- published: 30 Jun 2016
- views: 1848
José Manuel Zelaya Rosales (born 20 September 1952) is a politician who was President of Honduras from 27 January 2006 until 28 June 2009. He is the eldest son of a wealthy businessman, and inherited his father's nickname "Mel". Before entering politics he was involved in his family's logging and timber businesses.
Elected as a liberal, Zelaya shifted to the political left during his presidency, forging an alliance with the ALBA. On 28 June 2009, during the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis, he was seized by the military and sent to Costa Rica and this was the cause of the 2009 Honduran coup d'état. On 21 September 2009 he returned to Honduras clandestinely and resurfaced in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa. In 2010 he left Honduras for exile in the Dominican Republic, an exile which lasted more than a year.
He now represents Honduras as a deputy of the Central American Parliament. Since January 1976 Zelaya has been married to Xiomara Castro de Zelaya who was a presidential candidate in the Honduran general election, 2013, but lost to Juan Orlando Hernández.
© 2016 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS, Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647 Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A. Tel: (504) 2235-3245 / 2235-3246 / 2235-4875 / 2235-4876 LLÁMENOS GRATIS DESDE EE.UU: 3052801682 y 3052801735
© 2016 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS, Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647 Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A. Tel: (504) 2235-3245 / 2235-3246 / 2235-4875 / 2235-4876 LLÁMENOS GRATIS DESDE EE.UU: 3052801682 y 3052801735
Disfrute la entrevista al ex presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales, una conversación abierta y directa, donde Banegas se atrevió a preguntar lo que nadie había hecho.
Democracy Now - Shortly after Manuel Zelaya returned to his home this weekend for the first time since the 2009 military coup d'etat, he sat down with Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman for an exclusive interview. He talks about why he believes the United States was behind the coup, and what exactly happened on June 28, 2009, when hooded Honduran soldiers kidnapped him at gunpoint and put him on a plane to Costa Rica, stopping to refuel at Palmerola, the U.S. military base in Honduras. "This coup d'etat was made by the right-wing of the United States," Zelaya says. "The U.S. State Department has always denied, and continues to deny, their any ties with the government with the coup d'etat. Nevertheless, all of the proof incriminates the U.S. government." Watch Part 2: http://www.youtube.co...
vuelve a escuchar las palabras de romeo vasquez y mel zelaya
Momento de masacre Toncontín Coup Golpe de estado en Honduras. Medios de derecha hondureños aseguran de forma irresponsable que, en el segundo 0:59, puede apreciarse a una persona con un arma, pero la realidad es que la resolución del video no permite distinguir si el objeto esun arma, un teléfono móvil o una cámara. En el segundo 0:10 también puede apreciarse a un militar apuntando a las personas con lo que pareciera ser una pistola justo en el momento que empieza la represión, pero sería irresponsable de nuestra parte asegurar que eso es un arma de fuego. La derecha se las inventa.. como Gorilas, ellas son bananeros, el pueblo ya despertó.
Golpe de Estado en Honduras, Manuel Zelaya dando declaraciones (CNN) 3-5 Military coup in Honduras.
El reconocido periodista latinoamericano Jaime Bayly hace una crítica contundente del Presidente de Honduras Mel Zelaya y deja al descubierto su incapacidad, sus vínculos con Chávez y su total ignorancia. No se lo pierdan y envíenlo a sus amigos mañana la parte 2.
Democracy Now - Shortly after Manuel Zelaya returned to his home this weekend for the first time since the 2009 military coup d'etat, he sat down with Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman for an exclusive interview. He talks about why he believes the United States was behind the coup, and what exactly happened on June 28, 2009, when hooded Honduran soldiers kidnapped him at gunpoint and put him on a plane to Costa Rica, stopping to refuel at Palmerola, the U.S. military base in Honduras. Watch Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k_Ndp7VirU "This coup d'etat was made by the right-wing of the United States," Zelaya says. "The U.S. State Department has always denied, and continues to deny, their any ties with the government with the coup d'etat. Nevertheless, all of the proof incrimi...
