
million requests for real-time travel data were made to the Travel Time Data Service in August 2015

More Roads and Maritime Services data


percent of home building complaints to NSW Fair Trading related to poor workmanship

More Fair Trading data


fewer babies were born in NSW in Q1 2015 than in the same period last year

More Bureau of Health Information data


percent of people who work in inner-city Sydney catch a train to work

More Bureau of Transport Statistics data

Data NSW News

Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Victor Dominello has announced that the NSW Government’s plans to establish a whole-of-government data analytics centre, the first of its kind in Australia.

The Open Data Rolling Release Schedule will facilitate greater access to priority datasets and ensures that the NSW Government promotes innovative use of government data.

Centres of Excellence are custodians of strategic information assets, they provide leadership to develop data and information management capability across NSW public sector.

Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Victor Dominello has launched the 2016 NSW Government Open Data Policy and Action Plan