21 May 2016

US prepares troop deployment to Libya amid fight for oil fields

By Bill Van Auken, 21 May 2016

The Pentagon’s top general said troops could be sent “any day” once there was a formal request from the Western-backed regime in Tripoli.

While cause of Egypt Air crash remains unknown, terror scare mounts

By Thomas Gaist, 21 May 2016

The US and Europe are are seizing on the incident to justify an escalation of their military operations.

Retired British general predicts war with Russia, denounces Cameron government as “semi-pacifist”

By Harvey Thompson, 21 May 2016

Shirreff urges class war at home and public spending cuts to fund massive increases in military spending.

WSWS reporters visit landslide victims in Sri Lanka

By our correspondents, 21 May 2016

Survivors expressed no confidence in the government’s ability to solve the problem of landslides.

Clinton calls Trump “unqualified” to be commander-in-chief

By Patrick Martin, 21 May 2016

The Democratic frontrunner is appealing to Republican warhawks and neo-conservatives to support her against her likely Republican opponent.

US media steps up witch-hunt over claims of Sanders “violence” in Nevada

Democratic Party establishment witch-hunts Sanders’ supporters

More on the 2016 US elections »

Congressional Democrats call for end to Verizon strike

By Shannon Jones, 21 May 2016

President Obama, Congressional Democrats and the unions are intent on wrapping up the Verizon strike before it becomes the catalyst for a broader movement of the working class.

Verizon strikers denounce federal mediation, CWA news blackout

By Steve Light and Alan Whyte, 21 May 2016

As CWA prepares sellout, Verizon strikers discuss way forward on WSWS online call

More on the Verizon strike »

San Francisco police chief resigns after cops kill unarmed woman

By David Brown, 21 May 2016

Amid repeated killings and scandals, the city administration looks to make a cosmetic change to its police force.

New York police gun down mentally unstable man in midtown Manhattan

More on police violence in America »

Sports Authority to close all stores, lay off 16,000

By George Gallanis, 21 May 2016

The announcement by Sports Authority (SA) follows a wave of recent closures from other retail companies.

Thousands of oil workers evacuated as Alberta wildfire spreads

By Roger Jordan, 21 May 2016

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley presented a timeline for residents to return to Fort McMurray, but the flare-up of the fire again this week could push this back.

Canadian capitalism and the Fort McMurray wildfire

German Social Democratic Party in free-fall

By Ulrich Rippert, 21 May 2016

The SPD’s collapse in the polls is the product of the right-wing, anti-social and militarist policies the party has pursued for years.

Local campuses disaffiliate from British National Union of Students

By Thomas Scripps, 21 May 2016

The ahistorical, irrational and racialised policies of the pseudo-left have opened the way for an assault on the NUS from the right.

Australia: NSW government accelerates privatisation of prisons

By Robert Morgan, 21 May 2016

The state’s prison policy is part of a global process of higher imprisonment rates and commercial exploitation of public facilities.

New in Turkish

ABD ve müttefikleri Suriye savaşını tırmandırmakla tehdit ediyor

Bill Van Auken, 21 Mayıs 2016

Suudi ve Türk yönetimlerinin, ABD egemen çevreleri ve ordu-istihbarat aygıtı içindeki güçlü kesimlerin desteklediği bir politikayı açıkça savunuyor olduğuna kuşku yok.

1 Mayıs 2016: Uluslararası işçi sınıfı muazzam bir toplumsal güçtür

Joseph Kishore, 21 Mayıs 2016

Aşağıdaki konuşma, 1 Mayıs 2016’daki Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’nın kapanışında, Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin (ABD) ulusal sekreteri Joseph Kishore tarafından yapıldı.

New in French

Devant la montée des protestations en France, le parlement prolonge l'état d'urgence

Par Alex Lantier, 21 mai 2016

Contrairement aux affirmations officielles, l'état d'urgence ne vise pas le terrorisme islamiste mais une opposition croissante de la classe ouvrière à l'austérité sociale et à la violence policière et militaire.

