- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 25
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state in the European Union. Lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland, it includes the island of "Great Britain" (a term also applied loosely to refer to the whole country), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands.Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state—the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to its east, the English Channel to its south and the Celtic Sea to its south-southwest. The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. With an area of 93,800 square miles (243,000 km2), the UK is the 80th-largest sovereign state in the world and the 11th-largest in Europe. It is also is the 21st-most populous country, with an estimated 64.5 million inhabitants.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of governance. Its capital city is London, an important global city and financial centre with an urban population of 10,310,000, the fourth-largest in Europe and second-largest in the European Union. The current monarch—since 6 February 1952—is Queen Elizabeth II. The UK consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The latter three have devolved administrations, each with varying powers, based in their capitals, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast, respectively. The nearby Isle of Man, Bailiwick of Guernsey and Bailiwick of Jersey are not part of the United Kingdom, being Crown dependencies with the British Government responsible for defence and international representation.
The Straits is an Australian television drama series for ABC1 filmed in Cairns, the Torres Strait Islands and other Far North Queensland locations.
The series is based on an idea by actor Aaron Fa'aoso and produced by Penny Chapman and Helen Panckhurst from Matchbox Pictures. It is directed by Peter Andrikidis, Rachel Ward, and Rowan Woods. It is written by Louis Nowra, Blake Ayshford, Nick Parsons, Kristen Dunphy, and Jaime Browne. On 19 October 2012, it was announced that a second series will not be produced.
In December 2012, the show began airing exclusively on Hulu.
The series follows the Montebello family, whose business involves smuggling drugs into Australia, and guns and exotic wildlife out, making use of ties of blood and loyalty in the Torres Strait Islands. When Harry Montebello, the head of the family, starts to plan his succession, he sparks a vicious family power struggle. While under attack from ambitious bikers and mercurial Papua New Guinea Raskol gangs, the family must hold together through torture, assassination, and imprisonment.
Stresa līdzsvara programma parbaudīta un patentēta Vācijā
Bergamo Film Meeting - Incontro con Vladimir Leschiov
DENA - Cash, Diamond Rings, Swimming Pools
Krākšana, miega slimību diagnostika un ārstēšana.
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Eliots-Liriskā Nāve.wmv
Krūts vēža izmeklēšanas metode- mamogrāfija ar tomosintēzi
The Straits concert 30/06 (Reņķa dārzs, Ventspils)
Elizabete Gulbe - Arfa 13 gadi. Elena Stouna - Skorbisone "Taurenis" .
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Incontro con Vladimir Leschiov | sez. Cinema d'animazione Prosegue il percorso di Bergamo Film Meeting nel cinema d’animazione, con uno tra i più importanti e riconosciuti rappresentanti lettoni del genere. Vladimir Leschiov (Leščiov) si distingue per una convinta resistenza alla computer animation e una grande padronanza tecnica. Il suo cinema rappresenta un perfetto equilibrio tra la narrazione tradizionale e l'astrazione poetica; ha realizzato le sue opere avvalendosi di svariate tecniche, dal disegno di The Letter(2002) alle matite colorate che danno vita alle tremolanti immagini di Bezmiegs (Insomnia, 2004), ai colori a olio evocati in Grandad’s Honey (2002) fino al recente Lietus dienas (Rainy Days, 2014) in cui ha utilizzato pigmenti di tè nero su carta. Bergamo Film Meeting Inter...
The debut album Flash is out now, featuring the singles "Flashed," "Bad Timing," and "Cash, Diamond Rings, Swimming Pools." Amazon: http://georiot.co/2U7c • iTunes: http://georiot.co/DENAFLASH http://denafromtheblock.com/ /// http://www.kaikustudios.com/ http://miniartist.org/ Written by Denitza Todorova Produced by Jonas Verwijnen / Kaiku Studios Berlin Video directed by Bontchev & Burchardi aka miniartist (http://miniartist.org/) & Denitza Todorova Camera: Plamen Bontchev / Zoe Kahlert Edit: Bontchev & Burchardi Production: Zoe Kahlert (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zoyabandita/) Crystal pimp suit by Helena Grierson (http://hel-no.tumblr.com/) Very special guest: Erlend Øye
Krākšanas skaļums var sasniegt pat 110 dbl! Mediķi apliecina, ka krākšana var būt arī bīstama. Krākšana liecina, ka cilvēkam ir šauri elpceļi. Vai cilvēkam ir elpošanas problēmas-to var noteikt mediķis. Kā notiek miega diagnostika? Ar speciālas aparatūras palīdzību tiek piereģistrēti daudzi dati. Simptomi - krākšana, komplikācijas-elpošanas problēmu, miegainība, nogurums, liekais svars, asinsspiediens un citi. Vairāk par šo tēmu: Veselības centra 4 mājas lapā: http://www.vc4.lv/pub/pakalpojumi-diagnostika-attelu_diagnostika-diagnostikas_nodala-miega_slimibu_centrs Pieņem pacientus: VC4 Kr. Barona ielā 117, Rīgā: Reģistratūras tālruņi: 67847100, 67478103.
