- published: 14 Sep 2010
- views: 405
Pete Herzog born October 5, 1970, is a security analyst, creator of the OSSTMM, and the co-founder of the open, non-profit, security research organization, ISECOM. He has been recognized for the many tools, documents, and methodologies he provides freely through ISECOM. He also started the Hacker Highschool Project to provide information security awareness to teens, the Home Security Methodology Vacation Guide as a thorough checklist to securing a home, the Smarter Safer Better project to teach trust analysis and critical security thinking to non-security people, and the Bad People Project to find a set of common safety rules for children which are free of cultural bias. He taught Business Security in the ESADE MBA program and Information Security in the La Salle URL Masters program, both in Barcelona, Spain.
Herzog was born in Brooklyn, NY, USA. He attended High School in Queensbury, NY. He earned a Bachelor degree from Syracuse University in 1993. He currently resides near Barcelona, Spain.
ISECOM Pete Herzog Interview
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ISECOM / Un Mayorista de Sangre Interior.MP4
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