- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 10564
- author: GecaPhoenix
Fedor Kuzmin vs Christian Suss[Czech Open 2012]
Tennistavolo Tischtennis Bordtennis 卓球Top sin Topspin Tenis de mesa Tennis de table Timo B...
published: 01 Sep 2012
author: GecaPhoenix
Fedor Kuzmin vs Christian Suss[Czech Open 2012]
Tennistavolo Tischtennis Bordtennis 卓球Top sin Topspin Tenis de mesa Tennis de table Timo Boll Wang Hao Xu Xin Ma Long Wang Liqin Chen Qi Ma Lin Christian Suss Hiromitsu Kasahara Dmitrij Prokopcov Fedor Kuzmin GAC GROUP 2012 ITTF World Tour, Czech Open,29 Aug 2012 - 02 Sep 2012, Olomouc, CZE Quarter Final ttCountenance and GecaPhoenix FB page: www.facebook.com
- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 10564
- author: GecaPhoenix
Czech Open: Christian Suss-Jeong Sang Eun
ITTF World Tour, Czech Open,29 Aug 2012 - 02 Sep 2012, Olomouc, CZE. Men's Singles Final. ...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: ttCountenance
Czech Open: Christian Suss-Jeong Sang Eun
ITTF World Tour, Czech Open,29 Aug 2012 - 02 Sep 2012, Olomouc, CZE. Men's Singles Final. ttCountenance and GecaPhoenix facebook page: www.facebook.com
- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 17880
- author: ttCountenance
Yuto Muramatsu Vs Abdel-Kader Salifou: 1/4 Final [Czech Open 2012]
NEW : Facebook page : www.facebook.com ---------------------------------------------------...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: TableTennisEvents
Yuto Muramatsu Vs Abdel-Kader Salifou: 1/4 Final [Czech Open 2012]
NEW : Facebook page : www.facebook.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table Tennis Men's single 1/4 Final: Yuto Muramatsu Vs Abdel-Kader Salifou -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olomouc , Czech 2012 ------------...
- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 7892
- author: TableTennisEvents
Jensen Kimmitt - CYYN 09 - 1A Open - 1st
3 minute freestyle of Jensen Kimmitt (Canada), from Czech YoYo Nationals 2009 (Prague, Pon...
published: 16 Nov 2009
author: mrmatio
Jensen Kimmitt - CYYN 09 - 1A Open - 1st
3 minute freestyle of Jensen Kimmitt (Canada), from Czech YoYo Nationals 2009 (Prague, Ponec Theatre). November 14th, 2009
- published: 16 Nov 2009
- views: 21064
- author: mrmatio
Atentát na Václava Klause / Shooting on Czech president Vaclav Klaus / 28.september 2012
Young guy "open fire" in crowd to Czech president Vaclav Klaus.He wasn't injured at all, b...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: grucci156
Atentát na Václava Klause / Shooting on Czech president Vaclav Klaus / 28.september 2012
Young guy "open fire" in crowd to Czech president Vaclav Klaus.He wasn't injured at all, because shooter use plastic gun for airsoft. However, it is unbelievable failure of president bodyguards, police and security staff. Guy who make this act just calmly walk out and was catch much later couple hundreds meters away from place of incident! shooter: "I did it because politicians are blind and deaf to people's cry and call for help. They ignore us, this is only way to tell them to start work for the nation and not for themselves"
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 32125
- author: grucci156
Pátý závod letošní sezony otevřeného mistrovství České republiky off road trialu 2011, kte...
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: VYAVI
Pátý závod letošní sezony otevřeného mistrovství České republiky off road trialu 2011, který se jel v Sedlčanech 2.-3.7.2011. Příští šestý závod MČR se jede 10. a 11.9.2011 v Krnově. EUROTRIAL se jede 6.-7.8.2011 v Sedlčanech.
