‘Interviews’ Archives

An Interview with Ulrike Meinhof’s Sister Wienke (Germany)

Thursday, May 12th, 2016


EN: Interview with Ulrike Meinhof’s sister Wienke

FR: Un entretien avec Wienke, la soeur d’Ulrike Meinhof

IT: Incontro con Wienke, sorella di Ulrike Meinhof

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Some excerpts from the presentation by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, at Pikrodafne squat, Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016


“We have to sabotage the implementation of the Third Memorandum”

Q: What are the reasons, in your opinion, for the decline in the level of social resistance and struggles against capitalist restructuring and austerity measures and how can we get out of this impasse? What should be the strategy in the anarchist space currently?

: The cause of the lessening of social resistance is precisely that it had and continues to have a defensive character in face of the unprecedented onslaught of capital and the state after 2010. The capitalist machine has been malfunctioning since 2008, neither finding profitable investments for pumping out ever greater profits nor capital to offset its losses, so it attacks social gains and the working class. And it attacks social security, salaries and pensions, it confiscates property due to debts, reduces labor costs, and seizes public property through privatization.

To compensate for its losses, capital pushes through rescue programs, that is to say the memoranda, wiping out sections of the population that it neither wants to nor can exploit, leading to their destruction. The redistribution of large-scale social wealth by confiscation applies a large-scale policy of theft from society and societal genocide to save the powerful.

Faced with this unprecedented attack that has already left thousands dead and the majority of society immiserated and impoverished, the solution is not to struggle to restore the system and social order to pre-2008 conditions- when the system worked, the banking system was “prosperous” and giving loans, with a welfare state (which in Greece was never well-developed) and a social consensus on the neoliberal reforms of that time. (more…)

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Experiences of anarchist comrade Mikalai Dziadok on how to survive jail in Belarus (A-Radio)

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

The following recording has been made by the Anarchist Group Dortmund (in cooperation with A-Radio Berlin) during a presentation on March 6, 2016.

In it the former anarchist prisoner from Belarus Mikalai Dziadok shares his prison experiences and gives some advice on how to survive the jail. Total helplessness, psychological pressure, stupid convicts‘ laws, ever-lasting prison terms – this is what Belarusian prison is made of.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Length: 1:29 h

You‘ll find more audios on Belarus from the Anarchist Radio Berlin here.

Read this previous post for details about some of the anarchist attacks which took place in Belarus for which Mikalai was taken hostage in revenge.

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'Saboteur : An interview with a domestic insurgent' – Chapter 11 of the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By William T. Hathaway (USA)

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

An interview with a domestic insurgent

Chapter 12 of the book
RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War
By William T. Hathaway

I first met the man we’ll call Trucker in 1970 at a rally against the Vietnam War. Our demo was going to start on the Berkeley campus and continue with a march down Telegraph Avenue. This was shortly after the National Guard and police had murdered six demonstrators at Kent State and Jackson State, so the mood was extremely tense. The Berkeley city government had denied us a permit to march and called in police reinforcements from Oakland. The Oakland cops had a reputation for brutality (based on their treatment of the black population), and we were expecting an ugly and possibly violent confrontation. Out of fear, many people decided not to march, but others of us argued that marching was now more important than ever. We needed to defy the government’s attempts to scare us into silence.

After speeches and music in front of Sproul Hall, we marched off the campus and were met by a wall of police sealing off Telegraph Avenue. Some of our hard-cores in front tried to break through the barrier but were clubbed down. Cops began firing what looked liked shotguns, and people started screaming and running in panic, but it turned out to be tear gas. (more…)

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Interview with an anarchist prisoner in Korydallos prison (Greece)

Friday, November 27th, 2015

English language audio interview that was conducted in October 2015 with an anarchist prisoner in Korydallos prison, Greece who is part of the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK). Topics covered include conditions inside Greek prisons, the current struggles of prisoners and the situation of the Greek prison society.

via Frequenz A, Insurrection News.

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A-Radio: Interview with ABC Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, November 19th, 2015

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to two comrades from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Warsaw. In this interview they talk about their work and the topic of repression in Poland.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Length: 20 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Interview with Paul Z Simons: Stories From Rojava On Revolution, Daily Life, and Hope (Free Radical Radio)

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

From Free Radical Radio / Modern Slavery:

Paul Z. Simons, also known as El Errante, is interviewed by rydra on his recent trip to Rojava. Paul tells stories of his trip, relays discussions he had with people in Rojava in the YPG, YPJ, taxi drivers, translators, and more. Paul describes the situation in Rojava as a “post-leftist revolution in a pre-leftist society.” Paul also tells us how he got into the country, how others can, and why he feels that what is going there is important to anarchists all around the world.

