- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 2848
The mantis shrimp, or stomatopod, is a type of marine crustacean of the order Stomatopoda. Most species can grow to around 10 centimetres (3.9 in) in length, though a few species reach up to 38 cm (15 in). The largest ever caught has a length of 46 cm (18 in) in the Indian River near Fort Pierce, Florida of USA. The carapace of mantis shrimp covers only the rear part of the head and the first four segments of the thorax. There are more than 450 species of mantis shrimp. Varieties range from shades of brown to vivid colours, and are among the most important predators in many shallow, tropical and sub-tropical marine habitats. Despite being common, they are poorly understood as many species spend most of their life tucked away in burrows and holes.
Called "sea locusts" by ancient Assyrians, "prawn killers" in Australia and now sometimes referred to as "thumb splitters" – because of the animal's ability to inflict painful gashes if handled incautiously – mantis shrimps sport powerful claws that they use to attack and kill prey by spearing, stunning, or dismemberment. In captivity, some larger species are capable of breaking through aquarium glass with a single strike.
Odontodactylus scyllarus, known as the peacock mantis shrimp, harlequin mantis shrimp, painted mantis shrimp, or clown mantis shrimp, is a large mantis shrimp native to the Indo-Pacific from Guam to East Africa.
In the saltwater aquarium trade, it is both prized for its attractiveness and considered by others to be a dangerous pest.
O. scyllarus is one of the larger, more colourful mantis shrimps commonly seen, ranging in size from 3 to 18 centimetres (1.2 to 7.1 in). They are primarily green in colour, with orange legs and leopard-like spots on the anterior carapace.
Their ability to see circularly polarised light has led to studies to determine if the mechanisms by which their eyes operate can be replicated for use in reading CDs and similar optical information storage devices.
Odontodactylus scyllarus is a burrower, constructing U-shaped holes in the loose substrate near the bases of coral reefs in water ranging from 3 to 40 metres (9.8 to 131.2 ft) deep.
Bullet Hole effect (Houdini Digital Asset)
True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp
1978 Mantra jet boat hole shot. (Trimmed up)
houdini FLIP - bullet
Axel Thesleff - Bad Karma
2011 Bullet 21XRD with 250 Pro XS Hole shot
Houdini RND - Wood Bullet Hit
1978 Mantra jet boat hole shot (full trim down)
Giant Smashing Mantis Shrimp VS Giant Crabs
SAVE DAT RUMP!! | Mr. President
This digital asset creates the effect of a bullet hole which has been ripped through sheet metal. Use the free version of Houdini from www.sidefx.com in order to work with this asset. Then download the free trial version of this asset at www.orbolt.com. The asset will open and launch directly from your browser.
Post on FB :: http://on.fb.me/14uDLmb (u can change the text) Tweet This :: http://bit.ly/14uDJuC (u can change the text) music : htttp://www.soundcould.com/querflote Credits: Film Footage courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc., Used by Permission Slow Motion Mantis Shrimp: World's Fastest Punch/Earth Unplugged http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti2Uoc1RXuQ Odontodactylus scyllarus eye movements/ Michael Bok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhlAYDvAeFk Time for a good wash-up!/RoyLCaldwell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTIPylj3zZ8 O scyllarus eye scan/RoyLCaldwell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W92xB-dz9jk Peacock Mantis Shrimp, aka Tony Jaa/ Brushing off/Michael Bok http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikebok/8252915410/ Peacock Mantis Shrimp, aka Tony Jaa/Royal Alberta Museum, Government of Albe...
♫ Download Link ♫ ➥http://bit.ly/1RlgPO4 Click "Show More" to see very important links & details! ♫ Support Trap Nation ♫ ♦http://twitter.com/alltrapnation ♦http://facebook.com/alltrapnation ♦http://soundcloud.com/alltrapnation ♦http://plug.dj/trapnation/ ♦https://nations.io ♫ Support The Producer ♫ ●https://soundcloud.com/axelthesleff ●http://facebook.com/axelthesleff ●http://twitter.com/AxelThesleff ●http://axelthesleff.tumblr.com/ If you want to remove a song that you own on my channel please e-mail me ASAP, I will respond within 24 hours or less. There is never a need to strike a video down when you can get it removed within the same day and keep the channel and yourself happy!
Hole shot was taken with a 27 pitch Razr 4 prop. For more information, please visit: http://www.gracemarine.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?veh=2257272 Grace Marine 2906 State Street Bettendorf, IA 52722 563.359.1635 http://www.gracemarine.com
Houdini 12.5, Nuke, (some Modo 601.) Rendered in Mantra (PBR mode), comp in Nuke. Houdini info: Wood-board is a pre-fractured piece of geometry glued together in a DOP-network. For various reasons I used an actual object to do the breaking instead of an invisible force. I wanted to use the Bullet-solver but it wasn't stable enough (or I am too incompetent :)), ended up using Houdini's own RDB-solver. Most of the smoke and particles are emitted from the moving pieces of the board (ergo, the debris) which is really simple to setup in Houdini. The smoke solver performed admirably as always. I got pretty good results from Mantra too, it wasn't exactly Arnold-quick, but it was a pretty nice experience.
Compilation of short clips, some High Definition, some High Speed (Slow Motion), detailing my largest Smasher Mantis Shrimp/Stomatopod dismantling very large crabs, these large crabs were very useful nothing was wasted, even though they are far too large for the giant smasher to consume alone, once it had its fill the remaining carcass is divided up into smaller portions then given to other smaller smasher species. NO CRAB WAS HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS VIDEO...by human hands...
GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT!! It's time to save our savior Mr. Rump! Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier Play Mr. President ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/507010/ Follow my Instagram ► http://instagram.com/markipliergram Follow me on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/markiplier Like me on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/markiplier Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shirkofficial/haunted Happy Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint
Breaking in and entering,
my will is the law.
I feel the scent of innocence
and I know it's all about to fall.
Never repent or change, [x2]
never submit or yield. [x2]
Trespassing holy ground,
reveal your secrets.
Unlock these private boundaries.
I'll grant you one more dream.
Never repent or change, [x2]
never submit or yield. [x2]
I have an urge to kill.
I have an urge to rise above my victim.
To see their life blood fade away.
I have an urge to feast upon the weak.
You're mine
every goddamn time.
Crowbar my tool of trade.
Duct-tape and a six inch switchblade.
My love is a Stanley-knife.
My love is the fear in your eyes.
Never repent or change, [x2]
never submit or yield. [x2]
I have an urge to kill.
I have an urge to rise above my victim.
To see their life blood fade away.
I have an urge to feast upon the weak.
You're mine
every goddamn time.
You think you're safe in your suburban dreamscape.
Well, I could change all that...
I bide my time...you're such sweet meat...
I enter
you're screaming.
One gunshot
you're bleeding.
Dead silence
relieves me.
You're open wide
to see me...
Never repent or change,
never submit or yield.
I have an urge to kill.
I have an urge to rise above my victim.
To see their life blood fade away.
I have an urge to feast upon the weak.
You're mine