Posts Tagged ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’

“A discussion from the future”… or, “imprisoned anarchists and intermediate claims (university studies with electronic surveillance, licenses, suspensions)’ by Christos Tsakalos of CCF/FAI-IRF

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

They say, in prison, that the most insidious drug is hope…

Hope for a good transfer, a convenient cell, a good court-decision, a sentence reduction on appeal, a semi-free status with electronic surveillance, for license approval, a suspension, an early release.

Hope is prison’s (and democracy’s) velvet bat. The prisoner now suppresses them-self in exchange for any of the above…

The price for the common prisoners in order to keep their hope alive is to become prison snitches, to be quiet, not to participate in demonstrations, to be a part of the anonymous statistics of the prison population and generally to invisibly serve their sentences with their head down.

The price for political prisoners is to renounce the armed struggle or even to capitulate with their silence…

In the “Years of Lead” in Italy, that usually happened by public declarations renouncing the armed struggle, often followed by telltale testimonies that led to fighters’ arrests. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Call for international ‘Fuck the Nations, Squat The World’ actions (Greece)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

The well-regulated normality of social life within systems of power is not the product of a one-dimensional strategic perception that follows a determined path, but on the contrary it’s the totality of many well-thought and tested logics, tactics and practices. It’s a fact that power would not be what it is today, had it not been in a constant process of self-evolution covering previous deficiencies and weaknesses in the management of social tolerance of its followers. It is not accidental that there have been and continue to appear entire political and philosophical currents that examine the necessity of power structures within human societies. Through the constant appearance of experiments, studies and dissertations, a series of political and scientific think-tanks arm the hand of power with more and more specialized methods that ensure social tolerance.

»If the initial imperceptible signs of disarray are not combated, then chaos and anarchy will soon prevail.» The above sociological interpretation, which posits the essence of a particular theory, upon which a variety of repressive plannings have been formed, is inextricably connected to the way the enemy handles all possible dangers of destabilization since their birth and in their totality, even before they have flesh and bones. Speaking of the danger of destabilization which may be manifested in subversive radical currents, we could say that the zero-tolerance doctrine aims at their preventive tackling. Different phases of preventive tackling have been noticed. It is observed that during the first phase, with the beginning of a new subversive current that internally acquires a more radical and aggressive logic, repression is upgraded almost instantly and becomes excessively disproportionate in order to stop any further sharpening of the current’s offensive characteristics. Those who express this combative logic are met with the ruthless vengeance of the system that does not hesitate to turn against their entire social circle in order to create conditions of generalized fear. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Text of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for the Court of Appeal (Greece)

Monday, April 25th, 2016

On the 20th of April starts the second grade trial not only for the C.C.F. Case and some of its actions, but also for some other different cases of anarchists accused for actions of revolutionary violence. All these cases were attached to each other in a single trial, in order to serve many different and parallel judiciary manipulations against all those accused.

Regarding ourselves, we make it clear that towards the legal processes of this court, as well as any of its issues, we are completely indifferent. But even if the legal dimension is not one of our concerns, we’re interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to defend once more the action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, to convert one more court-trial into an arena where anarchy stands against the enemies of freedom. A chance to confront again the technocrat servants of Justice and show that they are responsible for the misery that their existence carries.

The starting point of the state’s repression, the raid and invasion at the house in Halandri on 23/09/2009 and the arrest of Haris Hadzimihelakis – a member of the Conspiracy as well as that of others related to the case or not, and the barrage of persecutions that followed was a strong surprise for an important part of anarchy. It is a fact that a great shadow of fear spread causing a generalized numbness which contributed to the halting of the aggressive polymorphy that occurred during the period 2008-2009, as direct action decreased steeply.

At the upcoming trial inside the courtroom, a section of the history of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, which the state seeks to punish through the dead letters of the pages of the penal code which constitutes the peak of repression against the anarchist prisoners, will live again.

The dozens of arson attacks against state and capitalist targets, the bombings of politicians’ homes, the arrest warrants, captivity, illegality, the upgraded explosive devices in courts, prisons, banks, homes of fascists and other enemies of the revolutionary cause, are our own subversive experience as it proceeded through the Conspiracy, and we will defend it as such.