Rojava Interview.OGG

More formats: http://archive.org/details/RojvaInterview

Rojava Plan
Lions of Rojava
Modern Slavery

Rojava Report
Kurdish Question

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Audio documentation: Undercover for State and Capital (A-Radio)

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of documenting a presentation organized by the magazine Cilip in Berlin with the title “Undercover for State and Capital”. Therein, Kate Wilson talked about her relationship to [undercover cop] Mark Kennedy and Eveline Lubbes about the spying of multinationals and the Undercover Research Group. Unfortunately, due to technical problems, we could only record the first part of the presentation where Kate talks about her experiences.
The presentation was held in English.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Length: 33 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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An Interview with Reacción Salvaje / Wild Reaction (Mexico)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

Published by: Revista Regresión

Michoacán, Mexico

Autumn 2015

Note from Revista Regresión (Regression Magazine): This interview with Wild Reaction (Reacción Salvaje: RS) ended right after its last communiqué (August 14, 2015) and we waited until now (October 2015) to publish it in the fourth issue of the magazine, Regresión. We would like to thank everyone who made this collaboration possible. The editors of this magazine have great respect for the opinions of all of the interlocutors in this interview.

Even so, we must mention that we here at Regresión have great affinity to the practices and actions of what had at one time been RS, and to the groups that have derived from it. R.

A clarification by Xapiri Thepe (XT): This interview was done via the Internet, without contact with any of the members of the now defunct group Reacción Salvaje, with Revista Regresión acting as a go-between. Contact was made via the no longer updated website El Tlatol, which relayed our questions to the members of RS. Thus, the portal Xaipiri Thepe does not necessarily condone any of the positions exposited by the now defunct group. This interview is only meant to document what had been their positions, so it is not our intention to advocate or write apologetics for violence, nor for the actions that we disagree with. This is to say that there is absolutely no group affiliation, sympathy or affinity between Xaipiri Thepe and RS.

Xaipiri Thepe (XT): This conversation took place electronically through the magazine Regresión and the website El Tlatol. Through these sources we asked for the opportunity to have this conversation via email, and this should not be interpreted as assent to or sympathy with the positions of RS. That out of the way, we would like to ask: In February the magazine, “Destroy the Prisons”, strongly critiqued your radical ecological positions. What do you have to say regarding the criticism of this anti-prison magazine? What criticism do you have of prison abolitionism? What is your position regarding this sort of abolitionism as an alternative to depriving people of liberty?

RS: First of all, we would like to thank Revista Regresión and the folks at El Tlatol for organizing this conversation, as well as for providing a forum in which we can give a response to those who desire to converse with us. (more…)

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A-Radio: Interview with an activist of a squatted garden in Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to an
activist who is part of a group of people squatting an allotment garden
in Warsaw, Poland. In this interview, we get to know a bit of the
origins of this project that started in Spring of this year. The squat
itself is based on the Reclaim the Fields initiative in Poland and has
organized some action days a short while ago.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects
will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social
struggles in Eastern Europe.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 7:54 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Interview with anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos (Greece)

Friday, July 10th, 2015

Tell us a little bit about what has happened concerning the academic leave of absence you have demanded within the new judicial framework after your hunger strike in November-December 2014.

It goes like this: I completed 1/3 of the course as required by the new regulation and I made the request for educational leave. From that point on began the theater of the absurd. The prison board decided that the new regulation cannot be put into effect, it requires a joint ministerial decision and so it sent the request to the special appellate magistrate E. Nikopoulos, in line with the previous law. Nikopoulos issued a negative response because there is no ministerial decision and one cannot get into the merits of the application as the new judicial framework annuls and takes the place of the prior one. Based on the negative opinion of Nikopoulos, the Board rejected the leave request in its turn as the decision of the trial judge is binding.

