- published: 25 Oct 2016
- views: 157534
Moral absolutism is an ethical view that particular actions are intrinsically right or wrong. Stealing, for instance, might be considered to be always immoral, even if done for the well-being of others (e.g., stealing food to feed a starving family), and even if it does in the end promote such a good. Moral absolutism stands in contrast to other categories of normative ethical theories such as consequentialism, which holds that the morality (in the wide sense) of an act depends on the consequences or the context of the act.
Moral absolutism is not the same as moral universalism (also called moral objectivism). Universalism holds merely that what is right or wrong is independent of custom or opinion (as opposed to moral relativism), but not necessarily that what is right or wrong is independent of context or consequences (as in absolutism). Moral universalism is compatible with moral absolutism, but also positions such as consequentialism. Louis Pojman gives the following definitions to distinguish the two positions of moral absolutism and universalism:
Crash Course (also known as Driving Academy) is a 1988 made for television teen film directed by Oz Scott.
Crash Course centers on a group of high schoolers in a driver’s education class; many for the second or third time. The recently divorced teacher, super-passive Larry Pearl, is on thin ice with the football fanatic principal, Principal Paulson, who is being pressured by the district superintendent to raise driver’s education completion rates or lose his coveted football program. With this in mind, Principal Paulson and his assistant, with a secret desire for his job, Abner Frasier, hire an outside driver’s education instructor with a very tough reputation, Edna Savage, aka E.W. Savage, who quickly takes control of the class.
The plot focuses mostly on the students and their interactions with their teachers and each other. In the beginning, Rico is the loner with just a few friends, Chadley is the bookish nerd with few friends who longs to be cool and also longs to be a part of Vanessa’s life who is the young, friendly and attractive girl who had to fake her mother’s signature on her driver’s education permission slip. Kichi is the hip-hop Asian kid who often raps what he has to say and constantly flirts with Maria, the rich foreign girl who thinks that the right-of-way on the roadways always goes to (insert awesomely fake foreign Latino accent) “my father’s limo”. Finally you have stereotypical football meathead J.J., who needs to pass his English exam to keep his eligibility and constantly asks out and gets rejected by Alice, the tomboy whose father owns “Santini & Son” Concrete Company. Alice is portrayed as being the “son” her father wanted.
We begin our unit on ethics with a look at metaethics. Hank explains three forms of moral realism – moral absolutism, and cultural relativism, including the difference between descriptive and normative cultural relativism – and moral subjectivism, which is a form of moral antirealism. Finally, we’ll introduce the concept of an ethical theory. Get your own Crash Course Philosophy mug or Chom Chom shirt from DFTBA: https://store.dftba.com/collections/crashcourse The Latest from PBS Digital Studios: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mtdjDVOoOqJzeaJAV15Tq0tZ1vKj7ZV -- Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios Crash Course Philosophy is sponsored by Squarespace. http://www.squarespace.com/crashcourse -- Want to find Crash Cours...
I created this for an AS Religious Studies project this using the website PowToon . Thanks for watching, hope it helped :)
Hamzah Qureshi asked: Considering atheism cannot possibly have any sort of absolute morality, is it not then an irrational "leap of faith" (which atheists themselves so harshly condemn) for an atheist to decide between right and wrong, considering they have no absolute moral standard? What do you think?
Steven Garofalo takes on the question of the existence of moral absolutes.
Moral Absolutism is a form of deontology that asserts that certain actions are intrinsically right or wrong. This video is part of Ethics Defined, an animated library of more than 50 ethics terms and concepts from Ethics Unwrapped. For free videos and teaching resources on ethics and leadership, visit http://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/ Ethics Unwrapped is a free online educational program produced by The University of Texas at Austin. It offers an innovative approach to introducing complex ethics topics that is accessible to both students and instructors. For more videos, case studies, and teaching materials, visit http://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/ A complete playlist of Ethics Unwrapped videos available on YouTube may be found at: http://bit.ly/2lzF71u © 2017 The University of Te...
Let's talk about morality! My views on morality, as with anything, are subject to change through further research and discussion. I want to hear your feedback regardless of your position.
An introductory overview and criticism of moral relativism, objectivism, absolutism, nihilism, and emotivism. A rough transcript of this video is available here: http://lucidphilosophy.com/854-2/
Chomsky on moral relativism, cultural relativism and innate moral values.
We begin our unit on ethics with a look at metaethics. Hank explains three forms of moral realism – moral absolutism, and cultural relativism, including the difference between descriptive and normative cultural relativism – and moral subjectivism, which is a form of moral antirealism. Finally, we’ll introduce the concept of an ethical theory. Get your own Crash Course Philosophy mug or Chom Chom shirt from DFTBA: https://store.dftba.com/collections/crashcourse The Latest from PBS Digital Studios: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mtdjDVOoOqJzeaJAV15Tq0tZ1vKj7ZV -- Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios Crash Course Philosophy is sponsored by Squarespace. http://www.squarespace.com/crashcourse -- Want to find Crash Cours...
