FIFA's recently elected PresidentGianni Infantino told its governing council a salary offer made to him by the soccer group's compensation committee was "insulting," according to report by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The newspaper's report, based on the leak of a recording... ....
The Vermont senator was adamant that Clinton pick a hardline progressive for vice president if she successfully secures the Democratic nomination for president....
Donald Trump. A federal judge ordered the release of Trump University internal documents, including marketing "playbooks," connected with an ongoing fraud lawsuit against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's now-defunct series of courses on real estate and investing, The Washington Post reported. In his decision, JudgeGonzalo Curiel ordered the documents, totaling about 1,000 pages, must be released by June 2 ... ....
(Source. AlbaMineral Resources plc) fab99eb6-bd1b-4d61-95ec-50b60b912378.pdf. 26 May 2016 Alba Mineral Resources plc. ("Alba" or the "Company") Alba exercises option to earn into Amitsoq graphite project in southern Greenland. Alba Mineral Resources plc (AIM...George Frangeskides, who is Executive Chairman of Alba, is also non-executive Chairman of Artemis ... Jason Robertson / Neil Badger +44 1293 517744 About Alba....
(Source. Baoxin AutoGroupLimited) E160493A_Baoxin 1..4. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement ...1293) ... OF ... AND....
(Source. Gatwick AirportLimited). 25/05/2016 Carbon emissions cut by over 32% and water use by 29% in last five years Zero operational waste sent to landfill with 49% recycled Gatwick spent over £71 million with local suppliers and employs nearly 12,000 people from the local area ... The ten targets that make up the Decade of Change report are set over a ten year period (2010 to 2020) ... The choice is obvious ... Notes ... t. + 44 (0) 1293 505000. e....
(Source. Gatwick AirportLimited) ...Europe's third-largest low cost airline, Norwegian, has today said that it is considering new transatlantic flights from Edinburgh, and has urged Scots businesses and policymakers to support the case for Gatwick Airport's expansion to promote more competition in the UK airports market and more choice for Scots ... Gatwick Airport CEOStewart Wingate said. ... Norwegian in the UK ... t. + 44 (0) 1293 505000. e....
(Source. BabsonCapitalManagementLLC). CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 19, 2016/PRNewswire / -- Babson Capital Management, one of the world's leading asset management firms, announced today that it served as joint lead arranger on a senior secured credit facility to support Genstar Capital in its acquisition of Accruent LLC from TA Associates... 'Babson is excited to partner with Genstar on its investment in Accruent,' said Brian C ... 16/1293 ... (noodl....
(Source. Gatwick AirportLimited). 19/05/2016 Help for passengers with hidden disabilities who may require additional support Voluntary trial product of partnership with UK charities and OCS If successful, it could be adopted across the country's transport network ... The lanyard will ensure staff are aware passengers may ... GatwickChief Executive, Stewart Wingate said. ... Aviation MinisterRobert Goodwill said. ... t. + 44 (0) 1293 505000. e ... (noodl....