- published: 20 Jul 2011
- views: 18864
- author: VYAVI
Druhý závod letošní sezony otevřeného mistrovství České republiky off road trialu 2011, kt...
published: 13 Apr 2011
author: VYAVI
Druhý závod letošní sezony otevřeného mistrovství České republiky off road trialu 2011, který se jel v Bezděkově u Žatce ve dnech 2.a 3. 4. 2011. Příští závod se jede na Kladně 7.a 8.5. 2011 na haldě v arealu firmy Destro (bývalá halda huti Poldi v cenrtu Kladna-příjez od bývalých chladičů) Více informací na www.offroadtrial.cz
- published: 13 Apr 2011
- views: 248456
- author: VYAVI
Let It Roll Open-Air Czech 22.-23.07.2011 Camo & Krooked
Let It Roll Open-Air Czech 22.-23.07.2011 Pískovna Oplatil Staré Ždánice Czech Republic...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: KumaKuBoss
Let It Roll Open-Air Czech 22.-23.07.2011 Camo & Krooked
Let It Roll Open-Air Czech 22.-23.07.2011 Pískovna Oplatil Staré Ždánice Czech Republic
- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 5434
- author: KumaKuBoss
World Open Freestyle Football Championships 2011 Highlights
For freestylers worldwide, the most exciting event and meeting of the year held for the th...
published: 31 May 2012
author: F3worldwideTV
World Open Freestyle Football Championships 2011 Highlights
For freestylers worldwide, the most exciting event and meeting of the year held for the third time in Prague. Top freestyle footballers from all around the world came together to battle for title of World Open Champion 2011. In 2012 the Czech Freestyle Football Association will host another huge tournament called Super Ball 2012 from 13th to 18th August. www.superball.name Freestyle Battle 1. Szymon Skalski 2. Pawel Skora 3. Andrew Henderson Music by Kenny Rough Edit and camera by Radek Psurny www.freestylefootball.org www.freestylefotbal.cz
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 34742
- author: F3worldwideTV
Třetí závod letošní sezony otevřeného mistrovství České republiky off road trialu 2011, kt...
published: 25 May 2011
author: VYAVI
Třetí závod letošní sezony otevřeného mistrovství České republiky off road trialu 2011, který se jel na Kladně ve dnech 7.a 8. 5. 2011. Příští závod se jede na Slovensku / Čadca-Podzávoz 4.a 5.6. 2011
- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 161107
- author: VYAVI
Yuriy Simachev - Anastasia Klokotova, Prague Open 2011, WDSF Int. open latin, final - samba
More dance videos: www.hiptwisted.com Yuriy Simachev - Anastasia Klokotova (Russia) Prague...
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: hiptwisted
Yuriy Simachev - Anastasia Klokotova, Prague Open 2011, WDSF Int. open latin, final - samba
More dance videos: www.hiptwisted.com Yuriy Simachev - Anastasia Klokotova (Russia) Prague Open 2011 - Prague, Czech republic final samba WDSF international open latin
- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 16008
- author: hiptwisted
TEAM Kata & Bunkai to GOJUSHIHO-SHO by Czech Kata Team, FINAL
The kata and bunkai to GOJUSHIHO SHO performed by the Czech Kata Team at Dutch Open 2009. ...
published: 10 Mar 2009
author: KARATEbyJesse
TEAM Kata & Bunkai to GOJUSHIHO-SHO by Czech Kata Team, FINAL
The kata and bunkai to GOJUSHIHO SHO performed by the Czech Kata Team at Dutch Open 2009. They placed first. Visit www.karatebyjesse.com for more info, videos and the blog!
