- published: 20 Apr 2017
- views: 6001
The Pontic Greeks, also known as Pontian Greeks (Greek: Πόντιοι, Ελληνοπόντιοι, Póntioi, Ellinopóntioi; Turkish: Pontus Rumları, Karadeniz Rumlari, Georgian: პონტოელი ბერძნები), are an ethnically Greek group who traditionally lived in the region of Pontus, on the shores of the Black Sea and in the Pontic Alps of northeastern Anatolia. Many later migrated to other parts of Eastern Anatolia, to the former Russian province of Kars Oblast in the Transcaucasus, and to Georgia in various waves between the Ottoman conquest of the Empire of Trebizond in 1461 and the second Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829. Those from southern Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea are often referred to as "Northern Pontic [Greeks]", in contrast to those from "South Pontus", which strictly speaking is Pontus proper. Those from Georgia, northeastern Anatolia, and the former Russian Caucasus are in contemporary Greek academic circles often referred to as "Eastern Pontic [Greeks]" or as Caucasian Greeks, but also include the Greco-Turkic speaking Urums.
This is a list of Pontic Greeks (Greek: Πόντιοι, Pontioi ), i.e. Greeks from the region of Pontus, in modern northern Turkey.
The Greeks or Hellenes (Greek: Έλληνες [ˈelines]) are an ethnic group native to Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Turkey, Southern Italy, and other regions. They also form a significant diaspora, with Greek communities established around the world.
Greek colonies and communities have been historically established on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea, but the Greek people have always been centered around the Aegean and Ionian seas, where the Greek language has been spoken since the Bronze Age. Until the early 20th century, Greeks were distributed between the Greek peninsula, the western coast of Asia Minor, the Black Sea coast, Cappadocia in central Anatolia, Egypt, the Balkans, Cyprus, and Constantinople. Many of these regions coincided to a large extent with the borders of the Byzantine Empire of the late 11th century and the Eastern Mediterranean areas of ancient Greek colonization. The cultural centers of the Greeks have included Athens, Thessalonica, Alexandria, Smyrna, and Constantinople at various periods.
Greek may refer to:
Anything of, from, or related to Greece, a country in Southern Europe:
Golden Dawn may refer to:
WIKITONGUES: Asimenia speaking Greek and Pontic
Pontian Greek Genocide
Greece: Golden Dawn mark centenary of ethnic cleansing of Christian Ottoman Greeks
Ποντιακή Μουσική/Pontian Music
Archaic Greek in a modern world
The Pontic Greek Genocide (1914-1923)
Greece: Pontics protest EduMin's rejection of Pontic 'genocide' label
My DNA Results | Stefan Kosmidis
"Three Homelands", Union of Greek Youth of Georgia - Pontic Culture Festival, Thessaloniki
T'emeter Arthops Loğarizun.
Pontic Greeks genocide - Γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων του Πόντου
AncestryDNA results Pontic Greek DNA results
Pontian, Greek Traditional Music
Miltiadis Tsalouchidis (Μιλτιάδης Τσαλουχίδης)
Pontian History /Ποντιακή Ιστορία 2015
Greek Dance - kotsari, tik, manilatos, raikos, zaramo, baidouska, koulouristos, stis tris
History of Turkish Ottoman Genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and Pontic Greeks
War Dance Athens Olympics - Pontian Pyrrhic Dance
Pontic Greeks
This video was recorded by John Kazlakis in Nea Michaniona, Greece, where Asimenia lives. Greek is spoken by some 13 million people, primarily in the Mediterranean nation of Greece, and by significant communities in Eastern Europe and North America. Pontic, a closely related language, is spoken by about 1.2 million people, primarily in Greece's north. Translations below: Greek (00:00:00): My parents were refugees to Greece. My father was from Kars, but his specific village name I don't remember...it was in the Caucasus region. My father knew Greek, Pontic Greek, Russian, a little Armenian, and Turkish. He knew all those languages. And my mother was from Tbilisi, from Georgia, from Tbilisi, Georgia. And that village of my mother was called Sekitli, 15km outside Tbilisi. My mother went to ...
