
Tag Archives: Gun Control

2012 Electoral Map

Gun Control: Hillary’s Plan to Lose the Deer Hunter States

As I mentioned recently, the Washington Post ran a trial [...]

Kansas Mass Shooting Featured Black Gunman In Hispanic-Dominated Factory

In a mass workplace shooting, I look for what we [...]

Mass Shooting In Canada Is An Indian Reservation Story, Not A “Gun Control” Story

A shooting at Saskatchewan High School has Americans asking themselves [...]

An American Military Reader Says Rush Limbaugh Is Not On The Cruz Bandwagon

Re: Washington Watcher’s article Don’t Let Chis Christie’s Tough Guy [...]
Maybe if they'd used this picture...

Oops. FB Gun Rights Message Wrong On Color Of Crime

An anti-gun control meme that popped up on Facebook has [...]
Trump supporters at a rally--no one is wearing a "Black Shirt."

Trump’s “Fascism” Is Just White America Finally Hitting BACK

On the eve of the final GOP presidential candidates’ debate, Conservatism Inc. still hasn’t decided whether to denounce
Marine Le  Pen: Europe's Leftists are unhappy with her success--they want the invasion to continue.

Migration And Immigrant Mass Murder Cause America And France To Turn Right

In Sunday's first-round of regional elections in France, the clear and stunning winner was the National Front of
Farook’s father was allowed to immigrate 30 years ago—did any American benefit from that?

San Bernardino: The Answer Is An Immigration Moratorium—And Muslim Expulsion

There is one indisputable fact about Wednesday’s shootings in San Bernardino: if the family of Syed Rizwan Farook
White men with guns--they're the San Bernardino SWAT team.

San Bernardino Shooters Unknown–But It’s A Lie That Mass Shooters Are “Mostly White Men”

The San Bernardino shooting has just happened and the shooters are unknown, but in response to Robert Dear

UC Merced Muslim Stabber A “Santa Clara Native”–Thanks, Teddy Kennedy!

Faisal Mohammad, the Muslim student who stabbed a bunch of [...]