Derek Sivers

Programmer, writer, entrepreneur, avid student of life. I make useful things, and share what I learn.

Articles → Present one idea at a time and let others build upon it

Writing these articles has been really rewarding.

I present one little idea, something anyone can read in under two minutes, and shine a spotlight on it.

If it’s well-received, I’ll see it tweeted, re-tweeted, linked-to, forwarded, and maybe voted up the charts at Hacker News by a jury of my peers.

The comments always improve upon it, making me see new perspectives, or how I could have communicated it better.

I’m usually surprised by which ones get a reaction. Something obvious to me may be powerful to others. Something powerful to me may be obvious to others.

But each idea gets its chance in the spotlight.

The work it takes to present it clearly and succinctly is rewarded, because it’s:

When I’ve written articles that were too long or had too many ideas, they didn’t get much of a reaction.

When I read books, I often feel bad for the brilliant idea buried on page 217. Who will hear it?

Stop the orchestra. Solo that motif. Repeat it. Let the other instruments build upon it.

The web is such a great way to do this.

Present a single idea, one at a time, and let others build upon it.