Boxing the compass is the action of naming all thirty-two clockwise points of the compass in order. Such names are formed by the initials of the cardinal directions and their intermediate ordinal directions, and are very handy to refer to a heading (or course or azimuth) in a general or colloquial fashion, without having to resort to computing or recalling degrees. For most applications, the minor points have been superseded by degrees measured clockwise from North.
The names of the 32-wind compass rose follow these rules:
- The cardinal directions are North (N), East (E), South (S), West (W), at 90° angles on the compass rose.
- The ordinal directions are Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW) and Northwest (NW), formed by bisecting the angle of the cardinal winds. The name is merely a combination of the cardinals it bisects.
- The eight principal winds (or main winds) are the cardinals and ordinals considered thogether, that is N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. Each principal wind is 45° from its neighbor. The principal winds form the basic eight-wind compass rose.