Celp Titled Feat Rich Bums- Panic
Celp Titled Feat Rich Bums- Panic
Celp Titled Feat Rich Bums- Panic off of the Gatalog
matlab - exercise 7 of 10 - CELP (a speech coder)
matlab - exercise 7 of 10 - CELP (a speech coder)
please note that the lessons are for me. I do not presume to teach anyone else anything. Peter Hansen from the Technical University of Denmark provides all the Matlab code for a CELP coder. (free download from internet). He also provides 4 tutorial documents. CELP is an analysis by synthesis method, but wikipedia point out that this method is necessarily incomplete because to do a complete analysis by synthesis would require more computer power than is currently available - they say also that a human listener would be required, in order to judge the quality of the speech produced. It is said that the original celp code in 1983, took 150 seconds on a cray supercomputer to process one second of speech. I am hoping to spend the next couple of months looking at how to extract, from the CELP processing, some traditional data such as formant data. Hopefully I can find code to do this so that I do not need to write any code myself. I noticed, browing google yesterday, that CELP is associated with other codings besides LPC, such as SOM and finite fields. This suggests that CELP is a holy grail which gives me a topic to study for the future.
CELP Fall 09
CELP Fall 09
fun times on catalina island. had moved around some pictures so it's not the exact one i played for the staff at the end of the season, and some pictures i had since deleted- but it's pretty close anyway. enjoy!
SnowShoe Trip Celp 2011
SnowShoe Trip Celp 2011
Out class went on a snow shoe trip and this is what it was like.
CELP Logs - 1
CELP Logs - 1
CELP Logs are something just to keep the one fan we might have up to date on what's happening. In this episode! I'm sleepy... PS If you have any ideas: send me a script or a plot. If we do end up making it I'll throw your name in the credits. In giant font. PPS Sorry for the bad quality of the sound. It was recorded with an old, and I think broken, microphone. Eh. I'll use a better one for the next.