64 Hexagrams King Wen Sequence
64 Hexagrams King Wen Sequence
Video I made of the transmutations of the I Ching's Hexagrams following the order of the King Wen Sequence. Music is Bronze Nazareth.
nostradamus spiritual consciousness psilocybe amazonia King Wen sequence
nostradamus spiritual consciousness psilocybe amazonia King Wen sequence
CLICK ON THE LINK tinyurl.com 2012 trailer movie Alexandra Bruce Patricia Cori alternative medicine homeopathy alternative cancer medicine detoxify your body herbal medicine intuition spiritual awakening spiritual awareness meditation transcendental a new earth awakening to your life's purpose guided meditation awakening spiritual Saniel Bonder Andrew B. Newberg David Ciussi marci shimoffeale donald walsch atreyu doomsday Ami Dolenz PETER TAYLOR body cleanser intuitive healing detox your body herbal side effects naturopathic spiritual consciousness spiritual consciousness meditation yoga conscience relaxing meditation chakras Byron Katie altered states lee brower bill harris
Arduino King Wen Display
Arduino King Wen Display
For Burning Man 2006, I used the Arduino to drive a SparkFun RGB LED matrix through the King Wen sequence of the I Ching. I recently go the Arduino Diecimilia, and decided to see if my code still worked. It does!
Timewave Zero - Part 2
Timewave Zero - Part 2
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Culture Is Your Operating System : Terence McKenna
Culture Is Your Operating System : Terence McKenna
Terence McKenna and his idea of extropy is explained through the window of opportunity we can call novelty. One of Terence McKenna's most widely promulgated ideas is known as Novelty theory. It predicts the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. McKenna developed the theory in the mid 1970s after his experiences in the Amazon at La Chorrera led him to closely study the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching. Novelty theory involves ontology, extropy, and eschatology. The theory proposes that the universe is an engine designed for the production and conservation of novelty. Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, or extropy (a term coined by Max More meaning the opposite of entropy). According to McKenna, when novelty is graphed over time, a fractal waveform known as "timewave zero" or simply the "timewave" results. The graph shows at what time periods, but never at what locations, novelty increases or decreases. Considered by some to represent a model of history's most important events, the universal algorithm has also been extrapolated to be a model for future events. McKenna admitted to the expectation of a "singularity of novelty", and that he and his colleagues projected many hundreds of years into the future to find when this singularity (runaway "newness" or extropy) could occur. The graph of extropy had many enormous fluctuations over the last 25000 years, but amazingly, it hit an asymptote at exactly December 22, 2012. In <b>...</b>
Timewave Zero - Part 5
Timewave Zero - Part 5
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com The May 9, 2009 Crop Circle is a time map www.halfpasthuman.com
Timewave Zero - Part 3
Timewave Zero - Part 3
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Timewave Zero - Part 4
Timewave Zero - Part 4
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Timewave Zero - Part 1b
Timewave Zero - Part 1b
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Timewave Zero - Part 7
Timewave Zero - Part 7
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com Timewave Zero - Countdown to Transition: www.abovetopsecret.com
Timewave Zero - Part 6
Timewave Zero - Part 6
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Terence McKenna: In The Valley Of Novelty - 1/33
Terence McKenna: In The Valley Of Novelty - 1/33
A talk given over a weekend in summer 1998. These were originaly aired by Lorenzo on the 'Psychedelic Salon' podcast. Where the audio cuts from one part of the talk to the next are how they were presented except my moving the 4th podcast to the begining which is the true start of this talk, minus the audience introuducing themselves which was edited due to privacy. One of McKenna's ideas is known as novelty theory. It predicts the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. McKenna developed the theory in the mid-1970s after his experiences in the Amazon at La Chorrera led him to closely study the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching. Novelty theory involves ontology, extropy, and eschatology. The theory proposes that the universe is an engine designed for the production and conservation of novelty. Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, or extropy (a term coined by Max More meaning the opposite of entropy). According to McKenna, when novelty is graphed over time, a fractal waveform known as "timewave zero" or simply the "timewave" results. The graph shows at what time periods, but never at what locations, novelty increases or decreases and is supposed to represent a model of history's most important events. Software for viewing Time Wave Zero was written by RJ Pease, but was replaced by a Fortran version which appears in The Invisible Landscape. The algorithm has also been extrapolated to be a model for future events. McKenna <b>...</b>
Terence McKenna - December 21st, 2012 - Timewave Zero
Terence McKenna - December 21st, 2012 - Timewave Zero
