The following notable characters originated on General Hospital: Night Shift, which is a prime time spin-off of the American ABC Daytime soap opera General Hospital. The series first aired on SOAPnet for a 13-episode run from July 12, 2007 to October 4, 2007, and began a second season of 14 episodes on July 22, 2008. As of March 2008, the first season of the series was "SOAPnet's most-watched series ever," with ABC Daytime and SOAPnet President Brian Frons noting that Night Shift drew more than 1 million new viewers to the channel during its first season.
Chronicling the nighttime adventures of familiar and new characters at Port Charles General Hospital, the series consists of self-contained episodes which "delve deeper into the relationships, friendships and medical cases seen at the hospital." Alongside new characters are those "plucked from General Hospital's history" and "younger characters with ties to GH's core families." The first season of the series features General Hospital regulars Dr. Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough), Dr. Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson), Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), and Epiphany Johnson (Sonya Eddy), as well as guest star Billy Dee Williams as Toussaint Dubois. The second season features these same characters minus Burton's Jason, as well as the return of legacy General Hospital characters Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) and Jagger Cates (Antonio Sabàto, Jr.).