Hundreds of far-right protesters, predominantly members of the "Golden Dawn" political party gathered at Akriton Sea Square in the town of Acharnes on the National Day of Remembrance, Thursday to commemorate the day of the hundredth anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of Christian Ottoman Greeks from their historic homeland of Anatolia. Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos laid a wreath at the monument honouring those who died. Talking to the audience party member Ilias Kasidiaris, said that they "will resist and fight against them with every means" and "Golden Dawn will not stop". Activists held Greek and Golden Dawn flags, sang traditional Pontian songs and at the end of the event lit torches. The Pontic cleansing, as it is also known, took place in the Ottoman Empire during and ...
Mix of Pontian songs!!!
An endangered Greek dialect which is spoken in north-eastern Turkey has been identified by researchers as a "linguistic goldmine" because of its startling closeness to the ancient language, as Cambridge researcher Dr Ioanna Sitaridou explains. For more information please visit: www.romeyka.org
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_genocide * http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Greek_genocide http://greek-genocide.net * http://stbasiltroy.org/pontos/pontoshistory.pdf * Please, press "SHOW MORE": http://genocidescholars.org/resources/resolutions * http://genocidetext.net/iags_resolution_supporting_documentation.htm http://pravmir.com/article_978.html * http://ncas.rutgers.edu/center-study-genocide-conflict-resolution-and-human-rights/genocide-ottoman-greeks-1914-1923 "As a Turk, I apologize to all the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian genocide victims in the name of humanity and kneel down in front of your pain even though I had no participation in this violence personally. My Turk ancestors had perpetrated terrible genocides to all these people and I am ashamed of these horrible crimes." (Serk...
Pontic Greeks demonstrated in Thessaloniki, Monday against the decision by Greek Education Minister Nikos Filis not to label the massacre of Pontic Greeks by Turks almost 100 years ago a "genocide." Video ID: 20151109-073 Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv Contact: cd@ruptly.tv Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
----------------------------------------- Correction: ----------------------------------------- • I pronounce #Pontus/Pontos as Ponticus which is wrong. • I wrote my great-grandfather lived to 120 years old but I meant 112. :S Check out my new video on Genetic Communities: https://youtu.be/KL013mzX49w ----------------------------------------- Description: ----------------------------------------- I decided to make a video on the results I received from my Ancestry.com #DNATest. I recommend you give it a try! https://www.ancestry.com.au/dna My Results: [#Europe 56%] #Italy/#Greece 55% #EuropeanJewish (Trace Region) 1% [#WestAsia 44%] #Caucasus 26% #MiddleEast 18% ----------------------------------------- Portfolios: ---------------------------------------- Behance Portf...
4th October 2015 , P.A.O.K. Sports Arena
You'll see on this video some of our people who live in Trabzon,Tonya, İskenderli speak Romeika, 2015. (Bu videoda Trabzon,Tonya,İskenderli'de yaşayan bazı insanlarımızın Rumca konuşmalarını izleyeceksiniz,2015). (Hatha so videon na'lepeten t'emeter t'in artheps pi ziğun si'n Trapezunta'n, si'n Tonya'n, si Skandarandon şincenun (kalatsevun) Romeika,2015).
Mother and Father both full Pontic Greeks from Asia Minor.
Greek folk music from th region of Pontus. Incase you want to ask me about the song's names on the video you can make your question: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZ2... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more pontian music you should visit this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQjG... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information about Pontos you can ask me on my chanel's page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont forget to subscribe for more Greek Traditional Music !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...
A Pontic Greek refugee talks about the conditions he was forced to endure during his uprooting from his homeland Pontus. Pontic Greeks were forced to leave their homeland as part of the Exchange of Populations between Greece and Turkey in 1923. http://www.pontosworld.com
Its Historical I dont want to offend anybody plis like and subscribe for more
Filmed at the Carassauga Festival in Toronto, ON May 24, 2012 Dances in order - Kotsari................0:15 - Tik.......................1:40 - Manilatos............3:05 - Raikos.................4:35 - Zaramo...............6:50 - Baidouska...........9:30 - Koulouristos........11:20 - Stis tris................14:40
The Turkish government thinks that by denying the genocide committed against their Christian minorities between 1914 and 1918, it can wipe its dark past. In doing so, they claim that the genocide that brutally killed 1,500,000 Armenians, 750,000 Assyrians and 300,000 Pontic Greeks is a "fabrication of history". The overwhelming evidence and eyewitness accounts of this tragedy is testimony that these horrible crimes were committed and continuing to deny the crime only makes today's Turkish government an accomplice to the crime.
