- published: 14 Jul 2024
- views: 1725
The Hope may refer to:
The Hope is a sculpture by Nicky Imber depicting a woman proudly raising her child to the sky symbolically heralding a new generation. It is named after the Israeli national anthem, "Hatikva" and is part of the Holocaust Memorial Park entitled "From Holocaust to Resurrection", located in Karmiel, Israel.
Escaping the Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Imber promised himself to dedicate his artistic life to perpetuating the memory of the Holocaust. In 1978 he started work on the Holocaust Memorial Park in Karmiel.
The Hope statue is the tallest sculpture in the third part of the series. The sculpture is made of bronze with a green patina, and took Imber's crew of six approximately five months work to go through the cement and wax stages before getting to the final bronze casting. As of 2013, the statue's approximate worth is 1.2 million US dollars. Imber's smaller signed versions of the sculpture, measuring about 38 cm, have been selling for approximately 26 thousand US dollars
The Hope is a historical novel by Herman Wouk about pivotal events in the history of the State of Israel from 1948 to 1967. These include Israel's War of Independence, the 1956 Sinai War (known in Israel as "Operation Kadesh"), and the Six-Day War. The narrative is continued in the sequel The Glory.
These crucial events are mainly seen through the eyes of two fictional characters, who meet near the beginning of the novel: Zev Barak and Joseph Blumenthal (nicknamed "Don Kishote"). Wouk portrays several real-life Israeli leaders: David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, Mickey Marcus, Yigael Yadin, Ariel Sharon, Motta Gur, and others. Both the real and fictional characters are portrayed as brave and decent human beings with character flaws, who manage to lead Israel through three major wars in spite of the nation being surrounded, outgunned, and torn by internal conflicts as well as external threats.
Zev is a junior officer in the unsuccessful attacks on Latrun. Joseph Blumenthal, newly arrived in Israel, joins a new Israeli unit of troops who bravely attack. He acquires the nickname "Don Kishote" when teased about riding a mule wearing an old helmet ("Don Kishote" is Don Quixote in Hebrew). Both Zev and Kishote choose to stay in the Israeli army when the War of Independence ends.
有了基督信仰,你哪裡變得不一樣了? 關於這個大哉問,不論信主多久的人, 一時之間都很難回答出來! 然而,Pastor Peter分享, 信主以後, 無法改變發生在我們身上的事, 卻能改變透過我們能去做的事! 不想遇見的事情、不想承認的情緒, 還是不斷地發生,並不是信主就此一凡風順! 那到底,我們有什麼,是別人沒有的? Pastor Peter分享,「神的話語」是我們最珍貴的擁有。 他強調,唯有「大膽相信」和「持續宣告」, 神的話語才能真正對你我的生命發揮影響力, 它將帶領我們走向日日更新、永不絕望之境! ☆第一次收看 The Hope 頻道/線上 Hope 主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:https://thehope.co/connect-online ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:https://thehope.co/connect-online ☆如果你已經決定接受耶穌,恭喜你!也請你填寫這個表格,讓我們可以更多和你連結:https://thehope.co/connect-online ☆支持 The Hope 的事工,一起成為城市的盼望: http://thehope.co/give 【The Hope】 The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群,帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。 【與我們保持聯繫】 ●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/ ●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope ●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/
☆第一次收看 The Hope 頻道/線上 Hope 主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:https://thehope.co/connect-online ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:https://thehope.co/connect-online ☆如果你已經決定接受耶穌:https://thehope.co/connect-online ☆支持 The Hope 的事工,一起成為城市的盼望: http://thehope.co/give 【The Hope】 The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群, 帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。 【與我們保持聯繫】 ●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/ ●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope ●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/
From its institution as a nation, the hope of Israel was never found within the people themselves. The foundation of their hope was - and is to this day - sourced in their God. But when the Bible speaks of the hope of Israel, who or what is it referring to? Join Amir as he takes a journey through the Scriptures to identify the hope of Israel past, present, and future. Along the way, you'll discover that this hope not only applies to Israel, but to the whole world. You can find a written document of this teaching here. https://cdn.amplifi.pattern.com/e452ea9e-d2c8-4c1e-b129-cf91674555e4 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://buff.ly/36cDNpo Order Amir’s new book "Discovering Daniel": https://discoveringdaniel.com Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beholdi...