By defending politically our actions, we want to make it clear that we remain impenitent for our choices and actions through the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and we aim to abolish the mapping of our history with the laws and the “wooden” language of the judges and instead impart to it its real characteristics, those of the decision of an anarchist group to arm themselves and carry out attacks against the system and its servants.

The fact that after so many years in prison we continue consistently supporting anarchy, the urban guerrilla and the option of all-out attack against the existent is our way to remain deniers of this society and its civilization.

Seven years later therefore, we don’t regret anything. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is more than a simple tool. It’s part of our own life and we’re never going to renounce it.

Because if time could turn back we would still walk the same path, because the fire of anarchist revolt still burns in our hearts.

Today more than ever there is a need to coordinate our passion to destroy the authoritative structures that surround us and to throw ourselves into a battle seeking freedom through thousands of acts that tries to disrupt the normality of the social machine.

The nuclei of the Informal Anarchist Federation, anonymous comrades who disturb the peace of the capitalist metropoles with their attacks, the polymorphous anarchist action trimming the function of sovereignty, the Black December project, the Insurrectionary Association of Theory and Action, is nothing but pieces of a mosaic of actions that build again an anarchy that is a real danger for power and its civilization.

Let’s turn these plans into an everyday war against the state and let’s venture into the ceaseless battle for the resurgence of the constant anarchist insurrection.

The bet is still open…

Everything continues…

The members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

Damianos Bolano
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Michalis Nikolopoulos
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Panagiotis Argyros
Harris Hatzimichelakis

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Our trials will turn into a conviction of the State (Greece)

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

(For the April 20th court of appeal).

“The distance that separates freedom from slavery… is boldness…”

On April 20th, at Korydallos prison, the Court of Appeal for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire begins.

We’re on trial for the explosive device found at the house in Halandri (“Halandri” case), for the bombings of the former Interior Minister P. Hinofotis’s house (he worked in the army during the years of the Junta), of the home of the ex-deputy and current president of the Bank of Greece L.Katseli and the bombing of the Macedonia-Thrace Ministry, on the eve of the Thessaloniki International Fair.

We are also accused of sending parcel bombs to embassies, international police-judicial institutions (Eurojust-Europol), as well as to Chancellor [Angela] Merkel, to the Prime Minister of Italy (at that time) media mogul Berlusconi and to racist ex-French President Sarkozy.

Finally, we’re on trial for aggravated gun possession and for the scuffle with cops in Pefki.

All these are some snapshots of the action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We’ve openly claimed responsibility and defend all of our actions, as we are convinced that one cannot gain the world neither with prayers nor with curses.

It’s not only the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and other anarchists for other cases that go on trial on April 20th, BUT the option of the urban guerrilla in total.

In fact, what’s on trial is the option of armed struggle against the murderous machine of power.

Today, anyone who does not understand the necessity of armed anarchist action against the tyrants of our life, is either extremely naive or a cop.

All those who roll the dice with our lives in the stock markets, the central banks, the international meetings of power, are not going to give up their offices and their wealth because we politely ask them to do so… The only language they understand is fear.

Our voices and ideas are more powerful when they come from the barrel of a gun…

Enough with tolerating the scarecrows of the power mocking us as they speak of “democracy”, “freedom” and “rights.”

If you want to understand what all of them think do not listen to their words… just look at their pockets…

They are the same ones who have imposed a murderous financial dictatorship strangling our life every day, pushing some people to resignment and others to suicide.

They are the same ones who send armies and turn whole countries into mass graves favoring the interests of oil and multinational corporations.

They are the same ones who run the propaganda and the spectacle which is turning lies into the truth, life as digital fakeness and happiness in mobile phone accessories.

No peaceful protest, no left wing illusion is going to overturn power from its throne.

The question that often sounds like a dirge “and how is the world going to change?” is crappy, defeatist and cowardly… Anyone who wants to change her life and the world, gets armed and becomes the answer.