DemocracyNow.org - Democracy Now! continues its coverage of the historic return of ousted Honduran president, Manuel Zelaya, who on June 28, 2009, was kidnapped at gunpoint and put on a plane to Costa Rica in a coup orchestrated in part by two generals trained in the United States. Scores of peasants, teachers, journalists, farmers have been assassinated since the coup. This week 87 U.S. Congress members sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calling for the suspension of aid to the Honduran military and police until steps are taken to hold security forces accountable for human rights abuses. "Defense and security forces have to exist," Zelaya says in an interview with Democracy Now! at his home in Tegucigalpa. "But violence always will be the worst method in order to correct ...
Honduran deposed President Manuel Zelaya in an exclusive interview with BBC Brasil`s Bruno Garcez. The interview took place in Washington DC, on the 26th of August, 2009/ (more)(less)
Manuel Zelaya, despotrica contra todos en Honduras, y da a conocer sus verdaderas intenciones hacia Honduras, Habla de restitución de tiempo de Gobierno contraviniendo acuerdo de San José
Ex president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, returns to Honduras on monday 21st of september. Hidden in the brazil´s embassy and with the help of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Everything has been planned in order to put pressure at the UNs to force Zelaya back to presidency. It is the saddest thing to see a US president support dictators like Chavez, Fidel Castro and Zelaya. Obama is certainly the worst president ever in the US history. While Chavez promotes hate against the united states and burn american flags, obama greets chavez with a smile. On the other hand, while hondurans held american flags in respect, obama forces economic sanctions on Honduras and now will certainly promote for a UN army to invade Honduras with "classy" names like "peace soldiers". Obama... YOU ARE AN ASSHOL...
Ex president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, returns to Honduras on monday 21st of september. Hidden in the brazil´s embassy and with the help of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Everything has been planned in order to put pressure at the UNs to force Zelaya back to presidency. It is the saddest thing to see a US president support dictators like Chavez, Fidel Castro and Zelaya. Obama is certainly the worst president ever in the US history. While Chavez promotes hate against the united states and burn american flags, obama greets chavez with a smile. On the other hand, while hondurans held american flags in respect, obama forces economic sanctions on Honduras and now will certainly promote for a UN army to invade Honduras with "classy" names like "peace soldiers". Obama... YOU ARE AN ASSHOL...
DemocracyNow.org - In an exclusive interview, Democracy Now! talks with ousted Honduran president, Manuel Zelaya, about the military coup d'edtat against in June 2009. He discusses what he learned about the coup after WikiLeaks published classified U.S. diplomatic cables about Honduras. Zelaya talks about why he believes the United States was behind the coup, and what exactly happened on June 28, 2009, when hooded Honduran soldiers kidnapped him at gunpoint and put him on a plane to Costa Rica, stopping to refuel at Palmerola, the U.S. military base in Honduras. "This coup d'etat was made by the right-wing of the United States," Zelaya says. "The U.S. State Department has always denied, and continues to deny, their any ties with the government with the coup d'etat. Nevertheless, all of th...
Al Jazeera's Shihab Rattansi interviews army officer preventing Manuel Zelaya returning to Honduras.
Interview On the Record with Constitutional President of Honduras Roberto Micheletti. The Honduran Constitution was upheld by the Supreme Court, National Congress, Attorney General and other public and private institutions as well as the mayority of Hondurans. Manuel "Mel" Zelaya violated the Constitution and was automatically removed from office. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are siding with dangerous lunatic Hugo Chavez who is continually violating freedom and the rights of thousands of Venezeulans. Honduras did not and will not tolerate this. Manuel "Mel" Zelaya will not be allowed back as President. America open your eyes! Visit http://www.in-honduras.com/
Manuel Zelaya Rosales y su partido LIBRE con el apoyo por parte de la izquierda mundial y sus corresponsales del mal como lo son: Amy Goodman (Democrazy Now). Annie Bird (Democrazy Now) Nina Lakhani (The Guardian), Dana Frank (Democrazy Now y New York Times), Julian Gonzales (Democrazy Now), Alberto Arce (New York Times), todos ellos columnistas de la izquierda radical que utilizan los medios que se dedican a atacar al noble pueblo de Honduras y al presidente Barack Obama y a la candidata presidencial Hillary Clinton.