In light of this fait accompli, SYRIZA -which during the hunger strike concentrated on electioneering and brutal political exploitation on the backs of the people who made up the polymorphic solidarity movement- plays the role of Pontius Pilate, just like its predecessors. But of course this should come as no surprise since we are talking about politicians- that is to say, total bastards, political swindlers, opportunists, hypocrites and professional chameleons, who for a small time wore the costume of the humanist to serve certain political purposes. Of course there are more important reasons for that development, but I’ll keep this explanation for a later question. Concerning the progress of my case, theoretically speaking, there should be a ministerial decree to implement the new regulation, but I don’t think there is much possibility for that to happen. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: 'From Tuzluçayır to Kobane' – Interview With An Anarchist Warrior (Kurdistan)

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The following article is an interview with an environmentalist, vegetarian anarchist from Turkey who is a member of Sosyal Isyan (Social Insurrection) fighting as part of Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri (United Freedom Forces) alongside the YPG / YPJ in Kobane, Rojava. The interview was conducted by H. Burak Öz and originally appeared on the jiyan.org website. We would like to thank the comrade Ece for translating the interview into English for us.

Environmentalist, vegetarian, anarchist combatants who fight in Kobane.

We are sitting at the headquarters of United Freedom Forces (Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri) in Kobane. I ask for a cigarette from a fighter aiming to meet and talk with him. While he offers one, I’m asking how many group form the United Freedom Forces. He says that, this force consist of salvationists (Kurtuluşçular), MLSPB, TDP and anarchists and indicates that he is an anarchist too.

What is the aim of fighting here for the anarchists?

I’m one of the founders of Social Insurrection and also their spokesperson. When the attack of ISIS started in Kobane, in the name of international solidarity, not considering it too much, we idealized to raise the defense as International Brigades much like in the Spanish Civil War.

United Freedom Forces was formed by different socialist factions from Turkey. Being an anarchist, how did you become involved with this structure?

United Freedom Forces was founded when we arrived. We made a call to anarchists and ecologists. (more…)

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Interview with an activist detained during Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

From soliwebsite – antifenix:

Tomas Z. describes himself as an ecological activist from Olomouc region. His most “hardcore terrorist actions” include guerilla gardening (he planted couple of plants to other person’s land without their consent) and unconventional creation of cyclepath. On April 28th he was one of eleven people detained by Counter Organised Crime Unit of the Czech Police (UOOZ) during the undercover operation called Fenix. The police is convinced that 30 year old activist is one of the leaders of Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB). According to police, SRB supposedly planned to attack trains transporting either military equipment or Hyundai cars with Molotov cocktails. Detention of Tomas Z. was justified with his alleged connection to destroyed police car in the city of Litvinov. Tomas Z. proclaimed this allegation to be nonsense and absurd as well as his connection with SRB. During incriminated period he was not living in the Czech Republic and police was most likely aware of that. Following interview will shed the light on practises of police which seem to be filled with fabricated pre-requisitions for the detention, at least in his case. These practises are commonly employed by police in “war against terror” around the world and now successfully practised in Czech national security services.

Can you disclose details regarding your detention?

Few officers in plain clothes detained me from the flat of my girlfriend but I think they had no rights to do so. I was handcuffed and taken to my house. All together there must have been more than 10 police personnel, because we departed in three fully occupied civilian cars. When arrived to my house there was three police vans full of police armoured with automatic weapons ready and waiting. I was taken to a rented land beside (rented by police for this occasion) and there I was shown the search warrant for my house and surrounding land. Police than started with the search, apparently looking for explosives, weapons and materials connected with anarchist movement. The special dog was used (trained for explosives search) and whole search took several hours but nothing has been found because I have never had anything like that in my possession.

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Interview with German YPG Fighter "Ernesto" (Kurdistan)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Solidarity to the fighters – Long live Rojava – Death to ISIS/Daesh

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Anarchist bookfairs and upcoming events in Europe (A-Radio)

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

On the occasion of an international anarchist meeting in Paris we had the opportunity to do some interviews in the studio of Radio Libertaire. This is one of those interviews. In it comrades from the Anarchist Radio Berlin, Crna Luknja (Ljubljana), Radio Libertaire (Paris) and the Vrje Bond (Netherlands) talk about several anarchist bookfairs around Europe and other upcoming events like an international radio meeting in Slovenia or the Pinksterlanddagen camp in the Netherlands.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

The length is: 11:35 min.

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!
You’ll find other English language audios here:

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcript translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at aradio-berlin/at/riseup(dot)net!

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