Traditional Greek War Dance (Pyrrhic Dance) performed at the Athens Olympics
The Pontic Greeks, also known as Pontian Greeks , are an ethnically Greek group who traditionally lived in the region of Pontus, on the shores of the Black Sea and in the Pontic Mountains of northeastern Anatolia.Many later migrated to other parts of Eastern Anatolia, to the former Russian province of Kars Oblast in the Transcaucasus, and to Georgia in various waves between the Ottoman conquest of the Empire of Trebizond in 1461 and the second Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829.Those from southern Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea are often referred to as "Northern Pontic ", in contrast to those from "South Pontus", which strictly speaking is Pontus proper.Those from Georgia, northeastern Anatolia, and the former Russian Caucasus are in contemporary Greek academic circles often referred to as "Easte...
Mix of Pontian songs!!!
Greek folk music from th region of Pontus. Incase you want to ask me about the song's names on the video you can make your question: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZ2... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more pontian music you should visit this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQjG... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information about Pontos you can ask me on my chanel's page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont forget to subscribe for more Greek Traditional Music !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...
The Pontic Greeks, also known as Pontian Greeks , are an ethnically Greek group who traditionally lived in the region of Pontus, on the shores of the Black Sea and in the Pontic Mountains of northeastern Anatolia.Many later migrated to other parts of Eastern Anatolia, to the former Russian province of Kars Oblast in the Transcaucasus, and to Georgia in various waves between the Ottoman conquest of the Empire of Trebizond in 1461 and the second Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829.Those from southern Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea are often referred to as "Northern Pontic ", in contrast to those from "South Pontus", which strictly speaking is Pontus proper.Those from Georgia, northeastern Anatolia, and the former Russian Caucasus are in contemporary Greek academic circles often referred to as "Easte...
This is a Music Mix of some of the most beautiful Pontian songs from the old Greek country of Pontos which settled at the port of the Black Sea in Turkey which was then destroyed by the Turks and a lot of Pontians were killed that day, my Great Yiayia (Grandmother) escaped Pontos and went to Greece and Russia for safety. Pontos is always alive in the music, the culture and the dancing, have respect when listening to this music.
* Traditional Pontic Greek (Pontiaka) music before 1923 Turkish-Greek population Exchange. More info: http://karalahana.com * 1923 Mübadelesi öncesi Karadeniz Bölgesinde yaşayan 1. Kuşak mübadil Rumlardan derlenen kemençe ve tulum eşliğinde Karadeniz türkü ve horonları Detaylı bilgi: http://ozhanozturk.com/2017/08/30/1923-turkiye-yunanistan-nufus-mubadelesinde-karadenizli-rumlarin-durumu/
STIN YGEIA MAS...hosted by SPIROS PAPADOPOULOS...the remarkably talented Tsahouridis brothers Konstantinos and Matthaios bring the amazing sound of the Pontic Lyra to the show which when combined with other instruments and the voices of well known Greek singers as well as artists from other countries gives this episode of "STIN YGEIA MAS" a truly international flavor. It has already been described as one of the best episodes Papadopoulos has ever presented. The scene with bouzouki master Manolis Karantinis playing alongside Matthaios Tsahouridis on the Pontic Lyra is pure gold for those who truly admire great musical talent. Also performing live are Vasilis Skoulas...Melina Aslanidou...Sarina Cross...Hussein Zahawy...Lefteris Zervas...Sonia Theodoridou...(Alpha TV - 26/11/2016).
Η ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΠΟΝΤΙΩΝ - ΤΟ ΠΛΗΡΕΣ ΝΤΟΚΥΜΑΝΤΕΡ PONTOS THE GREEK GENOCIDE - THE COMPLETE HISTORICAL DOCUMENTARY (Video and text by Nikos Deja Vu) About The Pontian Genocide (1911-1923) : 1911 - 1922. Neoturks, under their German advisors decided a slow extermination of the annoying Greeks. It had to be quietly, not like the Armenians. So they gathered the men and forced them to march in the interior of Turkey, without food and clothes. Many of them died. The rest were concentrated in camps and were forced to work 18 hours the day (amele tampourou=work camps). This was a slow death. 335000 Pontians died this way and another 500000 Greeks of Minor Asia. Pontian cities like Trebizous, Sampsous, Kerasous, Sinopi, Amaseia, Argyroupolis, Rizoupolis, Amissos, Athena, Neokesarea had now only t...