- published: 10 Mar 2009
- views: 60024
- author: KARATEbyJesse
WINNER Camilia Bellydance Evolution Audition 2012 Italy / Morocco / Czech Rep. / Germany / Slovenia
I. Bellydance Evolution Audition choreography Vote for Camilia here www.bellydanceevolutio...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: camiliabellydance
WINNER Camilia Bellydance Evolution Audition 2012 Italy / Morocco / Czech Rep. / Germany / Slovenia
I. Bellydance Evolution Audition choreography Vote for Camilia here www.bellydanceevolution.com www.bellydanceevolution.com II. Tamr Henna choreography by Camilia About Camilia Oriental dancer, choreographer, owner of Orient Expresja belly dance school (Warsaw), winner of biggest Polish belly dance competition - Nova Orient Festival 2010 (Poland), II place on Belly Dance World Cup 2010 - Cyprus and II-vice Miss Belly Dance of Europe 2011 (Bazar Oriental - Berlin). Also with her group Camibellies: Winner of Nova Orient Competition 2011 - group category. Organizer of: *"Oriental Coctail" (2010,2011) biggest summer open air Belly Dance festival in Poland - Warsaw *Biggest Polish Belly Dance 2012 charity event - and biggest Polish (6 hours) open stage. www.camilia.com.pl
- published: 11 Mar 2012
- views: 18114
- author: camiliabellydance
Prague Open 2011 results - WDSF International open latin
More dance videos: www.hiptwisted.com Prague Open 2011 - Prague, Czech republic WDSF inter...
published: 29 Sep 2011
author: hiptwisted
Prague Open 2011 results - WDSF International open latin
More dance videos: www.hiptwisted.com Prague Open 2011 - Prague, Czech republic WDSF international open latin results 1. Vladimir Karpov & Maria Tzaptashvili (Russia) 2. Timur Imametdinov & Ekaterina Nikolaeva (Russia) 3. Yuriy Simachev & Anastasia Klokotova (Russia) 4. Klemen Prasnikar & Alexandra Averkieva (Slovenia) 5. Andrzej Suchocki & Natalia Piecewicz (Poland) 6. Roman Gerbey & Vera Bondareva (Ukraine)
- published: 29 Sep 2011
- views: 7378
- author: hiptwisted
Vimeo results:
OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutel...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: OFFF, let's feed the future
OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutely MINDBLOWING TITLES made for OFFF by PostPanic.
Thank you so much to PostPanic, and specially to Mischa Rozema, Ania Markham and Si Scott, simply epic!!!
Written by Mischa Rozema and British graphic designer, Si Scott, the opening titles reflect their dark thoughts on a possible future. Directed by Mischa and shot on location in Prague, the film guides the viewer through a grim scenario embedded with the names of artists appearing at this year’s OFFF festival. The live action was brought back to Amsterdam for post, primarily carried out by PostPanic’s in-house team of artists but also with the additional help of freelancers and partner companies that we have enjoyed strong creative relationships with over the years. It’s really fair to say that this was a labour of love by a passionate crew of people.
Says Ania Markham, Executive Producer at PostPanic:
“The images created by the crew of people working on the titles has been unbelievable, with nationalities represented including Dutch, Czech, English, American, Polish, German, Swedish and Belgian. It’s been a great opportunity for all of us to work together on a non-commercial project we’re passionate about and we’re so proud of the combined effort and final result.”
This project started out as a collaboration between myself and Si Scott. Right from the start, we decided that it should be the darkest thing we could make. I think it just felt natural to the both of us; if we had to nail the future, it would not be a nice place.
This idea evolved into a clash of times. Inspired by an idea from the late Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote about different historical civilizations meeting in a single point in time. So what happens when civilizations meet? The 'weaker' one gets eaten by the 'stronger'. You only have to look at history to see the destructive power of civilizations.
So the main underlying idea is: what would happen if the future lands on our doorstep today? Let's take mankind, add perhaps 100 years and then let them show up on our doorstep today. The future would pretty much devour the present. Probably in a matter of, let's say, 7 days… So that's what we're looking at. But every ending also means a new beginning, hence Year Zero.
