- published: 25 Jul 2010
- views: 13132
In astronomy, and in particular in astrodynamics, the osculating orbit of an object in space at a given moment in time is the gravitational Kepler orbit (i.e. ellipse or other conic) that it would have about its central body if perturbations were not present. That is, it is the orbit that coincides with the current orbital state vectors (position and velocity).
The word "osculate" derives from a Latin word meaning "to kiss". Its use in this context derives from the fact that, at any point in time, an object's osculating orbit is precisely tangent to its actual orbit, with the tangent point being the object's location – and has the same curvature as the orbit would have in the absence of perturbing forces.
An osculating orbit and the object's position upon it can be fully described by the six standard Keplerian orbital elements (osculating elements), which are easy to calculate as long as one knows the object's position and velocity relative to the central body. The osculating elements would remain constant in the absence of perturbations. However, real astronomical orbits experience perturbations that cause the osculating elements to evolve, sometimes very quickly. In cases where general celestial mechanical analyses of the motion have been carried out (as they have been for the major planets, the Moon, and other planetary satellites), the orbit can be described by a set of mean elements with secular and periodic terms. In the case of minor planets, a system of proper orbital elements has been devised to enable representation of the most important aspects of their orbits.
Pythagorean 3-Body Problem With Osculating Orbits
Restricted 3-Body Problem With Osculating Orbits
Osculating Orbit Elements (Noisebreezer)
3-Body Lagrange Problem With Osculating Orbits
4-Body Lagrange Problem With Osculating Orbits
Exercises in Orbital Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
Asteroids and NEOs Orbiting for One Year
Comet Ison(C/2012 S1) Baffles NASA
Asteroid and NEO Discovery (1984-2012) -- v.2.0
Kuiper Belt & The Tenth Planet Discovery
The osculating orbit of an object in space is the gravitational Kepler orbit that it would have if perturbations were not present. For each body exactly one osculating orbit exists in any moment of time, represented by the thin lines in the animation. The actual motion of the bodies is calculated numerically, the osculating orbits are calculated independently for each step, using only the masses, current positions and velocities of all 3 bodies. Axis ticks are astronomical units. Mass ratio blue/red/yellow: 3/4/5. Thanks for watching, Michael Dörr & Volker Dörr P.S. initial conditions: m = { 3, 4, 5 }, r = { { 1, 3, 0 }, {-2, 1, 0 }, { 1,-1, 0 } }, v = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } } The differential equations ready to use for numerical solvers as found in Matlab, Mathematic...
The osculating orbit of an object in space is the gravitational Kepler orbit that it would have if perturbations were not present. For each body exactly one osculating orbit exists in any moment of time, represented by the thin lines in the animation. The actual motion of the bodies is calculated numerically, the osculating orbits are calculated independently for each step, using only the masses, current positions and velocities of all 3 bodies. Axis ticks are astronomical units. Mass ratio blue/red/yellow: 3/1/0. Thanks for watching, Michael Dörr & Volker Dörr P.S. initial conditions: m = { 6.0E30, 2.0E30, 1.0E27 }, r = { { -1.0E8, 0, 0}, { 3.0E8, 0, 0 }, { 5.0E8, 0, 0 } }, v = { { 0, -789035.908, 0}, {0, 2367107.724, 0}, {0, 4070000, 0 } } Masses are in kg, Positions in km and veloc...
The osculating orbit of an object in space is the gravitational Kepler orbit that it would have if perturbations were not present. For each body exactly one osculating orbit exists in any moment of time, represented by the thin lines in the animation. The actual motion of the bodies is calculated numerically, the osculating orbits are calculated independently for each step, using only the masses, current positions and velocities of all 3 bodies. Axis ticks are astronomical units, all bodies have the same mass. Thanks for watching, Michael Dörr & Volker Dörr P.S.: The differential equations ready to use for numerical solvers as found in Matlab, Mathematica and others can be found here: https://plus.google.com/106446375719499758024/posts/TrH7MMDwEGX And here is an excerpt from our Mathem...
The osculating orbit of an object in space is the gravitational Kepler orbit that it would have if perturbations were not present. For each body exactly one osculating orbit exists in any moment of time, represented by the thin lines in the animation. The actual motion of the bodies is calculated numerically, the osculating orbits are calculated independently for each step, using only the masses, current positions and velocities of all 4 bodies. Axis ticks are astronomical units, all bodies have the same mass. Thanks for watching, Michael Dörr & Volker Dörr P.S.: The differential equations ready to use for numerical solvers as found in Matlab, Mathematica and others can be found here: https://plus.google.com/106446375719499758024/posts/gz1rkzHVV34 And here is an excerpt from our Mathem...
Using ORSA to visualize the passage of three different massed objects transiting through the inner solar system. Orbital Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis (ORSA): http://orsa.sourceforge.net/ JPL HORIZONS Web-Interface: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi WISE Finds Few Brown Dwarfs Close to Home: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2012-164 WISE NASA Site: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/WISE/main/index.html Dec/2011 Dr. Lorenzo Iorio paper stating a Mars-Sized body would have to be at least 150 to 200 AU away, "We analytically work out the long-term variations caused on the motion of a planet orbiting a star by a very distant, pointlike massive object X. Apart from the semi-major axis a, all the other Keplerian osculating orbital elements experience long-term variati...
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Produced by Jason Ross, with assistance from Pavel Peven and Benjamin Deniston. For more see, http://larouchepac.com/igmass-symposium ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The orbital elements for this animation were provided by The Asteroid Orbital Elements Database, ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.html Description of the data file and credits follow: "Introduction astorb.dat is an ASCII file of high-precision osculating orbital elements, ephemeris uncertainties, and some additional data for all the numbered asteroids and the vast majority of unnumbered asteroids (multi-apparition and single-apparition) for which it is possible to make reasonably determinate computation...