大家有曾經被大自然的莊嚴美景給吸引,然後感動落淚過的經歷嗎?神的創造是美麗的,是動人的,也是精彩的。 而同樣是被神創造的我們,你知道,你的人生也是美麗的嗎? 神眼中的「美麗」,跟我們平常認定的「成功」不同,我們常常不知不覺地在為自己建造「巴別塔」,活在在與人的比較跟競爭裡,然而,神真正期待我們做的,是跟祂一起建造美麗的伊甸園,與神一起在我們的生命做美麗的工。 你渴望自己的人生是美麗的嗎?你想知道什麼樣的工對神來說是美麗的嗎?今天一起和我們聊聊三個從神的眼光,來回看自己,並且從今天開始與偉大的神一起活出美麗的人生! ☆第一次收看 The Hope 頻道/線上 Hope 主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你已經決定接受耶穌:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆支持 The Hope 的事工,一起成為城市的盼望: http://thehope.co/give 【The Hope】 The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群,帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。 【與我們保持聯繫】 ●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/ ●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope ●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/
SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY - https://soluisrael.org/give Hebrew worship from Israel, recorded in Jerusalem with subtitles! Inspired by the Israeli national anthem, this praise song speaks about the hope we have as Messianic Jews through Yeshua - to see all of Israel SAVED by God's grace, power & wisdom! Yeshua is coming back to Jerusalem, He's coming back to His people! Video featuring the old city of Jerusalem - Huge thanks to Jakob Lundvall for the footage: https://www.instagram.com/jakob.lundvall/ Fellowship Of Artists - https://www.youtube.com/user/wwwviewthiscom Music production and arrangements: Shilo Ben Hod & Avi Perrodin
神的話真的那麼重要嗎? 為什麼基督徒一定要讀聖經呢? Pastor Adriana分享, 聖經裡不但處處是「神的話」, 就連整本聖經都是神所啟示的, 當中的每一句話都是上帝的傑作! 她進一步強調, 認識神的話,最終目的是與神更親近, 與祂建立更深的關係。 你願意相信嗎?聖經是上帝寫給神兒女的一封情書。 神的話是活潑且大有力量,且從不失信, 它幫助你辨別魔鬼的聲音、甩開仇敵的詭計, 上帝藉著它顯明許多真理,帶我們走向真正的自由! 從現在起,翻開一本聖經, 讓「神的話」對我們的生命,發揮永恆的影響力! ☆第一次收看 The Hope 頻道/線上 Hope 主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你已經決定接受耶穌:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆支持 The Hope 的事工,一起成為城市的盼望: http://thehope.co/give 【The Hope】 The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群,帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。 【與我們保持聯繫】 ●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/ ●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope ●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/
Original video: https://youtu.be/HMqObXluSdw #smg4 #clip
作詞作曲 Writers:주민정 中譯詞 Translator:周巽光 Ewen Chow 在光中祢走向我 點亮我裡面的黑暗光景 洗去我的軟弱 祢潔淨我的生命 擁抱我 如同至寶在祢懷裡 祢走入我的生命 遮蓋我心中的所有恐懼 祢是我的一切 主我單單倚靠祢 我要抬起頭定睛來仰望祢 讓我們單單敬拜祢 讓我們在主裡歡慶 用盡我全心全意 更多更深的認識祢 讓我們單單來愛祢 超過一切的渴慕祢 祢是我唯一渴望 耶穌 © 2022 제이어스(J-US) #我唯一渴望 #TheHopeWorship #WorshipCover ☆第一次收看 The Hope 頻道/線上 Hope 主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你已經決定接受耶穌:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆支持 The Hope 的事工,一起成為城市的盼望: http://thehope.co/give 【The Hope】 The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群, 帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。 【與我們保持聯繫】 ●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/ ●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope ●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/
The Hope Report show is a ministry of the Lindell Recovery Network (www.lindellrecoverynetwork.org) designed for anyone whose life has been impacted by addiction. We believe that a Biblical approach to recovery brings a message of enduring hope found in the word of God - addictions are sinful and idolatrous and require repentance and the power of the Holy Spirit for lasting change. There's no HOPE in a disease model approach - just coping. But Jesus is the Great Healer who came to set the captives free and can offer true freedom and deliverance from the bondage of addiction! The Hope Report is brought to you by the Lindell Recovery Network, an addiction-focused non-profit serving recovering addicts, and hosted by Melissa Huray, a Christian, redeemed addict, author, and licensed addiction ...
【跟隨祢心意】 作曲/作詞 Composers & Lyricists : 劉蜚聲 Faye Liu 歌詞 Lyrics: 我放下自己 來到祢座前 聖靈降下平靜我的心 在祢愛裡 天父祢為我重新得生命 與自己分離 與我更靠近 相遇基督裡 我把自己全人交給祢 全心交給祢 獻上這心靈 誠實敬拜 在祢同在裡 負擔和重擔都交給祢 在祢腳前哭泣 跟隨祢心意 我願意 天父祢同在 使我靈安息 心思和意念都屬於祢 傾聽祢聲音 耶穌來親自帶領我生命 每個決定 每一個腳印 都在基督裡 我把自己全人交給祢 全心交給祢 獻上這心靈 誠實敬拜 在祢同在裡 負擔和重擔都交給祢 在祢腳前哭泣 祢的話語是 我生命 跟隨祢心意 我願意 ISRC : TWHL12000002 #跟隨祢心意 #TheHopeWorship DOWNLOAD CHORD CHARD 歌譜下載 http://thehope.co/music ☆第一次收看 The Hope 頻道/線上 Hope 主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你已經決定接受耶穌:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆支持 The Hope 的事工,一起成為城市的盼望: http://thehope.co/give 【The Hope】 The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群, 帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。 【與我們保持聯繫】 ●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/ ●The Hope Facebook: https://...
