- published: 23 Feb 2015
- views: 12
Afghanistanism is the practice of concentrating on problems in distant parts of the world while ignoring controversial local issues. In other contexts, the term has referred to "hopelessly arcane and irrelevant scholarship," "fascination with exotic, faraway lands," or "Railing and shaking your fist at an unseen foe who is quite unaware of your existence, much less your fury."
Columnist Joe Klein wrote in Time magazine in 2010 that the term originated in the 19th century when "the British press defined Afghanistanism as the obsession with obscure foreign wars at the expense of domestic priorities," adding that "Afghanistanism seems likely to become a national debate [in the United States] before long: Is building roads and police stations in Afghanistan more important than doing so at home?"
The concept earlier came to have several applications. On one hand it was applied in North American journalism to newspaper articles about faraway places that were irrelevant to local readers. Other writers said, though, that Afghanistanism was the tendency of some editors to avoid hard local news by writing opinion pieces about events happening in distant lands. As New York Times writer James Reston put it about journalists, "Like officials in Washington, we suffer from Afghanistanism. If it's far away, it's news, but if it's close to home, it's sociology."
How to Pronounce Afghanistanism
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Afghanistan tour VIII 2010.i.s.m. Dj Henry,Judith Peters,jolanda Zoomer en Ronnie van Bemmel
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How to Pronounce Afghanis
How to Pronounce Afghanistan