- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 211
Tossa de Mar (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈtosə ðə ˈmar]) is a municipality in Catalonia, Spain, located on the Costa Brava, about 103 kilometres north of Barcelona and 100 kilometres south of the French border. It is accessible through Girona Airport, some distance north.
There is ample evidence of settlements dating back to the Neolithic period, and it is believed that the area has been continuously populated since that time. Between the 4th-1st century BC the first Iberian settlements appeared, followed shortly after by the Romans in the 1st century.
In 966 Tossa was ceded by Count Miró of Barcelona to the Abbey of Ripoll. Some two centuries later, in 1187 Tossa was granted its charter by the Abbot of Ripoll, coinciding with the building of a church atop Mount Guardí, the remnants of which can still be seen today.
Sometime in the 12th century the mediaeval town was walled off and a castle was built on the highest point of Mt. Guardí, this castle was to be subsequently replaced by a wind mill, and this in turn by a lighthouse which is still operational.
"And I" is a song written by American R&B singer Ciara, and produced by Adonis Shropshire for Ciara's first album, Goodies (2004). It was released as the album's fourth and final single on August 30, 2005 (see 2005 in music) in North America.
The song was originally the third choice for the fourth single. Ciara has mentioned in an interview that "Thug Style", "Hotline" or "Pick up the Phone" would be the fourth single, but when Ciara suggested "And I" to executives at her previous record label LaFace, they were unhappy because they wanted "Next to You" to be the fourth single.
At the time of the U.S. release of "And I", Ciara's collaboration with Bow Wow, "Like You", and her collaboration with Missy Elliott, "Lose Control", were at the height of their popularity. "And I" peaked at 96 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and 27 on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks chart, which were poor positions compared to those attained by the first three singles from the album Goodies. It was not released outside North America because of this, and it is Ciara's least successful single.
Cerrajeros 24 horas Lloret de Mar - Olot - Salt - 972 91 02 81
24 Hores del Cap de Creus 2013 (fotomuntatge Psicopatateam :))
tintoreria bugaderia netege de roba ecologica sevei a domicili 24 hores oportunitats sant feliu
Bobby McFerrin - Ave Maria de Gounod - 24 hours Bach
Apostle Gino Jennings - The Book of Revelation
Kizoa Movie Maker: CAN TOSCA-T.972-428014.
24 Hores Frigo de Motociclisme dissabte tarda
Cassà de la Selva TOUR
3h resistencia derbi variant en circuit mx dosrius
jumpstyle regue guissona
S.K Al-Sabren
HOTEL VILA DE TOSSA **** (HOTELES HOLIDAY PARK) - Tossa de Mar | Costa Brava | Spain
Curs Monitors_Escola de l'Esplai de Girona
Grup MS24h - servei de bugaderia industrial
Diaz Tarragó Advocats - Oficina Girona
La nova imatge del municipi de Magaluf
Project Cars - Besos Circuit de Catalunya - Audi R8 LMS Ultra - GT3xcaco
Preparatius pel macrojudici del cas Noos al polígon de Son Rossinyol
Telefono: 972 91 02 81 Email: info@hispanidas.es Hispanidas dispone de técnicos en la provincia de Girona, que abarcan un amplio elenco de ramas profesionales, entre las que destacan por encima de todas la cerrajería, la fontanería y la electricidad. Si necesita un cerrajero urgente podrá disponer de un profesional de la cerrajería en su casa en menos de 30 minutos. También puede solicitar un cerrajero concertado para acudir a su domicilio cuando a usted mejor le vaya. Hispanidas le ofrece los precios más competitivos del mercado, con la mejor relación calidad/precio que pueda encontrar en el sector. Nuestros servicios: Apertura de puertas Puertas Blindadas Puertas de Garaje Automatismos Cambio de cerraduras Bombines Amaestramiento de llaves Apertura de Cajas fuertes Apertura de auto...
El muntatge de l'Alba! :D
Tintoreria i Bugaderia EL MONESTIR :servei a domicili, entrega en 24 hores. Servei de Tintoreria i rentat en sec Servei de recollida de catifes a domicili . Estem a Pl/ Monestir. 30 Tel 972 821 737 Sant Feliu de Guíxols
Faço minhas as palavras de meu pai: termina-se em lágrimas. Lindo ver que a insensibilidade humana não passa de uma couraça estúpida e protetora. Uma máscara daquilo que (no âmago) ele não é!!! Lindo, lindo.
Pastor Gino Jennings - The Book of Revelation Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Luk 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Rev 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. Rev 5:2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? Rev 5:3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. Rev 5:4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, n...
24 Hores Frigo de Motociclisme dissabte tarda
Pas del Tour de FRANÇA per Cassà de la Selva, 09/07/2009. Rotonda de Can Torremansa.