Džeremijs Aironss un Olga Kuriļenko galvenajās lomās romantiskā stāstā par zinātnieka astrofiziķa un viņa mīļotās Eimijas attiecībām, atrodoties tālu prom vienam no otra. Eds dzīvo un strādā Edinburgā, Eimija studē un strādā kādā Anglijas pilsētā. Viņiem izdodas satikties tikai paretam, tādēļ 6 gadus ilgajās attiecībās liela loma ir vēstulēm, Skype, e-pastam un īsziņām. Dažkārt Eds mēdz pārsteigt Eimiju, noorganizējot ziedu piegādi brīdī, kad viņi abi sarunājās Skype. Šie un citi pārsteigumi padara viņu attiecības no attāluma daudz taustāmākas, pateicoties mīlestības un uzmanības pierādījumiem. Kādu dienu viņu attiecības izmainīsies uz mūžiem... Filma uz ekrāniem no 11. marta. http://www.uzkino.lv/Event/301831/
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Viena izmeklējuma laikā tiek veikti divi izmeklējumi -- digitālā mamogrāfija un padziļināta izmeklēšana, ko nodrošina tomosintēze. Šī izmeklējuma metode ir ievērojami precīzāka, var agrīnāk atklāt izmaiņas un iespējamo pataloģiju, jo speciālistiem ir iespēja attēlu aplūkot slāni pa slānim, redzēt struktūras katrā slānī atsevišķi un aplūkot kustīgu attēlu no 3 pusēm. Ieguvumi pacientēm: Lielāka labsajūta un komforts izmeklējuma laikā, kas ilgst tikai 4, 5 sekundes vienai projekcijai. Sievietei tas ir pilnīgi nesāpīgs, jo izmeklējumu veic ar kustīgu lāpstiņu, kas pielāgojas krūts formai. Lai varētu veiksmīgi veikt izmeklējumu, iekārta pati fiksē spēku, ar kādu ir nepieciešams saspiest iekārtas lāpstiņas, atbilstoši pacientes auguma fizioloģiskajām īpatnībām, kā arī automātiski tiek pie...
Vasaras lielākā mākslas un mecenātisma projekta „Govju parāde Ventspils 2012" ietvaros 30.jūnijā gaidāms grupas „The Straits" (Lielbritānija) koncerts. "The Straits" sastāvā atkal apvienojušies slavenās grupas "Dire Straits" dalībnieki -- taustiņinstrumentālists Alans Klārks (Alan Clark) un saksofonists Kriss Vaits (Chris White), kā arī pasaules klases mūziķi -- bundzinieks Stīvs Ferone (Steve Ferrone), vokālists un ģitārists Terencs Reiss (Terence Reis), basģitārists Miks Fīts (Mick Feat), ģitārists Adams Filips (Adam Phillips) un taustiņinstrumentālists un vokālists Džeimijs Skvairs (Jamie Squire). Jaunā apvienība turpina "Dire Straits" slavas ceļu, sniedzot koncertus visā Eiropā, priecējot fanus ar populārākajiem grupas hītiem.
Best Places to Visit in United Kingdom, Places to Visit in United Kingdom, United Kingdom Best Places to Visit, Tourist attractions in United Kingdom, United Kingdom Travel Video, List of Places in the United Kingdom : 1. London 2. Scottish Highlands 3. Stonehenge 4. Edinburgh 5. York 6. Cornwall 7. Chester 8. Snowdonia 9. Lake District 10. Cambridge Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn Omega Tours Co., LTD Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: http://Omegatours.vn Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library. Photo Credit: Updating....
http://www.expedia.com/London.d178279.Destination-Travel-Guides A trip to London might as well be a trip through history. This city has long been a hub for finance, education, and culture, and is full of modern construction mixed with ancient buildings. Your London tour must include St. Paul’s Cathedral, one of its most well-known churches. You’ll also want to see the Tower of London, the Palace of Westminster, and Westminster Abbey for exquisite examples of the city’s famous architectural landmarks. Walk or jog through numerous green spaces, among them Hyde Park and Green Park, in the center of London. Continue your London sightseeing in the West End, where you’ll find ancient buildings converted into modern shops, restaurants, bars, and shows. You’ll find one of the largest theatre d...