I created this for an AS Religious Studies project this using the website PowToon . Thanks for watching, hope it helped :)
Hamzah Qureshi asked: Considering atheism cannot possibly have any sort of absolute morality, is it not then an irrational "leap of faith" (which atheists themselves so harshly condemn) for an atheist to decide between right and wrong, considering they have no absolute moral standard? What do you think?
Steven Garofalo takes on the question of the existence of moral absolutes.
Moral Absolutism is a form of deontology that asserts that certain actions are intrinsically right or wrong. This video is part of Ethics Defined, an animated library of more than 50 ethics terms and concepts from Ethics Unwrapped. For free videos and teaching resources on ethics and leadership, visit http://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/ Ethics Unwrapped is a free online educational program produced by The University of Texas at Austin. It offers an innovative approach to introducing complex ethics topics that is accessible to both students and instructors. For more videos, case studies, and teaching materials, visit http://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/ A complete playlist of Ethics Unwrapped videos available on YouTube may be found at: http://bit.ly/2lzF71u © 2017 The University of Te...
Let's talk about morality! My views on morality, as with anything, are subject to change through further research and discussion. I want to hear your feedback regardless of your position.
An introductory overview and criticism of moral relativism, objectivism, absolutism, nihilism, and emotivism. A rough transcript of this video is available here: http://lucidphilosophy.com/854-2/
Chomsky on moral relativism, cultural relativism and innate moral values.
An introductory overview and criticism of moral relativism, objectivism, absolutism, nihilism, and emotivism. A rough transcript of this video is available here: http://lucidphilosophy.com/854-2/
In this message, Asher shows how Yeshua was the one who came down to give the moral law on Mt. Sinai, explains the heart behind the law on Mt. Beatitudes, gives atonement for the breaking of the law on Mt. Calvary, empowers us to obey His laws by giving the Holy Spirit on Mt. Zion and is the one who will come back and judge the nations who break His laws from the Mt. of Olives.
Chomsky on moral relativism, cultural relativism and innate moral values.
Topical Series on Apologetics by Pastor Glen Mustian from Calvary Chapel True North in Colorado Springs Colorado. 01/25/2017.
Simon Blackburn gives a talk on the notion of truth and some of the philosophical approaches, as well as the anti-epistemological postmodern climate. According to one kind of view, our beliefs or statements are true insofar as they "mirror" or correspond to an independent external reality. Others understand the notion of truth differently, as an internal coherence of fitting with other beliefs, or alternatively as what simply works -- a useful tool for coping with the world ("coping not copying" as Richard Rorty liked to say, since he rejected the notion of representation altogether). However, each of these kinds of theories has its own serious problems. In opposition to both absolutism and relativism, Blackburn presents a minimalist or deflationary view, which falls within the pragmatist ...
Martin Luther argued that there are cases where a little evil is a positive good. He wrote, "Seek out the society of your boon companions, drink, play, talk bawdy, and amuse yourself. One must sometimes commit a sin out of hate and contempt for the Devil, so as not to give him the chance to make one scrupulous over mere nothings... ." According to certain schools of political philosophy, leaders should be indifferent to good or evil, taking actions based only upon practicality; this approach to politics was put forth by Niccolò Machiavelli, a 16th-century Florentine writer who advised politicians "...it is far safer to be feared than loved."[47] The international relations theories of realism and neorealism, sometimes called realpolitik advise politicians to explicitly ban absolute moral...
An interview with the philosopher Don Loeb on issues within meta-ethics regarding the nature of morality and arguments for and against ethical realism. This interview was given by Luke Muehlhauser from his podcast Conversations From The Pale Blue Dot. For more information, go to www.commonsenseatheism.com.
In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses the problem of moral relativism from the context of Bernard Williams' discussion in "Ethic and the Limits of Philosophy".
http://www.peterkreeft.com for more writings & audio talks. Introduction (0:00) 1. Arguments Against Relativism Psychological (6:37) Cultural (9:36) Social Conditioning (17:02) Freedom (19:25) Tolerance (23:31) Situations (29:05) 2. Arguments For Absolutism Consequences (33:40) Tradition (36:21) Moral Experience (37:59) Ad Hominem (40:51) Moral Language (42:12) Postscript: Cause and Cure (44:02) http://www.peterkreeft.com/audio/05_relativism/relativism_transcription.htm for transcript