

Your questions: how much can we spend in retirement?

George Cochrane 9:44 AM   Financial expert George Cochrane answers questions from readers.


How to make sure your heirs get theirs

There are strategies to preserve your superannuation for the purposes of leaving a legacy.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   You can control, through a valid will, where all the money you amass in your lifetime ultimately goes. But many people don't appreciate that this does not necessarily apply to superannuation.


Where will 'new economy' jobs come from?


Clancy Yeates   There's probably more anxiety than usual about where future jobs will come from.


What Mount Everest's Sherpas can teach us about money

Phurba Tashi in Jennifer Peedom's documentary about the 2014 Everest disaster, Sherpa.

Catherine Robson   How many of us take time to consider how much money is enough?

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Is retirement all it's cracked up to be?

Happiness in retirement is about making time for whatever your floats your boat.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   A happy retirement is not just about your finances, it's also about how you spend your time.

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Can I claim my Australian pension overseas?

A reader wants to know what would happen to their Australian pension if they moved home to the UK.

George Cochrane   Financial expert George Cochrane answers readers' questions.

What to do if you win the lottery

If you win the lottery, give it time to sink in before you make big decisions.

Sylvia Pennington   Many people dream of a life-changing windfall, but stories are legion of lottery winners or inheritors who have squandered fortunes.

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Full coverage for the slippery slope

Ski trips have a lot of upfront cost, and the price of medical treatment can be high.

Leo D'Angelo Fisher   Chances are travel insurance for domestic ski holidays is not on most to-do lists.


Millennials 'shell out' for their Baby Boomer parents

Thousands of baby boomers and Gen Ys are engaged in loving, reciprocal relationships in the private sphere.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons   The real divide is not between Generation Y and their Baby Boomer parents, but between haves and have-nots.


The three-bucket approach to lasting super

Asset allocation is important in retirement if you're going to make your savings last.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   Once you get to retirement, how do you ensure your money lasts?


2017 deadline for age pensioners looms

The tightening of eligibility for the age pension occurs on  January 1, 2017, but the thresholds are not yet known.

George Cochrane   Financial expert George Cochrane answers questions from readers.


How much super you'll really need

The difference between a comfortable and a modest retirement is vast.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   There's a lot of discussion – and disagreement – about the size of the lump sum you will need at retirement.

How to fund a creative career

Circus Oz unicyclist and trapeze artists Kyle Raftery and April Dawson are taking care of their personal finances.

Christine Long   Living the creative life is one filled with riches but rarely of the financial kind.


The six basic money personalities

Understanding your money personality can help you achieve financial security.

Mark Bouris   One way to approach your financial life is to first understand yourself: what drives you? Take our quiz to find out.


Mums – fit your own oxygen masks first

Mothers often put their children's needs ahead of their own.

Catherine Robson   This Mother's Day, I would encourage all mums to reframe the way they think about helping their kids and others that they love.


Retirement transition scheme hobbled in budget

The transition-to-retirement scheme helps older workers build their retirement nest eggs at the time they need it most.

Mark Bouris   Financial expert Mark Bouris gives his verdict on whether the transition-to-retirement (TTR) scheme is still worthwhile.


Why doesn't Centrelink reduce paperwork?

Too much mess can lower your productivity - but so can not enough clutter.

George Cochrane   Money expert George Cochrane answers personal finance questions from readers.


The trifecta of health, wealth and happiness


Caitlin Fitzsimmons   Can money make you happy? It's not about how much you have, but what you do with it.

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Budget 2016: 10 changes for families

The government's childcare package has been postponed until 2018.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   There wasn't much explicitly for working families, but there were a whole bunch of measures that will directly affect them.


How to start planning for retirement

There are calculators to help you determine how much you need to save for retirement.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   The upside of headlines screaming "too poor to retire" and persistent talk about more changes to superannuation is that they make you think about the future. And if your kids have left home, you are perfectly positioned to make it a bright one.


How can I use equity in my home?

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Noel Whittaker   Financial expert Noel Whittaker answers personal finance questions from readers.

Budget, election and possible rate cut mean months of uncertainty

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison will have some surprises in Tuesday's budget.

John Collett   Tuesday's budget is unlikely to resolve uncertainty and lift consumer confidence.


Does real estate preserve capital?

What is the best way to preserve capital for self-funded retirement?

George Cochrane   Financial expert George Cochrane answers personal finance questions from readers.


What Lego taught me about money


Caitlin Fitzsimmons   I had a financial epiphany while building a Lego aeroplane with my kids.

How to make the perfect budget

Ernest Chunge with his wife Fiona Copeman and baby Charles.

Barbara Drury   Governments of all persuasions are fond of comparing the federal budget with the humble household budget and exhorting us to live within our means.

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He says buy, she says sell

Joanna Jablonka, 25, and partner Olivier Lokolomba, 30, are trying to save for a property portfolio and a business.

Kate Jones   Sharing the savings isn't a marriage vow, but many couples know it's on the cards.

How to pay for a tertiary education

A university education can be expensive, but you can plan for it.

Olivia Maragna   Finishing a degree can cost tens of thousands of dollars and leave you with a student loan that you'll spend a lifetime repaying

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Early retirement? You're dreamin'

Many Australians would love to finish work in their 50s, but reality is that they will have to keep going well into ...

John Collett   More Australians want to retire early than just about any other nationality, but we are also less likely to afford it.


How do I recover a family loan in a divorce

Family loans can become problematic in the case of divorce.

George Cochrane   A reader asks how she can recover a housing loan to her daughter, now that divorce is on the cards and her soon to be former son-in-law is claiming it is a gift.


Ripping off Granny and Grandpa

Difficulty paying bills and social withdrawal can be signs that an older person is being abused financially.

Christine Long   "Inheritance impatience" is one of the drivers of elder financial abuse. At its ugliest it can see people cross the line into criminal behaviour.

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