There's all kinds of hidden messages in there. Like the virus eating away at reality, buildings and people, even at the viewers brain. It's behaving off course much like a computer virus. And the network of wires represents the future of social networking. I just made it physical and let it 'catch' the city and it's people like a net. All these ideas just serve as inspiration for us to create a future that worked for this concept. They're not meant to be deciphered by the audience. It's still meant to be just a title sequence and not an actual movie.
Now what makes a good title sequence? Personally, I think it's something that gets you in the mood, warms you up for what you're about to experience, be it a film, tv series or in our case, the OFFF festival. We decided to treat the OFFF festival as a feature film experience. So all we had to do was get the viewer into the right state of mind. Without, of course, being too narrative led. The best title sequences out there are nothing but a random collection of images/scenes that don't tell a lot if you watch them on their own. But edit them together and a new context is created. A context that matters, a feeling that gets the viewer ready for the main event, in our case, the festival.
To get started, the next thing we did was make a collection of ideas that would scare me and Si. So, anything drawn from our youth, right through to stuff that's inspired us over the years as well as seemingly random compositions that trigger the imagination of the viewer. For example, when we show you the aesthetics of a car explosion, it's carefully constructed. Why a car and not something else? Because an exploding car brings extra content to an otherwise simple aesthetic display of violence. A car doesn't explode by itself so instantly the brain tries to formulate the background behind it. It adds an either political or criminal edge to the violence. To me it felt appropriate because of the sense of protest and rebellion the shot has. And maybe the biggest question; was there someone in the car and if so, who was it? For me, every idea should provoke these kind of questions; from a girl in a prom dress holding a rocket launcher to a riot cop standing in the kitchen. All scenes have a pre and post story to them. In no time you're actually trying to connect these seemingly random scenes and boom; you've just created your own strange context. You now have a feeling, a taste and lots of questions probably. Questions that normally would be answered by watching the actual movie. But since there's no actual movie here we'll leave stranded with, hopefully,
Free To Be Me
Music video for the song "Free to be Me" by Haroula Rose from the debut LP "These Open Roa...
published: 16 Apr 2011
author: Ové Pictures
Free To Be Me
Music video for the song "Free to be Me" by Haroula Rose from the debut LP "These Open Roads" (2011).
Listen trees and follow raccoon!
Made with love by Ové Pictures (Michaela Copikova & Veronika Obertova).
More info about the animation www.ovepictures.com.
More info about the music www.haroularose.com
Anifest Rozafa, Shkodra, Albania, 2012
Biennial of Animation Bratislava, Slovakia, 2012
Tricky Women, Vienna, Austria, 2012
11th International Festival of Animated Films Anifest, Teplice, Czech Republlic, 2012
International Animation Festival Fest Anča, Žilina, Slovakia, 2011
Supertoon International Animation Festival, Zagreb, Croatia, 2011
Animation Block Party, New York, 2011
Animation Festival TINDIRINDIS, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2011
BBC Music Video Festival, GB, 2011
Contemporary animation & media-art LINOLEUM, Moscow, Russia, 2011
European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA 2011, Belegrade, Srbia
CINANIMA 2011 (Non-Competitive Programme for Youngsters), Espinho, Portugal
Kamila | Kuba
We met Kamila and Kuba at the Wedding Expo in Cracow. Right from the begging they wanted u...
published: 20 Dec 2009
author: MP Studios
Kamila | Kuba
We met Kamila and Kuba at the Wedding Expo in Cracow. Right from the begging they wanted us to film their wedding. They live in Cracow so once again we had the pleasure to work in one of our favorite cities.
We met with them before the wedding and filmed an "Invitation" video for them at their home, which helped us bond with the couple even more.
When we were shooting their wedding we had a crew of 3 people and we worked with photographer Anna Kalina Ciesielska (http://www.kalina-bez-studia.com) and her assistant. We all worked together very well and experienced no difficulties.
