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Why do movies look so fake on my new HDTV?


Gadgets on the go

Adam Turner is an award-winning Australian freelance technology journalist with a passion for gadgets and the "digital lounge room".

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If blockbuster movies look like a cheap soap opera, you might need to tweak the settings on your widescreen TV. 

I'm reviewing Samsung's flagship F8000 3D LED TV at the moment and there's plenty to write about. It's brimming with bells and whistles, such as 3DTV and internet features, but when it comes to televisions I'm more concern about picture quality than anything else. One of my complaints about this Samsung is that sometimes the picture looks too good. I know that sounds crazy, but it's a common problem with high-end LCD TVs.

The issue is known as the "soap opera" effect, because it makes grand-looking Hollywood movies appear as if they were shot on video tape like a budget soap opera. Everything looks a little too crisp and real, to the point where foreground objects can stand out as if they're not really part of the scene and were added later using CGI trickery.

Not everyone notices the soap opera effect, but if you do it's incredibly annoying because it constantly distracts you from what you're watching. I find that the lighting is a significant factor -- if someone is standing in bright sunlight or is lit by firelight then they're more likely to look like they've been pasted into the scene. Sometimes a high-gloss screen with the colour cranked up too high can emphasise this effect. 


The soap opera effect is a common issue with 200 Hz LCD televisions (or 240 Hz if you're in the US). In my experience it's certainly worth paying extra for a 100 Hz refresh rate rather than 50 Hz, as the higher refresh rate helps fast-moving sport look smoother. The leap to 200 Hz is supposedly a further improvement but the trade-off is that it can make the picture look fake. Or simply make it look too good to be real because our brains have been trained to expect movies to look different to TV shows.

The impact of the soap opera effect also varies depending on the content you're watching. Movies tend to be produced in 24 frames per second, while TV shows are produced in 30 or 60 frames per second. It doesn't sound like much of a difference, but you start to notice it once you ramp up the refresh rate on your television. A 200 Hz television creates extra frames to smooth out the action, but it's only taking an educated guess and sometimes the results look worse rather than better. You don't tend to experience this problem with plasma TVs.

If you're experiencing the soap opera effect on your television then you should try dipping into the video settings and dialing down or disabling the Motion Interpolation. Every TV maker has a different name for it; Samsung calls it Motion Plus, Sony calls it MotionFlow and LG calls it TruMotion. If you're watching something and you start to notice the soap opera effect, try changing these settings. Most televisions should remember the individual picture settings for each HDMI input, so you can change it for your Blu-ray player without effecting your PVR, or vice versa.

This Samsung I'm reviewing offers five Motion Plus settings - Off, Clear, Standard (the default), Smooth and Custom. I've found that dialing it down from Standard to Clear helps combat the soap opera effect, but you'll need to play around with these settings on your own television and find what looks best for you. The Custom option even lets you adjust the blur and judder reduction independently.

I've also found that dialing down Motion Plus reduces unintended pixelation in fast-moving scenes. You really notice it when you look at the wheels of a moving bicycle or motorbike -- perhaps while watching the Tour de France or a motorbike chase such as across the rooftops of the Grand Bazaar at the start of Skyfall. You expect the spokes to be a blur but Motion Plus tries to compensate and you end up with spokes which look like a pixelated mess. Turning down the Motion Plus helps reduce this effect.

While you watch the Tour de France, you might also notice that the mountains tend to shimmer and flicker in the long shots from the helicopter. The tiles on the rooftops might do the same. Turning down the Sharpness can help reduce this and make the picture look more realistic.

Everyone has different tastes, but don't be afraid to dip into the video options and find the settings which are right for you. Have you tweaked your new HDTV to improve the picture? What did you change?


108 comments so far

  • 3Dtv is dead, and 3D movies will go the same route in time. It over rated and under utilised and even the BBC is dropping 3D.

    Date and time
    July 10, 2013, 11:43AM
    • 3D TV is actually very good for gaming. It helps when judging the approach speed for corners in racing games, and feels magical in games like Batman Arkham City, with its swooping and soaring between buildings.

      As for 3D movies, well yeah, it's a bit of a fad. Still nice to have for some titles, though.

      Date and time
      July 10, 2013, 3:26PM
    • All the great artworks are lower definition than real life. The greater the eye candy the lesser the story.

