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The Typepad Team
San Francisco, Tokyo, New York City, Paris
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Interests: design, media, blogs, fun
Recent Activity
Smile and Wave is a lifestyle blog by author Rachel Denbow, dedicated to sharing her love of design, DIY, and family moments. Rachel has been blogging since April 2007, as a means to connect with... Continue reading
Posted yesterday at Everything Typepad
Ever notice how some content on Twitter includes a summary of a shared link, often times including an image or playable media? That's referred to as a Twitter Card, and it's a great way to... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Did you know Typepad is on Pinterest? It's true! We love pinning and repinning great content from Typepad blogs in every genre, and we're always looking for great, inspirational content. Are you on Pinterest? Drop... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2016 at Everything Typepad
If you're a Reddit user, you know that some of the best discussions happen in the comments for posts. Reddit allows you to share that content via simple code that you can add to a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2016 at Everything Typepad
The Welcome Message feature can do so much more than just welcome new visitors to your blog. This feature is a great way to create a call to action for your readers, whether it is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Each blog is made up of specific areas, loaded with content, that isn't always seen but shares vital information with search engines. One such area that you may have heard of is the Head element,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Adding an image to your blog's sidebar is an easy way to make your blog more engaging. You may want to display an image that is related to your blog's theme, promote a cause or... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2016 at Everything Typepad
We've talked about how to set up your RSS feed and even how to e-mail your blog posts to readers, but did you know that if you connected your blog to FeedBlitz, you could learn... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Did you know Typepad is on Pinterest? It's true! We love pinning and repinning great content from Typepad blogs in every genre, and we're always looking for great, inspirational content. Are you on Pinterest? Drop... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2016 at Everything Typepad
We've added a new feature to Link Typelists that we think everyone will find exciting - the ability to open links in a new window with just one click! If you want to have all... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2016 at Everything Typepad
If you have a Typepad Pro plan, adding a new blog to your account is quick and easy. You can have up to 4 blogs with a Plus plan. Unlimited, Premium, and Enterprise plans give... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2016 at Everything Typepad
If you've been following along with our short Spring Cleaning series, it's time to do one last round of tidying. Here's a quick list of recommendations to go through for your own blog. If your... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2016 at Everything Typepad
People may visit a blog for a variety of reasons - perhaps they know you, the blogger, or they found your blog through a search engine. They'll return to your blog if they realize you... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Last month we talked about setting up your blog's RSS feed so that your readers can be notified of new posts. With your new RSS feed, you can use a third-party like MailChimp to create... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Did you know Typepad is on Pinterest? It's true! We love pinning and repinning great content from Typepad blogs in every genre, and we're always looking for great, inspirational content. Are you on Pinterest? Drop... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2016 at Everything Typepad
One of the great features added to our Compose Page update was the ability to insert a Table in to your blog post without having to use any HTML. Previously, if you wanted to share... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Spring is here! If you enjoyed our check list for tidying up your sidebars, we invite you to take a look at your blog's inner-workings. From the Dashboard, click on Settings under Manage My Blogs.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2016 at Everything Typepad
We recently shared a breakdown of the different theme types available to users, and what they offer. As mentioned in that post, you may want to boost a pre-designed theme to make it closer to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Whether your blog is personal, professional, or somewhere in between, providing a brief introduction to yourself can help you turn first-time visitors into regular readers. With so many blogs out there to choose from, visitors... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2016 at Everything Typepad
We released changes last week on the back end to our Google Analytics integration. It's going to make viewing your Typepad blog's stats over at Google even more exciting. To start with, you can now... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Meet Megan, mother of four, kindergarten teacher, writer, beekeeper, soap-maker, and chicken-tender living in the Northwoods of Minnesota. Fueled by strong cups of coffee and the passion and desire to teach and learn, her hope... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Many Typepad bloggers sell their wares through their blogs and we showcase them in our Shop Guide. Did you know you can set up an online storefront to sell your items, downloads, online classes/workshops, and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Did you know Typepad is on Pinterest? It's true! We love pinning and repinning great content from Typepad blogs in every genre, and we're always looking for great, inspirational content. Are you on Pinterest? Drop... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2016 at Everything Typepad
The Spring Equinox is swiftly approaching and with it comes sunshine, flowers and lots and lots of spring cleaning. We recommend taking a break from cleaning out your closets and under the stairs to turn... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Tell us if you've heard this one: great design starts from the ground up. Any of the available themes offered by Typepad can be the starting point for a great design. There are several different... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2016 at Everything Typepad