Annotated solutions for Genius 154

Follow the methodology behind Genius 154

* half the solutions were to be entered backwards with the perimeter of the completed grid reading: BACK TO FRONT AND NORMAL


6 luahrevo/overhaul OVER/HAUL

9 lecxe/excel cryptic def [Microsoft Office software]

10 anoint A<NO. 1>NT

11 tsacnepo/opencast OPEN/CAST

12 meddlesome ME<D/D>LE/SOME

14 ezaf/faze phase (hom)

15 tnemssarrabme/embarrassment

M & M in BASE/RATES/R(achma)N (anag)

17 rits/stir double def

18 sweetbriar WEE/T< B(ook)>RIER after (juror)S

20 ointment O(ld)/IN/T<MEN>T [TT races]

21 booboo (thum)B/0/0 x 2

23 ilebo/obeli OBE + 1/L(eft) (rev)

24 Anglican NG in ALICAN(te)


1 bhai B(achelor)/HAI(r)

2 aepteews/sweetpea SWEE<(ki)T>P/EA [ea = Fens channel]

3 cleave C(irca)/LEAVE

4 kcenrebbur/rubberneck NECK under RUBBER

5 template TEMP/LATE

7 ulnae jEAN-LUc (hidden rev)

8 optional extra TO EXPLAIN ROTA (anag)

13 daeh-shtaed/death’s-head DE<HAS/THE(part anag)>AD

[brown bread/dead]

15 tsilihin/nihilist (p)HILISTIN(e) (anag)

16 rutabaga RUT + BAG in A/(v)A(n)

[American word for ‘swede’]

18 ssel no/no less NOBLESS(e) minus B(orn)

19 evoba/above AB OV(a)/E(nglish

22 omit O(ver)/M(assachusetts) Institute of Technology