- www.soundphotosynthesis.com Fractal Time software aka Timewave Zero ( by Peter Meyer, from Hermetic Systems: www.hermetic.ch ) This software illustrates a theory of time, history and the end of history as first described in the book The Invisible Landscape by Terence and Dennis McKenna. As related by Terence McKenna in his book True Hallucinations, the theory of Timewave Zero was revealed to him in the wake of an unusual psychedelic experiment conducted deep in the Amazon jungle in Colombia in 1971, which led to his being instructed in certain transformations of numbers, derived from the King Wen Sequence of I Ching hexagrams, relating to the occurrence of temporal phenomena. This led eventually to a mathematical description of "the timewave", which allegedly correlates time and history with the ebb and flow of something called Novelty, claimed to be a quality intrinsic to the temporal structure of the universe. A peculiarity of this correlation is that at a certain point a singularity is reached which is the end of history — or at least a transition to a supra-historical order in which our ordinary conceptions of reality will be radically transformed. The date of this point was chosen by McKenna to be December 21, 2012, the date of the winter solstice of that year and also the end of the current era of 13 baktuns in the Maya Calendar (according to the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation 584283). A remarkable quality of the timewave is that it is a fractal (although <b>...</b>
Vaerospace Timewave Zero Stock Market Crash
Vaerospace Timewave Zero Stock Market Crash
Time wave zero is a holographic fractal map of novelty spacetime based on the second order of difference in line changes in the King Wen sequence of the I Ching Wanna see the latest in this kind of video and posts vaeronix.herobo.com
Terence McKenna: In The Valley Of Novelty - 2/33
Terence McKenna: In The Valley Of Novelty - 2/33
A talk given over a weekend in summer 1998. These were originaly aired by Lorenzo on the 'Psychedelic Salon' podcast. Where the audio cuts from one part of the talk to the next are how they were presented except my moving the 4th podcast to the begining which is the true start of this talk, minus the audience introuducing themselves which was edited due to privacy. One of McKenna's ideas is known as novelty theory. It predicts the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. McKenna developed the theory in the mid-1970s after his experiences in the Amazon at La Chorrera led him to closely study the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching. Novelty theory involves ontology, extropy, and eschatology. The theory proposes that the universe is an engine designed for the production and conservation of novelty. Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, or extropy (a term coined by Max More meaning the opposite of entropy). According to McKenna, when novelty is graphed over time, a fractal waveform known as "timewave zero" or simply the "timewave" results. The graph shows at what time periods, but never at what locations, novelty increases or decreases and is supposed to represent a model of history's most important events. Software for viewing Time Wave Zero was written by RJ Pease, but was replaced by a Fortran version which appears in The Invisible Landscape. The algorithm has also been extrapolated to be a model for future events. McKenna <b>...</b>
I Ching Lights
I Ching Lights
Electronic divination device. 18 white cold cathode tubes periodically display one of the 64 hexagrams from the I Ching (易經). The I Ching dates from 400 BC. The text of the I Ching is a set of oracular statements represented by a set of 64 abstract line arrangements called hexagrams (卦guà). Each hexagram is a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines (爻yáo), where each line is either Yang (an unbroken, or solid line), or Yin (broken, an open line with a gap in the center). With six such lines stacked from bottom to top there are 26 or 64 possible combinations, and thus 64 hexagrams represented. The King Wen sequence is the traditional (ie "classical") sequence of the hexagrams used in most contemporary editions of the I Ching. The King Wen sequence has been shown to contain within it a demonstration of advanced mathematical knowledge. In his article Explication de l'Arithmétique Binaire (1703) Gottfried Leibniz writes that he has found in the hexagrams a base for claiming the universality of the binary numeral system. He takes the layout of the combinatorial exercise found in the hexagrams to represent binary sequences, so that ¦¦¦¦¦¦ would correspond to the binary sequence 000000 and ¦¦¦¦¦| would be 000001, and so forth. The same binary system underlying the ancient and mystical I Ching sequence forms the basis of modern computing. www.andydoro.com
The Invisible Landscape: Peer Review (Terence McKenna) [FULL]
The Invisible Landscape: Peer Review (Terence McKenna) [FULL]
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.com Terence McKenna: The Invisible Landscape (Peer Review) 1985 Mayan Conference At the Ojai Foundation Ojai, California Sunday 14th April 1985 A talk about The Invisible Landscape under the famous Ojai Teaching Tree which covers his work on the I Ching (King Wen sequence) that led to the Novelty Theory and the TimeWave Zero idea and computer software. Terence also mentions the Mayan calender and in the afternoon talk he displays his Timewave Zero software on screen via a computer system. Most of the late afternoon talk, about two hours worth, centers around four main themes - Psychedelics, Cybernetics, Space & Feminism. Not too much of the latter owing to the presence of some strong women but he gives it a swirl of sorts. About a third of the way through the morning session they have a 'peer review', a kind of turbo charged Question & Answer session, by various people who are listening to this talk. They include Kat McKenna, Ralph Abraham, Joan Halifax, Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith and others. Some children were also present. The time table of the day was: Morning talk followed by Q&A then lunch Afternoon talks followed by Q&A alchemicalarchives.blogspot.com