On April 20th the judicial Inquisition wants to elicit from us, a sign of remorse, a sign of truce…

We were locked in cells, they moved us into the isolation section, they arrested and imprisoned our relatives, we are being on trial inside the prisons BUT we’re not going to be at peace with death and subjugation…

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire will be reconstructed and will be back on the attack…

“The ugliness of power has been analyzed and interpreted by every generation and every aspect… What is happening today does not need further analysis, it needs actions…”


The members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

Olga Economidou

Giorgos Polydoros

Christos Tsakalos

Gerasimos Tsakalos

*Translated by A-politiko as a minimal form of solidarity to our comrades, for the solidarity day on April 23rd.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #46 : ‘Chaotic Variables’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell (ACN)

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

‘A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’
by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell

Dark Nights #46

The text comprises a proposal for continued informal coordination and includes an analysis of the Black December experiment, in printable Dark Nights format. The text just missed our deadline for April’s version and so gets an issue all to itself… print & distribute…

Long live the black international!


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Posted in Library

‘Chaotic Variables – A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell (Greece)

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Chaotic Variables

A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform

1) Disobedience is a virtue

You are obliged to pretend to respect people and institutions that you consider irrational. You live by fashion in a cowardly era, attached to ethical and social conventions you despise, that you condemn and you know they lack of any background. It is this constant contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and conceited spearheads of a culture that makes you sad, disoriented and unbalanced. In this unbearable struggle you lose every dance for life, all sense of your personality as every moment they oppress, they limit and control the freedom of your strength. This is a poisonous and deadly blow caused by the civilized world.”

Octave Mirbeau

We have long since opposed the world of authority and its countless projections and impositions on our lives. We have toed the line with the world of anarchy seeking to find accomplices in the “crime” of anarchist insurrection as a living stance towards the barbarism of modern times.

So far we have attempted to realize smaller and bigger mutinies, always on the principles of self-organization, anti-hierarchy and horizontal structures. Seeking through collective processes to achieve our personal self-education in order to acquire experiences, becoming familiar with anarchist procedures while making our “possessions” more and more forms of struggle, we came to meet each other based on common objectives and aspirations so as to continue wandering on the paths of anarchist action, walked or not up to now. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Dark Nights #45 : ‘Without a Trace of Remorse’ by Aggeliki Spyropoulou & ‘April’s Dream’ by Eat (ACN)

Saturday, April 9th, 2016

Bringing together two escape attempts, a dream, letters, claims of responsibility, interventions and the perpetual destruction of the existent…

Dark Nights #45

1. ‘Without a Trace of Remorse’ by Aggeliki Spyropoulou.
2. ‘April’s Dream’ by Eat.
3. Coverage of the CCF Escape Case Trial.
4. ‘The perpetual move towards freedom…’ by Christos Tsakalos, CCF / FAI-FRI.
5. Message from CCF / Metropolitan Violence Cell to Las Lecheros Library, Chile.
6. CCF – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged.
7. Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis and members of CCF out of Korydallos prison.
8. Intervention of Christos Tsakalos at an event in the self managed hangout in Karditsa.
9. Direct Action Chronology


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Posted in Library

Intervention of Christos Tsakalos, member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, at an event in the self managed hangout in Karditsa (Greece)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Phone call intervention from Korydallos prison isolation basement by imprisoned member of CCF, Christos Tsakalos, during an event to promote the launch of the pamphlet “The Source of Victimization” by Alfredo Cospito. Cospito is jailed in Italy for the FAI armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

Good evening comrades (…) I will begin with a phrase I had read somewhere and says “it is at the difficult time of repression, where we prove the level of our consciousness.”

Alfredo Cospito’s pamphlet “The source of victimization” is not only interesting from a historical perspective, as it describes the situation and degradation of the anarchist movement, after the carnage of Piazza Fontana. It has a special interest because, unfortunately, it is largely reflecting the mentality of victimization that is widespread in the Greek anarchist milieu.