Interview with Lazo Terzas while here in Australia. Lazo gives a history lesson on Pontian culture like no else can.
This genocide was committed against the Assyrian population of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War by the Young Turks. The Assyrian population of northern Mesopotamia was forcibly relocated and massacred by Ottoman (Turkish and Kurdish) forces between 1914 and 1920. This genocide is part of the same policy of extermination aimed against Armenians and Pontic Greeks.
Ποντιακή παρουσία, στα Θεοφάνεια Φεστιβάλ 2017 Μελβούρνης Pontiaki Estia Melbourne Hellenic Cultural Association of Melbourne "O Periklis" 14:50 Greek band "Anagennisi"
National Geographic 1922 The Greek Genocide i don't own anything
CRETANS' ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO "KNOSSOS" & PONTIAN BROTHERHOOD "PANAGIA SOUMELA" FEBRUARY 2012 DANCE. Videography by Trifon Haitas Please visit http://avcmediainfo.blogspot.ca/2012/02/contact-our-team-today.html for more information. A "AVCMEDA" "AVC" production. A Greek language video.
The Greek genocide, part of which is known as the Pontic genocide, was the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Christian Ottoman Greek population from its historic homeland in Asia Minor, central Anatolia, Pontus, and the former Russian Caucasus province of Kars Oblast during World War I and its aftermath (1914--23). It was instigated by the government of the Ottoman Empire against the Greek population of the Empire and it included massacres, forced deportations involving death marches, summary expulsions, arbitrary executions, and destruction of Christian Orthodox cultural, historical and religious monuments. According to various sources, several hundred thousand Ottoman Greeks died during this period. Some of the survivors and refugees, especially those in Eastern provinces, took refuge i...
1: Σερανίτσα (Ανέστης Αθανασιάδης [κεμεντζές] - Κιλκίς, 8.9.1972) 0:00 2: Επιτραπέζιος (Νικόλαος Παπαδόπουλος [τουλούμ] - Rehau bei Hof, 19.10.1972) 2:25 3: Ομάλ διπλό (Γεώργιος Στεφανίδης [φωνή & κεμεντζές] - Αργυρούπολη Δράμας, 15.9.1972) 4:58 4: Σέρρα (Μίλτος Αθανασιάδης [τουλούμ] - Κιλκίς, 23.9.1972) 9:04 5: Τικ (Μίλτος Αθανασιάδης [φλογέρα] - Κιλκίς, 20.8.1972) 13:18 6: Τικ διπλό (Ισαάκ Τηλικίδης [φωνή] & Γεώργιος Απατσίδης [κεμεντζές] - Καβάλα, 1.9.1973) 15:35 7: Σέρρα (Κωνσταντίνος Κυριακίδης [τουλούμ] - Πρωτοχώρι Κοζάνης, 25.9.1972) 20:55 8: Κιουρτσίας (Αλέξης Κοσμίδης [κλαρίνο] & Ευάγγελος Απένζαλος [νταούλι] - Αμύνταιο, 20.9.1972) 22:35 9: Διπάτ (Αλέξης Κοσμίδης [βιολί] - Αμύνταιο, 20.9.1972) 25:18 10: Μακρύς σκοπός (Δημήτρης Ταυρίδης [φωνή & κεμεντζές] - Λαγκαδάς, 9.10.1972) 27:...
The Holy Trinity - Η Γενοκτονία των Ποντίων - The Pontian Greek Genocide (1916-1923) Ιστορικό Ντοκυμαντέρ στην Ελληνική Γλώσσα Για την Ιστορία της Γενοκτονίας στα Ελληνικά: http://n1999k.blogspot.com For the complete History in English: http://nikosdejavu.tumblr.com FOR MY GRANDPARENTS.. About The Pontian Genocide (1916-1923) : 1915 - 1922. Neoturks, under their German advisors decided a slow extermination of the annoying Greeks. It had to be quietly, not like the Armenians. So they gathered the men and forced them to march in the interior of Turkey, without food and clothes. Many of them died. The rest were concentrated in camps and were forced to work 18 hours the day (amele tampourou=work camps). This was a slow death. 335000 Pontians died this way and another 500000 Greeks of Minor...