimenotizieflash.com/cinema/ Click to subscribe: http://bit.ly/GDFpEk Here you'll find Movie Reviews, Movie Trailers, Celebrity Interviews, Movie and Entertainment News and much more! Check out our network: - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnow2 - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnoweu - http://www.youtube.com/user/worldcinemanews - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowhd - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowextra - http://www.youtube.com/user/sneakpeakandfake Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/filmisnow Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/UFZaEu Follow us on Google Plus: http://goo.gl/ffajd New movie trailers every day! "Blue Jasmine Movie CLIP Marriage Proposal" "Woody Allen" "Blue Jasmine" "Blue Jasmine Movie" "Blue Jasmine Clip" "Blue Jasmine Trailer" "Blue Jasmine 2013"- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 115
Youtube results:
Blue Jasmine CLIP - Tell Your Friend (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine CLIP - Tell Your Friend (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine directed...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Blue Jasmine CLIP - Tell Your Friend (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine CLIP - Tell Your Friend (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD
Blue Jasmine CLIP - Tell Your Friend (2013) - Woody Allen Movie HD Blue Jasmine directed by Don Mancini and starring Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif, Danielle Bisutti After everything in her life falls to pieces, including her marriage to wealthy businessman Hal, elegant New York socialite Jasmine moves into her sister Ginger's modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself back together again. Release Date: July 26th, 2013 Directors: Woody Allen Cast: Cate Blanchett, Joy Carlin, Richard Conti, Glen Caspillo, Alec Baldwin Genre: Comedy, Drama Check our Website: http://www.filmisnow.com Italian Reviews: http://www.ultimenotizieflash.com/cinema/ Click to subscribe: http://bit.ly/GQt997 Here you'll find Movie Reviews, Movie Trailers, Celebrity Interviews, Movie and Entertainment News and much more! Check out our network: - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnow - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnow2 - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnoweu - http://www.youtube.com/user/worldcinemanews - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowhd - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmisnowextra Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/UFZaEu Follow us on Google +: http://goo.gl/gwW2Z Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/filmisnow New movie trailers every day! "Blue Jasmine CLIP Tell Your Friend" "Blue Jasmine CLIP" "Blue Jasmine" "Blue Jasmine Movie" "Blue Jasmine Trailer" "Blue Jasmine 2013" "movie trailers" "movie" "movies" "full movie" "full movies" "2012" "youtube"- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 14
Blue Jasmine - Bande-annonce VOST
Blue Jasmine - Sortie le 25 septembre 2013
Un film de Woody Allen
Avec Cate Blanchett, Al...
published: 23 Jul 2013
Blue Jasmine - Bande-annonce VOST
Blue Jasmine - Bande-annonce VOST
Blue Jasmine - Sortie le 25 septembre 2013 Un film de Woody Allen Avec Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Sally Hawkins Pour plus d'informations, de vidéos ou de bande annonce sur Blue Jasmine et commander vos e-billets, rendez vous sur http://www.cinemasgaumontpathe.com/films/blue-jasmine/ L'histoire de Blue Jasmine Alors qu'elle voit sa vie voler en éclat et son mariage avec Hal, un homme d'affaire fortuné, battre sérieusement de l'aile, Jasmine quitte son New York raffiné et mondain pour San Francisco et s'installe dans le modeste appartement de sa soeur Ginger afin de remettre de l'ordre dans sa vie.- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 10
Sally Hawkins Interview - Blue Jasmine
James Kleinmann interviews actor Sally Hawkins for her movie Blue Jasmine which also stars...
published: 27 Sep 2013
Sally Hawkins Interview - Blue Jasmine
Sally Hawkins Interview - Blue Jasmine
James Kleinmann interviews actor Sally Hawkins for her movie Blue Jasmine which also stars Cate Blanchett and is directed by Woody Allen.- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 50
"Blue Jasmine" de Woody Allen : interview de Cate Blanchett
published: 19 Sep 2013
"Blue Jasmine" de Woody Allen : interview de Cate Blanchett
"Blue Jasmine" de Woody Allen : interview de Cate Blanchett
http://www.arte.tv/artejournal- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 201