Listen to the full audiobook of Hope for the Cowboy, Whispering Oaks Ranch Book 1. A Christian Romance Novel He's committed to the ranch he loves, she's just here for a job, but they just might find each other too. Katie Wadford is devastated after being fired from her job as an account manager. When no other large firms in town will hire her, she's desperate to find a place to prove herself. Reluctantly she returns to her hometown in hopes of working for a small business to boost her resume. Sawyer Macklin is certain that his family ranch doesn't need a business manager. When his father hires one anyway, Sawyer agrees to get along. But the woman who shows up in high heels isn't anything like what he expected. When Katie offers the ranch as the location for a church fundraiser, Sawyer ...
Changes are inevitable in novels and the movies that take after them. The same is true for Star Wars Episode Four A New Hope. Over several years and many rewrites, George Lucas developed the story and screenplay that would literally change the world. His screenplay was then adapted into a novel by Alan Dean Foster and was released in 1976, six months before the film. The book stayed mostly true to the original script. But some interesting changes will have you asking, “Why didn’t George do that in the movie?” We’re going to look at some of the more stand-out differences in this video. There are quite a few others, so this is by no means a full or comprehensive list. #starwars #episode4 #anewhope #darthvader #lukeskywalker
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New York Times best-selling author Celeste Ng joins “CBS Mornings” to discuss her newest book, "Our Missing Hearts." Ng says the dystopian novel is different from anything she's written before but has a hopeful message. #books #news #author Each weekday morning, "CBS Mornings” co-hosts Gayle King, Tony Dokoupil and Nate Burleson bring you the latest breaking news, smart conversation and in-depth feature reporting. "CBS Mornings" airs weekdays at 7 a.m. on CBS and stream it at 8 a.m. ET on the CBS News app. Subscribe to “CBS Mornings” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/CBSMornings Watch CBS News: http://cbsn.ws/1PlLpZ7c Download the CBS News app: http://cbsn.ws/1Xb1WC8 Follow "CBS Mornings" on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3A13OqA Like "CBS Mornings" on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3tpOx00 Fo...
Six months have passed since the chaos in Woodhaven, and though Jack Jupiter escaped, he couldn't stop the virus from ravaging the globe, nor could he stop the billions from turning into undead creatures that feast upon the living. Now, society is on its knees. And Jack's group continues on, traveling from city to city, looking for a place to call home. That place might be Eden, a mysterious and guarded safe haven somewhere in Florida. But to get there, they'll have to remember not all monsters are zombies...sometimes they're human. And no monster will stand in their way. Because they have hope.
Honest, moving, and beautifully detailed, the heart of Patricia Harman's debut novel, The Midwife of Hope River beats with authenticity as Patience faces nearly insurmountable difficulties. From the dangerous mines of West Virginia to the terrifying attentions of the Ku Klux Klan, Patience must strive to bring new light and life into an otherwise hard world.
Fr. Robert Lauder has a deep connection to the arts including film, stage and literature. THE CATHOLIC NOVEL is a lecture series that will focus on some of his favorite novels where Catholicism is treated favorably. This 48th episode will feature Jon Hassler's, NORTH OF HOPE!
Acclaimed author Joan Bauer talks about the challenge of “building a bridge” between the two main themes in her Newbery Honor book, “Hope Was Here”: the love of food service and politics. For more information about "Hope Was Here" visit: https://www.adlit.org/books-and-authors/books/hope-was-here To learn more about the author visit: https://www.adlit.org/profile/joan-bauer For more information about teaching reading and writing to adolescents visit: https://www.AdLit.org Additional sites about teaching reading are: https://www.ReadingRockets.org, https://www.StartWithABook.org, https://www.ColorinColorado.org, and https://www.LDOnLine.org
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The Hope may refer to:
Look up and lift your eyes
And see the vast despair
The need is rising high
And it calls for us to care
Will we choose to hear the call?
Will we rise up? Will we fall?
Will we stand? Will we wait? Will we run?
‘Cause the hope is in your hands
Are you willing?
Are you willing?
Look up the time is now
Or fear will overcome
To close your eyes destroys us all
We’ve got to face today
[Chorus x2]
The earth is crying desperately
We close our eyes in disbelief
And everything we wanna see
Is covered by the mystery
The earth is crying desperately
We close our eyes in disbelief
And everything we wanna see
Is covered by the mystery