      Date and time
      July 11, 2013, 10:06AM
    • Holographic TV... on it's way mr know it all.

      Go outside & play
      Date and time
      July 11, 2013, 10:36AM
  • I've noticed this effect very recently. I have a Sony Bravia TV and was watching Game of Thrones on Blueray through my PS3. The two devices have always loved each other but it took me at least half an hour to get used to the ultra-crispness. Partcularly in well lit, snow scenes the effect is spookily, unaturally sharp and it is a bit off-putting. Anyhow, first world problems...back to work.

    Date and time
    July 10, 2013, 12:02PM
    • I hear that all these new TV's carrying internet capabilities and apps are slowing down this true and do you know which one's to avoid..?

      Date and time
      July 10, 2013, 12:05PM
      • Take it from one who is in the industry.....
        You need to really wind down new screens.
        Most TVs are displayed, sold, delivered - whatever in "sale" or "Demo" mode.....where the the settings are strapped to enhance the "bling" or wow factor for any un-suspecting viewer walking past the screen. Even the demo content or footage running off a dvd or Blueray player would have been tickled to assist in the enhancement.
        It's only when you get the screen home that it becomes quite stark.
        Peoples faces are not meant to "shine".
        Last time I looked, clouds in a clear sunny day are usually white......but take a look at some of these screens in demo mode in the shop and you will notice an overdrive or saturation effect where the colourimetry of the content becomes skewed as the screen reacts poorly to the high contrasts and excessive colour levels.
        When ever I have been involved in installations, I asked feedback from the customer and guided them to set the screen so that it was as if they were looking out the window or at another person in front of them.
        Adjust the white so it just starts to loose detail.....adjust the colour matrix so that human skin looks tan-ish....not magenta.
        Problem is in all of this is actually finding content or footage that is colour neutral and exposed correctly.
        Having worked in many areas of the television industry, both professional and broadcast, finding technically good and stable quality content is becoming ever more difficult.

        Date and time
        July 10, 2013, 12:19PM
        • Dude, can you point me in the right direction so's i can fix the colour on my projector? I had it good at one stage, now though whenever there is lots of white on the screen, say a snowy hillside, there is a purple hue all over the picture. A website or something i could look at would be great, i cant find anything that has helped me yet though. Thanks in advance for any help you could offer.

          Date and time
          July 11, 2013, 10:20AM
        • Yes,and those demo settings, basically brightness right as high as possible(, course now broken down in to all those stupid fiddly settings ) will burn out tele so much faster too---bonus bonusPersonally ,although i reset mine straight away ,to how Ilike it ,realistic, I still hate the content,and think the flatness of the screen makes everything very boringAnd the revolting digital sound---awful

          Date and time
          July 11, 2013, 12:17PM
        • Tech is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT (apologies for the shout out, but you can take your Lamborghini out of 1st!).
          I have never read any review or listened to any 'expert' state the completely obvious as Tech has here; - a sceen should appear as a window.
          When black is displayed it should produce no light, a very bright scene should appear to be very bright.
          I do differ with Tech on good content source though - Blu Ray, especially shot on newer digital cinema cameras, can have fantastic dynamic range, black blacks and white whites simultaneously whilst looking really natural and rich.
          1. Turn off every picture 'enhancement'. They are designed to pimp rubbish content.
          2. For TV, find and turn on, 1:1 pixel mapping, pixel for pixel, or whatever your brand calls displaying each HD (1080) pixel where it has been broadcast to be displayed - if you don't, your display cannot display HDTV. Zoom out the SD as much as possible.
          3. For Blu-Ray (ie HDMI input) make sure it is also 1:1 pixel mapping - again if this isn't on you might aswell stick to DVD.
          4. For Blu-Ray turn OFF ANY motion compensation stuff altogether. This adds new estimated frames (ie. made up frames) between the real frames of the film and that is why it doesn't look like cinema. This only good for video (ie TV shot on video) as it can look good if done properly - don't turn it on high though because it does cause annoying artifacts.
          -Refresh rate is simply how many times the screen refreshes each frame x the frame rate. In cinemas this might be 48 or 72Hz, ie. the projector lights each frame twice or thrice (24x2=48, 24x3=72) smoothing the viewing experience, not motion.
          (no comment left)

          Use your gear!
          Date and time
          July 11, 2013, 6:47PM

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