The ceremony took place in the Paulin Church on Skalka in Cracow. Our bride walked down the aisle with her father. This imaged captivated the groom as well as the whole crew. The ceremony was full of strong and positive emotions, not only because of the extraordinary young couple, but also because of the touching and thoughtful readings during mass. One of the passages was read by a relative of Kamila's and the other by actor Krzysztof Globisz.
The wedding party took place at Willa Decjusza. The same location where we shot some of the outdoor footage. Thankfully the weather conditions were interesting so we had a lot of good material to work with.
For more out door shooting we traveled to Prague in the Czech Republic. Kamila and Kuba chose this special city, because it is here that they made some of their most beautiful memories. This was our second visit to this fantastic city, but on arrival we noticed that one of Prague's greatest landmarks, Karl's Bridge was undergoing intensive construction. Fortunately, we found some other great locations to set this love story in.
It was extremely fun and a pleasure to work with Kamila and Kuba. They were open minded to new ideas, natural and most importantly we all found a common language.
Anathema - Untouchable (part one) (from Weather Systems)
Promo video for Untouchable (part one), the opening track from Anathema's album 'Weather S...
published: 06 Aug 2012
author: Kscope
Anathema - Untouchable (part one) (from Weather Systems)
Promo video for Untouchable (part one), the opening track from Anathema's album 'Weather Systems'. The video which reflects the themes created in the album was editted by Lasse Hoile, the acclaimed director and filmmaker, best known for his work with Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree.
In September Anathema embark on an extensive European tour. Starting with a special gig with an orchestra in a Roman amphitheatre in Plovdiv, Bulgaria the tour will then visit Romania, Finland, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Following these headline shows the band will be joining Opeth throughout November as guests for a string of shows in UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany. Full dates and details are available on the band's website www.anathema.ws
It has just been announced that support for some of the dates will come from Astra. More news on other support artistes to be announced soon.
The bar for Weather Systems has been set pretty high with 2010's 'Were Here Because We're Here', but Daniel Cavanagh from the band is certain that the album will exceed these lofty expectations, ‘it feels like we are at a creative peak right now, and this album reflects that. Everything from the production to the writing to the performances are a step up from our last album.’ He continues, ‘This is not background music for parties. The music is written to deeply move the listener, to uplift or take the listener to the coldest depths of the soul.’
The intertwining melodic structures, the profoundly beautiful and intensely powerful - yet simple - songs will transport the listener closer to the heart of life, that is to say, to the heart of themselves. It is also an album of polarity. The play of opposites; light and shade, birth and death, love and fear. The simple truths of life and loss, hope and strength and darker internal themes are all explored here.
The album was recorded in Liverpool, North Wales and Oslo, each place significant to Anathema past, present and future. The record was produced and mixed by 5 times Norwegian Grammy nominated Christer-André Cederberg (Animal Alpha, In the Woods...), who Daniel has described as ‘a revelation. His calmness and brilliance has helped to bring about the greatest inter-band chemistry that Anathema have experienced together in their career.’
This career stretches back to 1990 when the band formed in Liverpool. Since then the band have embarked on a remarkable musical journey, initially emerging as pioneers of melodic heavy music and continually evolving over the ensuing years, always remaining true to their original goal of creating forward thinking, meaningful, passionate and honest music.
Anathema are a collective of two families; brothers and childhood friends. This album will please fans who call for more of Lee Douglas’s vocals, as her role within Anathema’s brand of alternative, melodic rock has matured to become an integral energy. In this way and more, Weather Systems is the sound of a band finding their voice and growing in stature, moving further along their artistic path with a truly stunning musical vision.
Their best ever work? ‘Not yet’ says Daniel, but he does believe that with Weather Systems they have surpassed previous glories; ‘we are pleased and proud of the record and we feel that, alongside the best moments of WHBWH, this record contains our very best work so far in what is becoming a long career.’
Praise for Weather Systems;
‘It is truly majestic, heavenly - Is it another masterpiece? Of course it is.’
