Anti Fracking Motion put to Broxtowe Borough Council
An anti-fracking motion was put to
Broxtowe Borough Council Full
Council meeting on
16th December 2015.
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Motion Proposed by Cllr
Greg Marshall (
08:24 Motion Seconded by Cllr.
Stephen Carr (
08:33 Cllr.
Richard Jackson (
CON) (
Leader of the Council) tables amendment to the motion, citing ‘alarmist’ language.
15:16 Cllr. Jill
Owen (CON) (
Deputy Leader of the Council) seconds the amended motion.
Broxtowe Council
Paid Officer offers clarification on the amendment to
Council Members.
16:40 Debate begins on Amended Motion
17:01 Cllr
Patrick Lally (LAB)
19:39 Cllr Stephen Carr (LIB)
21:51 Cllr
Lydia Ball (CON)
26:06 Cllr
John Doddy (CON)
31:07 Cllr
Richard MacRae (
31:39 Cllr
John Handley (CON)
33:00 Cllr Jill Owen (CON)
35:38 Cllr
Margaret Handley (CON)
38:24 Cllr
Phillip Owen (CON)
41:44 Cllr Richard Jackson (CON)
41:51 Cllr Greg Marshall (LAB) calls for 2 minute adjournment of the meeting to enable him and the leaders of the
Conservatives and
Liberals to have a PRIVATE meeting,
Leader of the
Independents is ignored.
The two minute gap was not recorded.
42:18 Meeting resumes
42:23 Cllr Richard Jackson sums up
45:05 A recorded vote is taken on the amended motion, it succeeds.
48:17 Cllr Greg Marshall (LAB) sums up the original motion.
48:25 Paid Council Officer clarifying council procedures after a
point of order by Cllr
Carr (LIB)
50:26 Cllr Greg Marshall (LAB) resumes his summing up of the original motion.
51:06 Cllr
Eric Kelly (CON) raises post of order.
51:24 Voting on original (LAB) motion. The motion is lost
The original
Labour motion can be found here on page 3 of the council agenda.
Conservative amended motion is as follows:
This Council:
Notes the presence of Shale
Gas and
Coal Bed Methane in the borough of Broxtowe and surrounding area.
Notes that planning powers over gas extraction rest with
Nottinghamshire County Council as the Planning
Asks the
County Council to exercise its right to consult with
Public Health England for advice on health implications before granting any permissions.
Calls on Nottinghamshire County Council to consult widely with residents on any application in the
Notes the significant amount of conflicting 'evidence' existing on the subject and considers that the Minerals Planning Authority,
Environment Agency and Public Health England are best placed to consider this evidence.
Notes that the Environment Agency would also be required to grant permits before any extraction could take place.