A criterio de la abogada y precandidata presidencial del Partido Liberal, Maribel Espinoza, si el Congreso aprueba la iniciativa de Manuel Zelaya, misma que busca elevar a rango constitucional el Acuerdo de Cartagena, habrían serias repercusiones en la seguridad jurídica de Honduras porque sería contrario a la ley.
© 2016 - Hable Como Habla, Televisión Digital - HONDURAS, Lomas del Mayab, calle San Marcos esquina opuesta a Novel Center, Casa # 1647 Tegucigalpa, Honduras C.A. Tel: (504) 2235-3245 / 2235-3246 / 2235-4875 / 2235-4876 LLÁMENOS GRATIS DESDE EE.UU: 3052801682 y 3052801735
En su discurso en la marcha paralela llevada a cabo por líderes y militantes de partido Libertad y Refundación, el ex presidente José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, expresó que El Partido Nacional, aliado con la cúpula liberal, el 27 de enero del 2018 en la mañana, no van a estar ni un solo minuto más en el ejercicio del poder público. Lo que a criterio de este analista, es parte de la estrategia de Zelaya Rosales, para hacer pensar a sus militantes que tiene el sartén por el mango de cara a los próximos comicios electorales. Por su parte, este experto considera que es a través de la propuesta y no la protesta que se pude llegar a un dialogo franco y verdadero entre la clase política hondureña, ya que la final todos terminan comiendo en el mismo plato. El secretario del Comité Central de pa...
En nuestra nueva edición de "Entrevista" José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, presidente de Honduras en el exilio, nos habla de la influencia de EE.UU. en los sucesos relacionados con el golpe de estado en Honduras, de la situación actual en su país, de la colaboración de los estados de América Latina para la regulación del conflicto y de la legitimidad del actual gobierno. Leer más : http://actualidad.rt.com/programas/Entrevista http://actualidad.rt.com/mas/envivo
El expresidente de Honduras Manuel Zelaya Rosales, recibió un Golpe de Estado el 28 de junio del 2009 por parte del Congreso Nacional, las Fuerzas Armadas y la embajada de los Estados Unidos en Tegucigalpa. Como respuesta el pueblo hondureño organizó el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP) que es la expresión política más grande en la historia del país. En febrero de 2012 se creó el Partido Libertad y Refundación Libre que participó en las elecciones primarias de noviembre del 2012, siendo Xiomara Castro, esposa de Zelaya, la candidata más votada en el país y con amplias posibilidades de ganar las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre de 2013. Zelaya habló en exclusiva con HispanTV sobre sus apreciaciones sobre el momento político actual que vive el país. http://www.hispantv.co...
"No a las privatizaciones, no a las concesiones, no a las ciudades modelo, este gobierno ha sido peor que el gobierno de facto y ya no pueden engañar más al pueblo" Coordinador General de Libre y del FNRP de Mel Zelaya Visita: www.xiomaracastroz.com @xiomaracastroz
Marketing Interactivo: Debate entre el presidente del Congreso Nacional Juan Orlando Hernández y el ex presidente de la República Manuel Zelaya Rosales en el programa Interpretando la Noticia de Radio Globo.
El ex Presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya regresó a su país en un vuelo procedente de Managua, luego de 23 meses de exilio político, tras ser depuesto por un Golpe de Estado en 2009.
a través de YouTube
El general Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, invita a un debate público al Ex Presidente Zelaya.