TERRORIZER 5/5 (Album Of The Month)
‘Anathema continue to make music that glows with meaning and a love for art’s external powere to touch the soul. Still special, increasingly extraordinary; the band and this album will be cherished.’
‘Anathema just might be England’s most consistently brilliant rock band of the last 15 years, with Weather Systems serving as yet more, unmitigated proof.’
"Absolute world class"
"...just one word: WOW!"
"...unbelievable, one highlight after another..."
HEAVY 12/12
For more information, visit the album site at:
Buy Anathema albums from: burningshed.com/store/kscope/collection/222/
Youtube results:
Fugitive Kind, The (1959) open scene (cz subs)
dir. Sidney Lumet cast: Marlon Brando www.csfd.cz + czech subs open scene...
published: 04 Oct 2008
author: Vladimír Lacena
Fugitive Kind, The (1959) open scene (cz subs)
dir. Sidney Lumet cast: Marlon Brando www.csfd.cz + czech subs open scene
- published: 04 Oct 2008
- views: 35698
- author: Vladimír Lacena
Matteo Manassero makes history (youngest winner in European Tour history)
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: onetwoonetwoo
Matteo Manassero makes history (youngest winner in European Tour history)
SUNDAY OCTOBER 24, 2010 -- CASTELLÓ MASTERS COSTA AZAHAR MATTEO MANASSERO • His first European Tour International Schedule victory in his 18th European Tour event. • Created European Tour history by becoming the youngest winner, aged 17 and 188 days. This beats the previous record of Danny Lee, while still an amateur, at the 2009 Johnnie Walker Classic, aged 18 and 213 days. • As a result of this victory created European Tour history by becoming the youngest full European Tour Member, at 17 and 188 days. He beats the previous record of Seve Ballesteros, who was 17 and 200 days in 1974. • His victory beats his previous best European Tour performance of third in the 2010 Omega European Masters. • Moves into the top 100 of the Official World Golf Ranking. • The 13th first-time winner of the 2010 season. They are: Richie Ramasay (South African Open Championship), Andrew Dodt (Avantha Masters), Noh Seung-yul (Maybank Malaysian Open), Rhys Davies (Tropheé Hassan II), Louis Oosthuizen (Open de Andalucia de Golf), James Morrison (Madeira Islands Open BPI -- Portugal), Fredrik Andersson Hed (BMW Italian Open), Martin Wiegele (SAINT OMER OPEN presented by Neuflize OBC), David Horsey (BMW International Open), Edoardo Molianri (The Barclays Scottish Open), Hunter Mahan (WGC -- Bridgestone Invitational), John Parry (Vivendi Cup) and Matteo Manassero (CASTELLÓ MASTERS Cosata Azahar). • Playing on a sponsor's invitation. Is the third sponsor's invitation to win on the 2010 European Tour ...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 26044
- author: onetwoonetwoo
How to open side of semitrailor
How to open side of universal semitrailor. (CZ - Boční odplachtování návěsu pro různorodou...
published: 19 Oct 2006
author: CZECHJIP
How to open side of semitrailor
How to open side of universal semitrailor. (CZ - Boční odplachtování návěsu pro různorodou přepravu). www.truck-way.cz
- published: 19 Oct 2006
- views: 25265
- author: CZECHJIP
Deicide live - Dead By Dawn + Scars Of The Crucifix at MetalFest Open Air Pilsen 23.5.2010
Deicide in Czech Republic. Almost Nonstop set.. incredibble! The pit was awesome :o)) Dead...
published: 26 May 2010
author: KurvaSkadhi
Deicide live - Dead By Dawn + Scars Of The Crucifix at MetalFest Open Air Pilsen 23.5.2010
Deicide in Czech Republic. Almost Nonstop set.. incredibble! The pit was awesome :o)) Dead By Dawn + Once Upon The Cross + Scars Of The Crucifix Don't forget to rate and comment ;) Enjoy the video rate & comment
- published: 26 May 2010
- views: 25054
- author: KurvaSkadhi