- published: 23 Feb 2018
- views: 7609
Massimo D'Alema (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmassimo daˈlɛma]; born 20 April 1949) is an Italian politician who was the 53rd Prime Minister from 1998 to 2000. Later he was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2008. He is also a journalist and served for a time as national secretary of the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS). Sometimes media refers to him as Leader Maximo, due to his first name Massimo, but also for his dominant position in the left-wing coalitions during the Second Republic. Former senior member of the Italian Communist Party, was the first Italian and NATO country's Prime Minister to come from a Communist Party.
Massimo D'Alema was born in Rome on 20 April 1949, the son of Giuseppe D'Alema, a communist politician. He is married to Linda Giuva, a professor at the University of Siena, and has two children, Giulia and Francesco. He later became a notable member of Italian Communist Party (PCI), part of which in 1991 gave origin to the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), and in 1998 to the Democrats of the Left (DS). In 1998, succeeding Romano Prodi, he became Prime Minister, as the leader of The Olive Tree centre-left coalition. He was the first former Communist to become prime minister of a NATO country and the first Prime Minister of Italy born after Italy became a Republic in 1946.
Massimo is both an Italian surname and a masculine Italian given name. Notable people with the name include:
Given name:
Matteo Renzi (Italian pronunciation: [matˈtɛːo ˈrɛntsi]; born 11 January 1975) is an Italian politician who is the serving Prime Minister of Italy since 22 February 2014 and as Secretary of the Democratic Party since 15 December 2013. He was President of the Province of Florence from 2004 to 2009 and Mayor of Florence from 2009 to 2014.
At the age of 39 years and 42 days, Renzi became the youngest Italian Prime Minister since unification in 1861, being younger than Benito Mussolini when he took office in 1922 by 52 days. He was also the first person to become Prime Minister as a Mayor. Currently the youngest leader in the G7, Renzi has been described as the de facto leader of the Party of European Socialists, in opposition to Angela Merkel's People's Party; the two leaders are together often referred to as Merkenzi. In 2014 he was ranked as the third most influential person under 40 in the world by the American magazine Fortune, and listed as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers by Foreign Policy.
L'intervista a Massimo D'Alema (Liberi e Uguali)
In vista delle prossime elezioni politiche Maurizio Belpietro intervista Massimo D'Alema. LIBERI SI, MA UGUALI... Massimo D'Alema e la diatriba con Matteo Renzi; FORMAZIONI, come sarà composto il governo italiano dopo il 4 marzo? VIOLENZE DI PIAZZA, la guerriglia urbana che ha investito Macerata; DILAGANTE PAURA, il tema della sicurezza avrà un peso sicuramente rilevante nelle prossime elezioni politiche; LA RESIDENZA DEL MALE, il profugo accusato, tra gli altri, di avere seviziato Pamela Mastropietro viveva a spese dei contribuenti in hotel.
Massimo D'Alema commenta così la dichiarazione fatta da Matteo Orfini sulla sua persona: siccome lo conosco da piccolo, Orfini non si può permettere di dire che faccio ridere Questo modo di rapportarsi con chi non la pensa come te ha il tratto dell'arroganza di Renzi e del suo gruppetto ed è il motivo per cui non stanno simpatici alla maggioranza degli italiani
Ospiti Massimo D'Alema e Nicola Porro.
Visita il nostro portale web: https://www.nuovatlantide.org
Massimo D'Alema (LeU) si confronta con il direttore de Il Giornale Alessandro Sallusti
GUARDA LA PUNTATA http://ow.ly/rSf8305sRsF http://www.raiplay.it/raiplay/programmi/larena - Massimo D'Alema, intercettato in strada da un'inviata de L'Arena, si rifiuta di rispondere in merito alla sapidità degli agnolotti serviti alla Casa Bianca
LECCE – L’ex premier Massimo D’Alema torna alla politica attiva. Il lider maximo si candida al Senato, dunque, alle prossime Politiche, “mettendosi a disposizione” del Salento, come lo stesso ha chiarito nel corso di un’assemblea pubblica pomeridiana all’Hotel Tiziano, e dice “sì” alla scelta dei candidati in maniera democratica, perché “nulla può essere calato dall’alto”.
Matteo Renzi accusa Massimo D'Alema di non scrivere i suoi libri ma di farseli scrivere e ritiene che molti aspetti della Riforma Boschi ricalchino la Bicamerale del 1997 con Berlusconi. D'Alema risponde alle accuse del Premier sostenendo che questa Riforma rende il bicameralismo più confuso e pasticciato.
Interview with Massimo d'Alema, President of FEPS and former Prime Minister of Italy, in the Forum "A Progressive Renaissance for Europe" organised in Brussels by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and its close partners. http://www.renaissance-europe.eu/en/
http://www.euronews.com/ Former Italian Prime Minister and President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Massimo D'Alema is considered a prominent, Italian leftist. He spoke to euronews about life after Berlusconi and the eurozone's troubles. euronews: "Italy had a shake up towards the end of 2011. Since then, it has slowly recovered but at great cost. The austerity plan has meant higher taxes, pension reform and now labour reform - with incentives for hiring and measures for layoffs. You're a leftist but what are the right answers?" Massimo D'Alema: "Well I have to say that Italy has taken a very important step forward since the replacement of the Berlusconi government. This, for Italy and for the eurozone, was very good news, because Italy was not responsible for th...
"I nostri concittadini di fede musulmana vogliono convivere con gli altri. E sono pronti a discutere"
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=france24 A moins d'un mois des élections européennes, Massimo D'Alema, Président du Conseil Italien de 1998 à 2000, ambitionne le poste de Commissaire européen de l'Italie. Il publie "Il n'y a pas que l'euro" aux éditions Saint-Simon. 30/04/2014 L'ENTRETIEN Un entretien avec une personnalité française ou internationale de l'univers économique, culturel, politique et diplomatique... Du lundi au jeudi à 21h45. Toutes les émissions: http://www.france24.com/fr/taxonomy/emission/16276 FRANCE 24 L'ACTUALITE INTERNATIONALE 24H/24 http://www.france24.com
Interview with Massimo D'Alema about Greek crisis, former Italian Prime Minister, former Italian Foreign Minister, former Secretary od Democratic Party, Europeanist. 01/07/2015
For analysis on the future of EU-China cooperation, Dialogue interviewed Massimo D'Alema, Italy's former prime minister, for his experience in politics and economics. Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://goo.gl/lP12gA Watch CGTN Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2-Aq7f_BwE Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls;=1&mt;=8 Download our APP on Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cgtn/?hl=zh-cn Twitter: https://twitter.com/CGTNOfficial Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/CGTNOfficial/ Tumblr: http://cctvnews.tumblr.com/ Weibo: http://weibo.com/cctvnewsbeijing
e chi gli crede?
Interview with Massimo D'Alema, President of FEPS and former Prime Minister of Italy, in the Forum: "A Progressive Renaissance for Europe" organised in Brussels by FEPS and its close partners.
Antonio Procacci intervista Massimo D'Alema per il Tg Norba (26 giugno 2008) sul suo nuovo progetto politico, RED.
L'intervista integrale di Maurizio De Giovanni a Massimo D'Alema
Elezioni politiche 2008 - Intervista di Lello La Pietra a Massimo D'Alema in onda sull'emittente tv Napoli Canale 21