Want more travel guide tips? Head to our website! http://www.visitlondon.com Whether it's your first time visiting London, or if you've been before, learn how to do London like a local with our How to do London series! Go to http://www.visitlondon.com - the official London city guide for everything you need to get started in London including ideas for where to go, things to do, upcoming events, activities and London attractions. Coming to London as a tourist? Follow our tips for how to do London: the basics and you'll feel right at home with the locals! From how to use an oyster card to travel around the city, to ideas for things to do including how to beat the queues, we've got it covered. You'll also find out how to pronounce some of our most popular placenames just like a London...
✱ 2180 Hotels in London - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/tuEtwR Travel video about destination London in England. London is an exciting and pulsating metropolis of the new millennium, a melting pot of both people and culture and a fascinating city of diverse contrasts. The City Of London contains the Tower, an historic landmark with a remarkable history. A mighty medieval fortress with 13 towers that throughout its 900 years, has served many functions and from the Middle Ages, it was a heavily fortified prison. After the medieval St. Paul's Cathedral was destroyed by a devastating fire in 1666, Christopher Wren was ordered to re-build it with a dome. During the 36 years of its construction, its design was frequently altered until finally a wonderful masterpiece of church archite...
✱ 2.180 Hotels in London - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/tuEtwR Everyone knows London. The red double-deckers, the black taxis, the red phone booths, the red brick buildings, the guards with the bearskin fur caps are well known by even those, who have never been to the English capital. There are the legendary buildings: the clock-tower of the Parliament, the Big Ben, the Saint Paul Cathedral, the residence of the Queen, the Buckingham Palace, the Westminster, the Tower and the famous bridge, the Tower, the Waterloo and the London bridge are all known from the pages of history books and literary pieces. There are incredibly lots of things to see, there is the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Trafalgar Square, the Piccadilly Circus, the famous parks, the St. James and the ...
http://bookinghunter.com London is one of the world's most remarkable and exciting cities and has something to offer every type of traveller. The most important places to visit in London are: Buckingham Palace (the residence of the British monarch. The changing of the guard is not to be missed), Tower of London (built over 900 years ago, it is a historic landmark), London Bridge (one of the world's most famous bridges. Constructed in 1894, it is an engineering marvel), The London Eye (created for the millennium celebration, one of the world's largest ferris wheels is a site to behold), Madame Tussauds, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square (a famous square in central London. At the center is Nelson Square, surrounded by fountains), Houses of Parliament (also known as Westminster Palace, it is the se...
These are some things to know before your first visit to London. My ten tips will make your visit to London easier and help you not stick out as a tourist. London underground tips, how to tip in restaurants, and how to pronounce some of the trickier names, and more. **Updates and corrections: - They call it the River Thames (not Thames River) - A pint = 16oz - For all oyster cards, zone charges have increased. For example, travel via zones 1-2 for the day (plus any bus rides) it costs £6.50 the most for that day For things mentioned in this video like a free Uber credit, links to help you figure out which Oyster card is best for your visit, and more, head here --- http://loveandlondon.com/10-important-things-to-know-before-visiting-london *Get my free London 101 Guide - http://lovean...
New book ► https://tinyurl.com/hf928gk Help me to do this full-time ► https://www.patreon.com/exurb1r?ty=h Like shit music? I make that too ► https://soundcloud.com/exurbia-1 Discuss ► https://www.reddit.com/r/Exurb1a/ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Exurb1a Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/exurb1a/ I notice that it's also independence day. How fitting. You just wait until we throw all your tea in the fucking ocean. The music is Pomp and Circumstance No.1 by Elgar ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moL4MkJ-aLk
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Manchester (United Kingdom) - Travel Guide: Chinatown, Chetham's Hospital and Library, Heaton Park, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester Cathedral, Manchester Museum, Manchester Town Hall, Museum of Science and Industry, National Football Museum, Old Trafford, People's History Museum, University of Manchester, Wheel of Manchester
http://preparetoserve.com Travel tips for going to the UK (United Kingdom).
