
Who knows how many are actual terrorists?

CNN Reports ISIS Mixing with Refugees to Infiltrate Europe

If CNN is describing the “refugee” hordes as being permeated [...]

Automation: Former Restaurant Executive Declares a Robot Arm Is Cheaper Than $15/hour Humans

A one-time CEO of McDonald’s, Ed Rensi, recently appeared on [...]

Radio Derb Is On The Air: Black Fear Of Trees, Etc

Radio Derb is on the air–go here to listen, here [...]

More Anti-Trump Rioting, In San Diego Today

  The black cop really pounded the Mexican jerk in [...]

Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chart: Green Cards Spike for Middle Easterners

On Thursday, the office of America’s Senator Jeff Sessions published [...]

PISA to Test Whether Your Child Has What It Takes to be a Merkel Youth

Even in this age of the smartphone, is your military-age [...]

Hillary’s Gender Gap–White Males Aren’t Voting For Her

Thomas B. Edsall writes in the NYT: In sheer numbers, [...]

Chinese Ready For New Era Of Self-Flagellation Over “Racist” Detergent Ads

The Chinese are in for a new dark, time of [...]

BuzzFeed on the Latest Diploma Mill Immigration Fraud

BuzzFeed has started to pay for long-form investigative journalism recently, [...]
Ken Starr had a winning team at Baylor, but a certain number of coeds got raped.

The Fastest Way to College Football and Basketball Success: Recruit More Rapists and Murderers

As I’ve been pointing out for years, a standard way [...]