Czech state: Antifenix prisoner Martin starts hunger strike; report from Igor’s trial

antifenix hunger strike

Two reports sent to us from the struggle of the Czech comrades facing long prison sentences in the “Fenix” so-called “terrorist” case. Czech the website for more information and updates on the case. One prisoner, Martin Ignačák, remains on remand after 13 months and has now begun a hunger … Continue reading

Barcelona: the battle for the Banc Expropriat goes on, a week in the streets

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Last Monday, the Catalan riot police (Mossos d’Esquadra) evicted El Banc Expropriat, a long-running squat and neighbourhood hub in the Gracia area of Barcelona. Demos and street clashes have continued all week (the latest going on as we write today) as thousands of people try to retake the building, which … Continue reading

This saturday: fight fascists in Brighton and Bristol

bristol antifa

This Saturday (4 June) there will be attempted fascist marches in Bristol as well as Brighton. Both will be opposed by local anti-fascists, who are calling for support. See flyers and links below for announcements from Bristol and Brighton anti-fascist groups. Bristol antifascists: Brighton antifascists: