In a Jakarta cafe, Vietnamese iced coffee has reportedly become the drink of choice for ghoulish ...
New data confirms plummeting university admission standards and one degree stands out as most ...
CCTV captured an Australian backpacker getting into a taxi. He hasn't been seen or heard from ...
These are the dozen seats Liberal strategists are most worried about ceding to Labor on July 2..
There's a little-known trick to scoring a big discount at a top private school in the south-east.
Melbourne Zoo to review emergency procedures after fatal shooting of endangered gorilla at US zoo.
Man charged with murdering woman and her two young children north of Adealaide,
An Australian paediatric psychiatrist has been arrested on child pornography charges in Canada.
Comment: Talk Michelle Payne might retire after her fall is just another example of double ...
School in mourning after 15-year-old killed in a car crash that left another teen in hospital.
Chiropractor allegedly sent Facebook posts including telling senator to 'suck on witchity [sic] ...
A young girl has told police of a kidnap ordeal in which a stranger attempted to snatch her off a ...
Jack Viney's one-match ban is not enough. He was way out of order.
Police fear giving cyclists an overtaking buffer would increase death and injury.
Joshua Hardy was flung to the ground and stomped on in the fatal six second attack.
ANZ Bank faces a $2.5 billion-plus claim in legal battle with billionaire Indian entreprenuer.