Meitei people
The Meetei or Meitei people are the majority ethnic group of Manipur, India, and because of this are sometimes referred to as Manipuris. Generally speaking, Meitei is an endonym and Manipuri is an exonym. The Meitei people are made up of seven clans, who trace their written history back to 33 AD.
The Meitei people speak the Meithei language, a Tibeto-Burman language. Meiteis state that the ancestor of one of their clans manifested himself as Pakhangba, a mythical dragon.
Further reading
Kshetrimayum, Otojit. (2014). Ritual, Politics and Power in North East India: Contexualising the Lai Haraoba of Manipur. New Delhi: Ruby Press & Co.
Singh, Saikhom Gopal. (2014). The Meeteis of Manipur: A Study in Human Geography. New Delhi: Ruby Press & Co.
Singh, Saikhom Gopal. (2014). Population Geography of Manipur. New Delhi: Ruby Press & Co.