RESERVES | BOOKINGS: Telf. 00 (34) 972 34 22 22 E-mail: reserves@hotelesholidaypark.com ------------------------ Carrer Giverola 6 Tossa de Mar 17320 Girona | Costa Brava Spain ------------------------ CAT L'hotel Vila de Tossa està excepcionalment situat en el cor de Tossa de Mar. És un Hotel per adults, ideal per parelles i estades tranquiles. 41 habitacions dobles, 1 suite senior i 1 suite júnior, totalment insonorizades i equipades amb aire acondicionat, calefacció, nevera, televisió i wifi gratuit. En un ambient acollidor i relaxant, l'hotel disposa de jacuzzi integrat en una gran terrassa-solarium amb vistes panoràmiques, bar-cafetería i servei de recepció 24 hores. Al restaurant Mar Gran es pot gaudir d'un seleccionat buffet d'esmorzar i una petita carta amb plats de temporada a...
www.fundacioesplaigirona.org En aquest vídeo us podreu fer una idea de com són els cursos de monitors que ofereix l'Escola de l'Esplai de Girona de la FEG (Fundació Esplai Girona). Les imatges són del curs de monitors de Nadal, però encara sou a temps d'apuntar-vos al pròxim curs: www.fundacioesplaigirona.org CURS DE SETMANA SANTA Modalitat: Extensiu Nombre d'hores: 100h Dies: 24, 25 i 31 de març, de l'1 al 5 d'abril i 14, 15, 21 i 22 d'abril Horari: De 9:00 a 13:30 i de 15:00 a 19:30 Lloc: Locals de l'Escola de l'Esplai a Girona Edat: A partir de 18 anys Preu: 230 € Inscripcions: Fins el 9 de març de 2012
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Sortideta amb amics desde Canet d'Adri per pujar a Rocacorba i baixar per la riera. 20 km 800+ per anar fent boca !!!
Notícies Vespre 20-10-2015 Pots veure l'informatiu complet a http://ib3tv.com/carta?id=c94b972b-44b4-4b78-8804-2b031be2c317
The horse racing game, a realistic 3D representation of horse racing, has 8 to 14 horses’ participants from a database of 600 horses and offers a variety of simple and complex bet types such as Win, Place, Forecast and Tricast. Each horse is distinguished by horse color and silk color. The objective of the game is to predict the result of the race. Key Features: HD Graphics, Effortless installation, Attractive Interface, In game advertising,25 events per hour Languages: E N,IT,SP,CH (all upon request) Platforms: Retail, Online, Mobile, VLT
Notícies Vespre 20-10-2015 Pots veure l'informatiu complet a http://ib3tv.com/carta?id=c94b972b-44b4-4b78-8804-2b031be2c317
Pastor Gino Jennings - The Book of Revelation Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Luk 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Rev 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. Rev 5:2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? Rev 5:3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. Rev 5:4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, n...
Avui dimecres 15 de març arriba un nou programa a Canal Terrassa (21:00) i a Vallès Oriental TV (18:30) on parlarem de tres noves experiències educatives molt diferents però on la tecnologia i el seu aprenentatge juga un paper important. Al primer reportatge anirem fins a Sant Cugat per assistir a la tercera edició de les HP Code Wars on van participar més de 325 alumnes d'arreu de Catalunya d'ESO i batxillerat. Explicarem com funciona la competició, que fan els professors durant les tres hores que dura la prova i no poden ajudar al seu alumnat i, finalment, reflexionarem si la programació te un bon encaix al currículum. Al segon reportatge visitarem Les Franqueses del Vallès amb els alumnes de cinquè de l'escola Guerau de Liost. I ho farem gràcies a que realitzen el seu projecte Geocating...
ORDRE DEL DIA DEL PLE ORDINARI DEL DIA 21 DE DESEMBRE DE 2015 Em plau convocar-vos a la sessió ordinària del Ple que tindrà lloc dilluns dia 21 de desembre de 2015 a les 20 hores, amb el següent ordre del dia: 1r.- APROVACIÓ de l’acta del ple ordinari del dia 23 de novembre de 2015 2n.- DONAR COMPTE del Decret de l’Alcaldia d’11 de desembre de 2015 de comparèixer davant el Jutjat Contenciós Administratiu 2 de Girona en el procediment abreujat núm. 372/2015. (Exp.: 958/2015) 3r.- DONAR COMPTE del Decret de l’Alcaldia d’11 de desembre de 2015 de comparèixer davant el Jutjat Contenciós Administratiu 3 de Girona en el procediment abreujat núm. 385/2015. (Exp.: 959/2015) SERVEIS GENERALS I ECONÒMICS, SERVEIS A LES PERSONES, ACCIÓ SOCIAL I HABITATGE 4t.- RATIFICAR el Decr...
Aquí teniu el curt #2. Recordeu que l'avançament és en 6 hores, a www,curtslariera.blogspot.com. Ens veiem allà!