Down The Amur, Peking, The Forbidden City, Burton Holmes, (China, Beijing)
Burton Holmes Travelogues
Down The Amur
The Forbidden City
Antique Travelogue With Over 350
Photographs !
Side note
... The Forbidden City was the
Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming
Dynasty to the end of the
Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of
Beijing, China and now houses the
Palace Museum. For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the
Emperor and his household, and the ceremonial and political center of
Chinese government.
Subjects covered in this book
Admiral Possiet tow tug on
Amur River, Admiral Putyatin post boat on Amur River,
Allied Armies in
Altar of Heaven Peking,
Altar of
Prayer for
Grain Peking,
Ambulance American in Peking,
American Board of Foreign Missions China,
Destruction of Peking mission,
Visit to missionary, Amur River trip down, Admiral Possiet tow tug, Admiral Putyatin post boat,
Aurora barge,
Burning Mountains,
Freight barge utilized for passengers,
Lamp lighters, Mail service,
Nitchevo Russian indifference, Nitchevo Mr typical
Siberian man of affairs, Perricatts sand bars,
Plott river raft, Pokrovka,
Polish gentleman,
Professor from
St Petersburg, Schoolboy from
San Francisco encountered on journey,
Shilka and
Argun Rivers meeting to form Amur,
Time employed in journey,
Uninhabited shores and islands,
Ants resemblance of Chinese to, Architecture Chinese,
Argun River meeting with Shilka to form Amur River, Armies allied in China See China, Arts and Artists China,
Asia Cossack invasion, Aurora barge on Amur River,
Collision with tow tug threatened, Difficulties of towing down stream,
Exchange of passengers with post boat, Monotonous delays, Polish gentleman's escape in row boat, Bambooing punishment for a Chinese malefactor,
Barge imperial Peking, Blagoveschensk
Boxer outbreak cruelty of Russian governor to Chinese,
Hotel kept by
Limit of low water on Amur River,
Metropolis of the Amur,
Belief in personal safety, Blagoveschensk cruelty of Russian governor, Destruction along line
of Peking railway, Mission in Peking destruction by,
Provisional government during the rebellion,
Siege of legations at Peking,
Bridges Peking summer palace,
Buddhism in China, Camels
Cathedral siege of
French cathedral in Peking,
Chaffee General in China, Chairs,
Imperial chair of Chinese majesty,
Street chairs, Chi fu Chinese port, China, Agricultural pursuits, Allied armies, Altar of Heaven, Altar of Prayer for Grain, American Board of Foreign Missions, Ants resemblance of Chinese to, Architecture,
Art, Boxers, Buddhism, Camels, Chaffee General in China, Changee dollar, Chi fu port, Confucianism influence of,
Dignity of
Chinese, Dragon throne, Emperor See China Emperor of,
Empress of China, Feet of women,
Forbidden City, Junks,
Li Hung Chang residence of
Tien Tsin,
Manchuria, Monocacy
USS at Taku, Pawnshops, Pe chi li gulf of,
Pei Ho River, Peking,
Priests, Provisional government during the
Boxer troubles, Bambooing malefactor, Li Hung Chang's residence occupation,
Ships licensed,
Salt imperial tribute, Taku, Taoism,
Temples, Tien Tsin,
Toil characteristic of China, Tonku,
Tradition thraldom of, Vagueness Chinese characteristic,
Western civilization,
Women in China, China Emperor of,
Clocks passion for,
Dragon throne,
Dwelling place and gardens,
Following the plow,
Train private, China
Empress of, Dwelling place, Railway construction prohibited, Clocks China Emperor of passion for clocks,
Coal, Amur River burning mountains,
Hill of Peking, Confucianism influence of in China, Conger
U.S. minister to China influence during Peking siege, Connors stage driver in Peking,
Convicts Siberia on prison barges, Cossacks,
Occupation of Manchuria,
Yermak invader of Asia, Down the Amur See Amur River,
Dragon Throne of Peking,
Approach to,
Axis of dual city,
Description of throne,
Hoosier sentry, Tea served to visitors,
Driver Connors in Peking,
Dust yellow Peking, Eunuchs guarding dragon throne at Peking, Feet of
Chinese women, Forbidden City Peking,
Center of imperial plan,
Circuit of,
Courts and portals, Dragon throne, Emperor's private gardens and dwellings, Eunuchs guarding throne,
Hall of
Highest Peace,
Mystery no longer,
Neutral territory between American and Chinese lines, Parks,
Portals guarding the approach,
Retirement of foreign soldiers,
View of from Hill of Coal,
Foreign Devils China's crusade against, Forests
Shilka River smoke of burning forests,
Fourth of July Stryetensk banquet Siberia,
France, Cathedral at Peking siege of,
Redoubtable warship at Taku, Fu or palace occupied by American missions board at Peking, Funerals Peking procession. And many more...