A video guide to the best bars, restaurants, shops and visitor stops in Newcastle Upon Tyne, North East of England.
We were invited to discover one of the Emirates you don't usually hear of. Though, it's a pearl in the desert: if you've had enough of the whites sand beaches and accommodating luxury around the resorts, there's plenty to discover: for the outdoor lover from hot springs, oases, perfect beaches all with an impressive mountain range in the background. Becki Enright (Borders of Adventure) wrote a guide to Ras al Khaimah http://www.bordersofadventure.com/travel-ras-al-khaimah-guide-uae/ check out also out how it was to roam around a ghost town: http://www.bordersofadventure.com/ras-al-khaimah-ghost-town-uae/ Storytraveler Brandon Li created this video to take you on a journey and #discoverRAK http://storytravelers.com Music: " Brothers" by Steven R David Brought to you by http://iamba...
This is a short video about India's cities, nature and traditions. Travel Guides: http://www.quality4-u.com/India-Travel-Guide-Pdf-eBook.html http://www.quality4-u.com/Cuba-Travel-Guide-Pdf-eBook.html http://www.quality4-u.com/United-Kingdom-Travel-Guide-Pdf-eBook.html
With more than 3,500 miles of coastline, Maine is America's biggest ocean frontier. Here, self-regulated lobstermen struggle to hang on to their way of life—even if it means fighting to the death for their piece of the bottom. Vice is an international magazine focused on arts, culture, and news topics. Founded in 1994 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in later years the company expanded into Vice Media, with divisions including the magazine, a website, a film production company, a record label, and a publishing imprint. As of March 2013, the magazine's editor-in-chief is Rocco Castoro[2] and its global editor is documentary filmmaker Andy Capper.[3] The magazine's editors have championed the "Immersionist" school of journalism, regarded as a DIY antithesis to the methods practiced by mainstrea...
*******London 26.08.15 - Impact Hub King's Cross******* Opening event of Sense Cause dedicated to Homelessness uk.makesense.org Why female homelessness ? Why now? Why in London? What do we want? Too often services are failing to address the problems faced by women sleeping rough or in invisible homelessness conditions. According to Alexia Murphy (Director at St Mungo’s) “Women make up 26% of people who accessed homelessness services in 2013, which in real numbers is around 10,000 people. At the sharpest end of homelessness, 786 women were recorded sleeping rough in London last year”. The overall number of people recorded sleeping rough has risen by 37% since 2010 and the exact number seems to be much higher. We also know that “there are high levels of vulnerability within the female hom...
There is no doubt that London is a best tourist destination in the world but still it is quite confusing for first time travelers to choose best places to see and things to do in London. Just have a look video about London travel guide to get best tourist information. Enjoy the royal beauty of the royal city, London. Check various attractions to be explored https://www.triphobo.com/places/london-united-kingdom/things-to-do
This is a short video about Canada's cities, nature and traditions. Travel Guides: http://www.quality4-u.com/Canada-Travel-Guide-Pdf-eBook.html http://www.quality4-u.com/Italy-Travel-Guide-Pdf-eBook.html http://www.quality4-u.com/United-Kingdom-Travel-Guide-Pdf-eBook.html
After all, it's the easy way to explore London! A tour of London in an open, double-decker bus takes you through the entire city. This gives me a good overview, so that I can continue to plan which sightseeing highlights I would like to come back to see in more detail later on. The stations on the city tour of London include Buckingham Palace, Westmister Abbey, Downing Street, St. Paul´s Cathedral, the Shard and the Tower Bridge - just to mention a few. Now, all you have to do is hop aboard, sit back, press play and enjoy the video... Have fun with it! Follow me on vimeo and you´ll miss no video: https://vimeo.com/welterkunder. Link list of this video: The Original London Sightseeing Bus Tour* http://ldn15-activity01.cityvideos.tv Travelbook recommendation* http://ldn15-guide.cityvideos....
InterContinental London Park Lane takes you on am insider tour around the capital city of United Kingdom, London. Explore interesting sightseeing places of this beautiful city has to offer. An excellent London travel guide for tourists visiting this global city.
When it comes to UK visas there are many options and tiers of visas to consider. For more info on this and how to get a UK visa you can watch this video and visit this website here http://www.visacompare.com/travel-guide/country-united-kingdom