But let’s consider things from the beginning …

Speaking of the urban guerrilla in the years after the junta, the focal point was the murder of Christos Kassimis, member of E.L.A. (Epanastatikos Laikos Agonas – Revolutionary People’s Struggle) in 1977, in a gunfight with cops at the facilities of the German company A.E.G. in Renti area, during the placement of incendiary bombs. After comes the arrest of Giannis Seriffis, who talks about being framed up by the prosecuting authorities due to his ideas. From 1977 and for many years the vast majority of those arrested either for «terrorist» activity, or conflicts in demonstrations, followed the line of advocacy of the “frame-up”. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Judge continues the trial against CCF despite concerns raised by District Attorney & defense lawyers (Greece)

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Today on March 31st the court convened for the trial against members of the C.C.F. accused to have planned an escape from prison. Due to an ongoing lawyers’ strike, the defense attorneys asked for the trial to temporarily discontinue. The lawyers even proceeded to the submission of relevant documents from the Bar Association certifying the strike and the lawyers’ need to take part in it.

The District Attorney Koutras also suggested to temporarily discontinue the trial on account of the aforementioned strike and the lawyers’ abstention. The judicial board left the courtroom to have a meeting and come to a decision. When the board returned, Justice A. Yfanti, announced that the entire board minus one judge, rejected the lawyers’ request and decided to continue the trial proceedings. Moreover, they gave an ultimatum to the defense lawyers, saying that ”If you do not exercise your duties you will be removed”. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)

Friday, March 18th, 2016

Prison is a milestone in the revolutionaries’ path towards freedom. It’s an intermediary stop, but not the end.

The authority often chooses the subtraction from mathematics. Like when they subtract lives with bombings in the warzones of their energy-generating and geopolitical interests, like when they subtract refugees from the cityscapes, entombing them in isolated concentration camps, like they subtract the smallest crumbs of the underpaid wage slavery, beating more brutally with whips, bodies that have gotten used to rickets, like when they want to subtract everyone who defies them, by locking them up inside prisons…

In this way, every revolutionary anarchist is facing the biggest contradiction. They are fighting for freedom and yet they’re flirting with the captivity of the prison, they love life so much and yet death from the guards of authority wants to ambush them.

In these years that we are in prison, our steps have gotten used to be calculated inside the barbed wires, our eyes have learnt by heart every centimetre of these few cubic meters of the forecourt, but our minds have never been captured by the iron fences.

How can you let yourself capitulate, when you are facing on one side the provocative wealth of those in power and on the other side tearful eyes of a child at a concentration camp, on one side the mafia of the politicians, judges and journalists who are counting people like louses of the earth and on the other side men and women who are committing suicide because of the standoffs of the economic crisis, looking in garbage to find food, sleeping in the streets, on one side armies of happy slaves being dazzled from the storefronts and the screens of a fake life and on the other side the bad bevy of loneliness and silence being your only companion.

We don’t intend to capitulate with the tyranny of authority, neither get used to living like slaves.

We know that freedom isn’t something that can be given away… neither can it be bestowed… Our freedom blossoms from the blood and the sacrifices of our struggle. Even if once again, our desirable rendezvous with freedom has been postponed because of the dastardliness of one pilot- former policeman- and the helicopter that never reached its destination, that doesn’t mean that we will give up…

We are fully aware that the recovery of our freedom will be only achieved through revolutionary violence, which will attack against the monopoly of the sadistic violence of the power.

A freedom that in our opinion is the SAME with the continuation of urban guerilla, in order to escalate the anarchist struggle. A freedom that will walk on top of the debris of this aged world and its monuments… prisons, courts, parliaments, police departments, concentration camps, labs of the technological totalitarianism…

With certitude and determination of those who will risk everything for liberation, putting again the conundrum at the table… “Freedom or Death…”

A decision… we are fighting till the end

Never repentant

Never defeated

The struggle continues…

Comradely greetings to the anarchist member of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa

The members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

Giorgos Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Radiofragmata Translation Project

* The Free Besieged is an unfinished collection of poems composed by Dionysios Solomos that was inspired by the third siege of Missolonghi (1825–1826), where the Greek rebels held out for almost a year before they attempted a mass breakout, which however resulted in a disaster, with the larger part of the Greeks slain.

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Posted in Prison Struggle