C/2012 S1 came to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 28 November 2013 at a distance of 0.0124 AU (1,860,000 km; 1,150,000 mi) from the center point of the Sun. Accounting for the solar radius of 695,500 km (432,200 mi), C/2012 S1 passed approximately 1,165,000 km (724,000 mi) above the Sun's surface. Its trajectory appeared to be hyperbolic, which suggested that it was a dynamically new comet coming freshly from the Oort cloud. Near perihelion, a generic heliocentric two-body solution to the orbit suggests that the orbital period was around 400,000 years. But for objects at such high eccentricity, the Sun's barycentric coordinates are more stable than heliocentric coordinates. The orbit of a long-period comet is properly obtained when the osculating orbit is computed at an epoch a...
Version 2.0. A better quality render, with more planets added with their corrected positioning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is an initial animation of the discovery of asteroids and near-Earth objects, from 1984 through October 2012. New discoveries appear in green, and then remain in white. Produced by Jason Ross, with assistance from Pavel Peven and Benjamin Deniston. For more see, http://larouchepac.com/igmass-symposium ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The orbital elements for this animation were provided by The Asteroid Orbital Elements Database, ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.html Description of the data file and credits follow: "Introduction astorb.dat is an ASCII file of high-...
Mike Brown, The Discoverer of the Tenth Planet Eris, talks about the Kuiper Belt. "This is a video recording of the Sept. 15, 2011, lecture by Caltech astronomer Mike Brown. This public lecture was held at Kahilu Theatre in Waimea, on the Big Island of Hawaii. In this talk he explains not only how Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet, but his controversial role in "killing" Pluto. He is introduced by Taft Armandroff, director of the W. M. Keck Observatory.": http://www.keckobservatory.org/news/how_i_killed_pluto_why_it_had_it_coming_the_video Mike Brown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_E._Brown Similar Mike Brown Lecture from 2007: http://dev.forum-network.org/lecture/pluto-and-outer-solar-system NASA 2005 - Tenth Planet Discovered: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa...
From the Jan 11th 2011 American Astronomical Society Press Conference, used by permission http://aas.org/press/archived_press_conferences An overview of the ongoing Pan-STARRS-1 Multiyear Surveys and the future Large Synoptic Survey Telescope with details of the expected coverage. Welcome to Pan-STARRS: http://pan-starrs.ifa.hawaii.edu/public/home.html Pan-STARRS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Starrs The PS1 Science Consortium: http://www.ps1sc.org/ Large Synoptic Survey Telescope: http://www.lsst.org/lsst/ LSST: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Synoptic_Survey_Telescope Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide-field_Infrared_Survey_Explorer WISE: http://wise.ssl.berkeley.edu/ Centaur (minor planet): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centaur_(minor_planet) Ku...
The Microsoft World Wide Telescope Orange Blob returns as Nibiru. The Dr. Harrington & Sitchin Video Examined. John Moore's Nibiru Position Plotted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMf_uGBKTOg Nibiru is Near: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jtbn778Vdf0 IPAC Infrared Archive: http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/FinderChart/ Orange Blob at IPAC: http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/bgServices/nph-bgMonitor?bgstatusfile=/work/TMP_7gc0xB_1447/bgServices/5883/status.txt&bgresultfile;=/work/TMP_7gc0xB_1447/bgServices/5883/return.html&bgresulturl;=http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/sendFile/nph-sendFile?ref=/TMP_7gc0xB_1447/bgServices/5883/return.html&appstatusparam;=/work/TMP_7gc0xB_1447/bgServices/5883/appstatusparam.txt&addrfile;=/work/TMP_7gc0xB_1447/bgServices/5883/addrfile.txt&frommail;=ir...
Our website: http://techreviewsandhelp.com Donate: http://techreviewsandhelp.com/l2u5 Patreon/donate: http://techreviewsandhelp.com/patreon __________________________________________ This video explains Lagrange points and Newton version of Kepler's third law. Below is a link to KSP https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ Please check out the playlist by going to the following link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqG7E... Below is Universe Sandbox http://universesandbox.com/
Scott Manley uploaded a nice video on how to do orbital mechanics calculation by hand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=000zDI2nmq8 I thought, "Well, could i do a program that does the same?" and came up with this. I did a couple of live programming events in the past but never did it without an audience. Let me know what i did wrong and how i can do better in the future...
Universe,universe documentary,universe documentary 2015,documentary national geographic animals,documentary national geographic 2015,documentary ... Space Flight: Application of Orbital Mechanics National Aeronautics and Space Administration Space Flight: Application of Orbital Mechanics AVA18245VNB1 ... Real Alien, How is it like Extraterrestrial Life Alien Documentary Watch more: Space Trip, Space Documentary ... This is a primer on orbital mechanics originally intended for college-level physics students. Released 1989. Space Flight, Application of Orbital Mechanics ... This is a primer on orbital mechanics originally intended for college-level physics students. Released 1989. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Space Space Flight, Application of Orbital...
PyCon Canada 2015: https://2015.pycon.ca/en/schedule/24/ Talk Description: I will present REBOUND, an open-source package that can be used to simulate the motion of bodies in the Solar System, extra-solar planetary systems and Saturn’s rings. REBOUND has been developed by a group of astrophysicists at the University of Toronto. My talk will focus on several design challenges that we faced during the development, finding a balance between efficiency and usability that might be of wide interest to people working on high performance python code. We opted for a design where all time-consuming algorithms are implemented in C. However, to easily setup and manipulate simulations, we developed a Python module to interface with REBOUND. This makes REBOUND very easy to use and allows us to leverag...