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Support timeanddate.com

timeanddate.com costs time (no pun intended) and money to develop and maintain.

Here are some ways you can help us continually develop and improve our site:

How to Support Our Work

  • Please disable any ad-blocker (except pop-up blockers) — timeanddate.com is mainly funded by advertising and it will not run without advertising revenue.
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Send us Feedback

  • If you see an error, even if it just a minor spelling or grammar error, please let us know.
  • User suggestions are always welcome - as is user criticism.
  • Please just tell us that you use the site - and a sentence or two about why or how it is useful to you - use the feedback address webmaster@timeanddate.com.

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  • If you have a website or blog, you can link or mention timeanddate.com on your site.
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