Etats-Unis et OTAN affirment que le vol EgyptAir 804 a été attaqué et veulent réagir militairement

Par Thomas Gaist, 21 mai 2016

Hillary Clinton, la candidate démocrate à la présidentielle a demandé une intensification de la guerre en Irak et en Syrie en réponse à la destruction de l’avion de ligne à destination du Caire

Le gouvernement Syriza se sert de gaz lacrymogènes et de grenades assourdissantes contre les réfugiés

Par Christoph Vandreier, 21 mai 2016

La violence déployée contre des réfugiés sans défense et désespérés qui fuient la guerre montre on ne peut plus clairement le caractère de classe de l’actuel gouvernement grec.

L’«interception» d’un avion-espion montre à quel point les États-Unis cherchent la confrontation en mer de Chine méridionale

Par Mike Head, 21 mai 2016

Les allégations selon lesquelles des avions chinois ont intercepté «imprudemment» un avion de surveillance américain montrent que le Pentagone cherche un «élément déclencheur» de conflit avec la Chine.

Other Languages


A resurgence of class struggle

21 May 2016

The revival of the class struggle is finding political expression in the turn by workers against all of the parties of the official “left” that are backed by the trade unions.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Race and class in American history: A reply to a false explanation of the Trump phenomenon

By Niles Niemuth—SEP candidate for US vice president, 21 May 2016

An op-ed published this week in the New York Times provides an opportunity to consider the history of class struggle in America and the role of identity politics in dividing the working class.

Break the CWA’s isolation of the Verizon strike!

By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 20 May 2016

Obama to American youth: Stop complaining, things have never been better!

Oppose Obama’s assault on immigrants!

After sickouts, what is the way forward for Detroit teachers?

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »


A pittance for Zika, $600 billion for the Pentagon

By Kate Randall, 20 May 2016

Why the South China Sea tensions were removed from Australian Greens’ speech

By Oscar Grenfell, 20 May 2016

Spy plane “intercept” highlights US push for South China Sea confrontation

French parliament extends state of emergency amid rising protests

Syriza government uses tear gas and stun grenades against refugees

The controversy in the US over transgender access to public bathrooms

Arts Review

San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 4
Maggie’s Plan, Frank & Lola, along with Dreyer’s Vampyr (1932)

By Joanne Laurier, 20 May 2016

A further comment on the death of David King, socialist and artist

By David Walsh, 19 May 2016

King was a brilliant graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, archivist, researcher, editor, historian and art collector.

David King 1943-2016: Revolutionary socialist, artist and defender of historical truth

By David North, 14 May 2016

David King, who devoted his extraordinary gifts as an artist to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath from beneath the vast edifice of Stalinist crimes and lies, died suddenly in London on May 11.

The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan

Outrage erupts at Flint meeting of pipeline board

By James Brewer, 20 May 2016

New evidence reveals state of Michigan helped to push Flint into pipeline deal

Video: Flint, Michigan resident speaks on lack of services for poisoned residents

By Tim Rivers, 17 May 2016

Obama in Flint: Let them drink lead

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

21 May 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Indian leader Rajiv Gandhi assassinated

On the evening of May 21, 1991, Rajiv Gandhi and at least 14 other people were killed by a suicide bomber as he was about to address an election meeting in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

More »

50 years ago: Major wage strikes in UK, France

At midnight on May 16, 1966, 62,500 British seaman, members of the National Union of Seamen (NUS), went out on strike for a 40-hour workweek and increased wages.

More »

75 years ago: World war intensifies in Middle East, Africa

This week in 1941 saw the intensification of the major imperialist powers’ struggle for domination of the Middle East and east Africa.

More »


100 years ago: Britain and France sign Sykes-Picot agreement to carve-up the Middle East

On May 16, 1916, the Sykes-Picot agreement was ratified by Britain and France, after protracted negotiations that extended from November 1915 to March 1916.

More »

Socialist Equality Party

Paris meeting addresses war danger in Asia, bankruptcy of Tamil nationalism

By Kumaran Ira, 16 May 2016

Meeting May 21 in Glasgow
For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

International May Day 2016

May Day 2016: Introductory report by David North

By David North, 2 May 2016

May Day 2016 and the future of socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 4 May 2016

Listen to all the May Day speeches »


Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!
For a socialist program against Labor, the Liberals and the Greens

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 11 May 2016

Committee minutes reveal anti-democratic discrimination against IYSSE at University of Melbourne

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Berlin elections: Workers and students speak out against war

By our reporters, 28 April 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!