Terence Mckenna Timewave Zero Part 1
Terence Mckenna Timewave Zero Part 1
part 2 youtu.be This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna speaks about the fractal time software he created known as Timewave Zero. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Timewave Zero - Part 1a (Preface)
Timewave Zero - Part 1a (Preface)
This audio was recorded on April 14, 1985 and is an excerpt from 'The Invisible Landscape' Peer Review. Here, Terence McKenna prefaces the Timewave discussion by providing his own views on Novelty Theory, as well as belief, skepticism, and his own epistemology. Also present in the discussion were Francis Huxley, Barbara Smith, Jose Arguelles, Ralph Abraham, and Kat Harrison. Many of the visual aids used in this presentation are based on the original graphs included in 'The Invisible Landscape.' Below are a few interesting links highly relevant to the subject: Fractal Time Software www.hermetic.ch Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams www.hermetic.ch The Zero Date www.hermetic.ch The Mathematical Definition of the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Mathematics of Timewave Zero www.hermetic.ch History of the Timewave Zero Software www.hermetic.ch The "Battle of Hastings" Timewave Zero Resonance www.hermetic.ch WEN_GRPH: Software for Generating Sets of 384 Numbers www.hermetic.ch The Lunar Calendar in The Invisible Landscape www.hermetic.ch Reflections on the Timewave www.hermetic.ch The Approaching TimeWave Zero By Terence McKenna web.archive.org Timewave Zero and Language users.lycaeum.org The Hyper-dimensional ambassador www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circles: Messages From the TimeWave? www.philipcoppens.com Crop Circle showing planetary positions on December 21, 2012 www.cropcircleconnector.com
Terence McKenna: In The Valley Of Novelty - 3/33
Terence McKenna: In The Valley Of Novelty - 3/33
A talk given over a weekend in summer 1998. These were originaly aired by Lorenzo on the 'Psychedelic Salon' podcast. Where the audio cuts from one part of the talk to the next are how they were presented except my moving the 4th podcast to the begining which is the true start of this talk, minus the audience introuducing themselves which was edited due to privacy. One of McKenna's ideas is known as novelty theory. It predicts the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. McKenna developed the theory in the mid-1970s after his experiences in the Amazon at La Chorrera led him to closely study the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching. Novelty theory involves ontology, extropy, and eschatology. The theory proposes that the universe is an engine designed for the production and conservation of novelty. Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, or extropy (a term coined by Max More meaning the opposite of entropy). According to McKenna, when novelty is graphed over time, a fractal waveform known as "timewave zero" or simply the "timewave" results. The graph shows at what time periods, but never at what locations, novelty increases or decreases and is supposed to represent a model of history's most important events. Software for viewing Time Wave Zero was written by RJ Pease, but was replaced by a Fortran version which appears in The Invisible Landscape. The algorithm has also been extrapolated to be a model for future events. McKenna <b>...</b>
Terrence Mckenna - Nobody is smarter than you are !!!
Terrence Mckenna - Nobody is smarter than you are !!!
Terence McKenna grew up in Paonia, Colorado.[1] He was introduced to geology through his uncle and developed a hobby of solitary fossil hunting in the arroyos near his home.[specify] From this he developed a deep artistic and scientific appreciation of nature. At age 16, McKenna moved to, and attended high school in, Los Altos, California.[1] He was introduced to psychedelics through The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley[1] and Village Voice.[2] One of his early experiences with them came through morning glory seeds (containing LSA), which he claimed showed him "that there was something there worth pursuing."[1] After graduating from high school, McKenna enrolled in UC Berkeley. He moved to San Francisco during the Summer Of Love before his classes began, and was introduced to cannabis by Barry Melton in 1965 [3] and tried LSD soon later. As a freshman at UC Berkeley McKenna participated in the Tussman Experimental College, a short-lived two-year program on the Berkeley campus. He graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ecology and Conservation. One of McKenna's most widely-promulgated ideas is known as Novelty theory. It predicts the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. McKenna developed the theory in the mid-1970s after his experiences in the Amazon at La Chorrera led him to closely study the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching. Novelty theory involves ontology, extropy, and eschatology. The theory proposes that the <b>...</b>